Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Yanzhou

The Russian conflict will enter the third year after the outbreak.However, recently, there have been many rumors of "Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander Zalu" on social media in Ukraine.In the past few weeks, more and more speculation of the tension between President Zeyski and his highest commander.

Recently, official institutions such as the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Presidential Office and other official institutions have successively denied the authenticity of the rumors.Tashiro's day on January 30, he "proved that" he was still on his post on social media.

Multi -party analysis believes that the rumors of "Zalu's duty within the day" are not groundless, and the disclosure of Zelei and Zalu has lasted for several months.According to the analysis, the situation of the battlefield may lead to tight relationships, but the other reason may be politically.Zalu was welcomed in Ukraine.Ukrainian media said that if Zalu was running for president in the day, he would be the biggest challenger of Zellezki.

Tian Dewen, an expert on European Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview with the Hong Kong News Agency recently that the contradiction between Zellenzki and Zalu has a long history. It is about one year, and it has now been superficial.Their main differences lies in the command and combat strategy of the battlefield.In order to get NATO's continuous support, Zelei has been promoting counterattacks, but Zalu believes that the counterattack under the air advantage is impossible, so he expects higher military aid for the F16 fighter.

Tian Dewen said that Zelei Sky also repeatedly "put the wind" and wanted to withdraw from Zalu, but Zalu had a relatively high reputation in NATO in the NATO. It is not particularly easy to change him to change.In addition, Ukraine may now hold a presidential election. Zalu is a strong competitor in the day. Due to this political background, it becomes more difficult to replace him than before.In addition, Zalu is now not only in the army, but also in Ukraine, and there are quite supporters in NATO, so the subsequent development needs to be observed.

It is reported that a British media analyzed that the failure of the summer counterattack in Ukraine has led to the tension between Zellennki and Zalu.The counterattack offensive that the Ukraine began in June 2023 failed to break through the Russian defense line.

In November 2023, Zalu said in an interview with the media that he believed that the Russian -Ukraine conflict had fallen into a deadlock and called on the West to provide new assistance.

But a few days later, Zerrenki publicly refuted this statement.He said at the time that everyone would feel tired, but this was not a deadlock, and the F-16 fighters newly provided by Western countries may bring breakthroughs.

Another analyst said that the real differences between President Ukraine and his highest general seemed political.Zalu was welcomed in Ukraine in the day, and his lofty status annoyed Zellenzki's camp.

Zalu has never publicly revealed the willingness of politics.However, the Ukraine media quoted a poll data that if Zalu was running in the day, he would be the biggest challenger of Zellezki. The poll results showed that Zeelianzki had only 2%of the weak advantage of Zalu.At that time, the Ukrainian President's Office responded that he had not heard of the public opinion investigation.

Ukrainian law is prohibited from holding presidential elections in the state of war.The Ukrainian Central Election Commission previously stated that Zerrenzki will continue to perform presidential positions after the expiry of his term.However, Ukraine's political and media recent discussions should also be held in the conflict during the conflict.

Ukrainian media commented that such rumors will adversely affect the unity of Ukraine's leadership and the front of Ukraine. Ukraine officials need to show a stronger unified position.The Russian media commented on these rumors that even if Zalu's day was really fired, it was not important for Russia, and it would not have a significant impact on the process of the conflict.However, this rumor highlights the severe division of the leadership of Wu.