It must be pointed out that Indonesia has continued to invite Western countries to make greater investment.However, these countries are now paying attention to the domestic economy, and in the face of the Russian and Ukraine War and the conflict of Harbin, have greatly weakened their interest in international trade and investment.China uses this rare opportunity to find partners around the world, especially Africa and Southeast Asia to expand its economic influence.

On December 24 last year, a Chinese -funded Aoyama Enterprise Nickel Processing Factory in Morovali Industrial Park, Indonesia, Indonesia. 19 workers died and more than 40 were injured.staff.Afterwards, hundreds of Indonesian workers demonstrated demonstrations, requiring factories to improve their working environment and increase losses.However, it has not developed into a national demonstration.

Before, many employee casualties occurred in the Nickel Mine Processing Plant. The recent period of the Indonesian Times Weekly reported that in the past 2023, a total of 20 workers' casualties occurred in the nickel mine processing plant. This time, this timeThe number of casualties is the largest.However, the nickel mine processing plant still failed to improve the safety environment, and Indonesia's supervision was also omissions.Time monster Zoko government would rather sacrifice its own people in order to "introduce foreign capital."In the era, the explosion of the China -Enterprise Aoyama in Indonesia's nickel mines was covered by an explosion accident, which was noticeable.The Indonesian nickel ore is the foundation of the "downstream industry" of the Zoko government. The purpose is to process nickel ore seedlings to create semi -finished products, so that it can be sold at a higher price and increases national revenue.Today's explosion and workers' casualties have given Zako's political opponent a handle.There are still two weeks before the presidential election; will this incident become a topic of the Indonesian presidential election?

In fact, some of the previous anti -Zoko politicians and intellectuals have been dissatisfied with the Chinese nickel mine processing plant.Not long ago, the former Vice President Yuscara, who supported Anis as a presidential candidate, publicly accused China of controlling 90%of Indonesia's nickel ore and shipped most of the nickel ore products back to China for it.Meet China's needs.He said that Indonesia's nickel mines support the Chinese industry, not Indonesia's industry.He also said: "China has achieved the biggest profits, but Indonesia has to make a small profit." He also criticized the Zoko government's policy, which led Indonesia to rely on "Chinese technology" in the nickel mining industry.

China's influence on Indonesia's economy is gradually increasing, which is an indispensable fact; however, Indonesia has different views on this point.The Indonesian elites and people in the anti -China and China used this issue to attack Zoko in the presidential elections in 2014 and 2019.This time, Zoko's economic policy, especially the "downstream industrial" policy, gave the Chinese enterprise red carpet -like treatment. Will the elite and the people of anti -Zoko use this as a campaign issue?

I think the presidential election is different from the past.First, the three presidential candidates this time support the "downstream" policy of nickel ore today, and implementing this policy requires investment in Chinese enterprises to varying degrees.In order to develop nickel mining, the government needs capital and technology, and has publicly invited countries around the world to invest in Indonesia to invest in nickel mine processing plants.The United States, the European Union, Japan, and China have responded.However, in terms of price and technology, China is the best return to Indonesia, so Indonesia cooperates with China.No matter who elected the next president, it must be a good relationship with China.

The second, the three candidates have a good relationship with China.When Anis was the head of Jakarta, he discussed the possibility of forming a "sister city" with the Chinese ambassador to Indonesia.When Gandchar was served as Governor of Java, the introduction of considerable Chinese companies invested in the local area.Plabowava did not resist China. As the Minister of Defense of Zako, he met with former Chinese Defense Director Wei Fenghe several times and promoted the possibility of India -China cooperation in the military industry.

When the three presidential candidates were propagating, none of them said they had any dissatisfaction with China.However, Anis said he would invite the United States and Western countries to invest in Indonesia in Indonesia; Gander also said that Western countries and Japan would invite Western countries and Japan to invest in Indonesia.

Zoko government is confident in future cooperation between Jakarta and Beijing.In December 2023, Eric Thohir, the Minister of Investment and Investment, Indonesia, delivered a speech at the 4th Indonesian Chinese business partner meeting held at the province of East Ninushadara.Investors play the role of industrial pioneer in Indonesia, lay the foundation of Indonesia's upstream industry, and develop Indonesian remote areas.

Toshill pointed out that since the signing of a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between the two countries in China in 2013, several major projects have been completed, including the Jakarta -Vanlon high -speed rail and green energy transformation.He also said that the two countries of India and China will have long -term cooperation because it is based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, and mutual benefit.

Needless to doubt that China's role in Indonesia's investment and economy has grown rapidly during the Zoko government period, which is well cooperated with Indonesia's goal of industrialization through infrastructure construction and downstream industries.Nevertheless, China has worried the control of the nickel mineral industry in Indonesia.In fact, Indonesia's current nickel -mine processing products, because of "Chinese factors", cannot enter the US market.

It must be pointed out that Indonesia has continuously invited Western countries to make greater investment.However, these countries are now paying attention to the domestic economy, and in the face of the Russian and Ukraine War and the conflict of Harbin, have greatly weakened their interest in international trade and investment.China uses this rare opportunity to find partners around the world, especially Africa and Southeast Asia to expand its economic influence.

Although the Presidential election of Indonesia this year, the "Chinese factor" may not be a topic in conference, but analysts believe that Indonesia needs to deal with many domestic elites and people's economic influence on China's continuous growth, and the security of Indonesia people and the security of the Indonesian people.And welfare affects topics.Indonesia must expand the scope of investment countries and cooperate with many countries to avoid being manipulated by a single country.

The author is a senior visiting professor at the Singapore Yusov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute Nanyang University of Technology Radalon South International Research Institute