Dragon is very vivid in the idiom, which produces a unique Chinese cultural phenomenon around the dragon character.

Let's talk about the text first.

The word "字, pronounced dada, which means that the dragons are flying flying. I believe no one has seen the dragon.Just like the dragon Feifeng dance, the dragon tiger step, the crocodile tiger, the dragon, the dragon is very vivid in the idiom, and it produces a unique Chinese cultural phenomenon around the dragon characters.

The year of Jiachen Dragon is coming, and the dragons have been seen locally. Three traditional dragon characters are arranged into a strange word "龘" in the form of the museum.Students who are difficult to learn in Chinese.

The term "龘龘" has a total of six dragons. In the hexagrams of the Book of Changes, six dragons are also hidden, perhaps a coincidence.The Qiankun Second Gua in the Book of Changes is the parents of all things in the world.It is yang and the sky, which represents strength and strong.Qian Gua contains six hexagrams related to the dragon, such as: nineth day, do not use Qianlong; 92, see the dragon in the field; nine three, alert dragon; 94th, dragon jumping in Yuanyuan; nineteenth five, flying dragon is in the dragon, flying dragon is in the dragon, the dragon is in is inGod; Shangjiu, Kang Long has regrets!

There are two clouds in the poems of Li Baishu Dao of the Tang Dynasty: "There are six dragons to return to the sun in the sun, and there is a rumor to return to Sichuan."God drove Liulong car.

China CCTV recently announced that the theme of the Spring Festival Gala 2024 is "Longxingxin Xinxin Home"."Xinxin Homeland" is easy to understand, but "Longxing" is very tortured, and the word "is difficult to stuff a lot of educated youths. Therefore, the online word of mouth is not good, and it is considered that such a remote word should not be used.

Chinese expert Wang Huidi published a said "龘" , specifically discuss the word three dragons.Teacher Wang's hometown of Changzhou, originally known as "Longcheng". At the end of last year, he specially selected the "龘" character as an annual Chinese character. It is expected that in 2024, "Longcheng" can develop like a group of dragons.

He quoted the interpretation of the Jade of Jade in the regular script and foresee that the dead word "龘" will start to live this year, and there will be a strong momentum of life.

I asked Teacher Wang through WeChat. He said that the words of the Chinese character 8105 characters in China do not accept this word, so he did not support the death and resurrected.

Whenever the Chinese New Year comes, people will play a homophonic text game with the zodiac signs of the twelve years."过", the Spring Festival will disappear.

The Singaporeans have always been alone for the year of the Dragon. The year of seeing the year of the dragon is a good year. This year's fertility rate is expected to stop falling back. The government must have high hopes for the Year of the Dragon.

Singapore's fertility rate hit a record low last year. According to the National Population and Talent Agency's 2023 Population Briefing released on September 29 last year, citizen babies born in 2022 were 4%less than 2021.The rate is only 1.04.

These data have attracted the attention of many people. The two readers voted in October last year to join the Morning Post · Exchange Station, calling on the government to attach importance to the challenges of the decline in fertility and suggest that the government improves the tax system and encourages professional women.

When the National Population and Talent Agency answered readers, they were relatively optimistic that "we have reason to have hope", because the willingness of the Singaporeans to get married and have a strong willingness.

Marriage and fertility survey in 2021 found that 80%of young singles still have strong willingness to get married and fertility, and more than 90%of the married Singaporeans want to have at least two children.The cost of raising children and the ability to take into account work and family responsibilities is a factor that they considers before forming a family.

The government has adopted a series of measures for many years, including supporting young couples to have their own housing; vigorously investing in medical care and education, so that each child has a good starting point; in 2023, the fiscal budget announced the improvement of baby bonus plans,Increase economic assistance to children's growth stage.In addition, children's estimated tax rebates, parent tax rebates, and on -service mothers and daughters have tax deduction, to support married women to continue working after childbirth, etc. It is difficult to list.The government has worked hard in these years, and has done its do not.

From another perspective, if the government has not continuously launched targeted rewards, it is believed that the marriage rate and fertility rate will be lower.The young couples are not well performed, and the government cannot be discouraged. They must continue to work hard on improving the fertility rates and the national plan.

A few days ago, the Singapore Perspective Forum at Singapore Perspectives at the Singapore Perspective Forum 2024 survey at the Singapore Policy Research Institute shows that more than 80 %Get married or give birth.However, those who intend to organize their families still account for the majority. Single youths who are expected to get married will account for 68%, and 67%of those who are not fertilized hope that there will be children in the future.

Among local youths 21 to 34, as many as 82%can accept singles, and the proportion is the highest among the three ages of the investigation.74%of the young women think that there is no need to get married, and only 64%of men holding the same view.There are 75%of women who do not need to have children, seven percentage points higher than men's 68%.

The above data makes people worry about. In reality, there is often a population that they do not want to get married, which may be "the fate has not arrived."People's wishes and ideas will change due to different time and environment. Therefore, we cannot be disappointed by men and women who are currently single, nor can we give up lightly with young couples who are afraid of being parents.Qiankun has a fixed number, the world is artificial!