With the rapid development of the Internet and social media, we have entered the digital era, and the speed and scale of information dissemination are unprecedented.However, at the same time, we also face a serious problem: the rise of information cocoon rooms (or echo chamber, Echo Chamber) and radical concepts brought by social media algorithms.

Information Cocoon Room refers to the limitations of individuals in the information environment that individuals are filtered, screened and customized on social media platforms.The social media algorithm is to provide a series of rules and algorithms designed by personalized user experience.

The formation of information cocoons is a complex and multi -dimensional process. Among them, user preferences play a key role in the formation of information cocoons.Social media platforms have obtained a lot of user data through tracking and record users' behaviors and interests on the platform.Based on these data, algorithms can analyze user preferences and predict what they may be interested in.This personalized customization method is more likely to contact information that is consistent with their views, thereby enhancing and consolidating their views.

In addition, social influence is also an important factor in the formation of information cocoons.Social media platforms provide users with opportunities to communicate and interact with people with similar views to form a similar social circle.In this circle, users are more likely to contact information consistent with their own opinions and reduce contact opportunities in the opposite view.

Information filtering and sorting is another important mechanism for the formation of information cocoon rooms in social media platforms.The platform's algorithm will filter, sort and customize information based on user behavior and preferences.This personalized display method can indeed meet the needs of most users and make it easier for them to find what they are interested in.However, this customization also has a negative effect, leading to the formation of information cocoon rooms.Because the algorithm will only consider the user's past behavior and preferences, which means that some content may be ignored or hidden, or even distorted.In this case, the information on the platform will become single, making it difficult for users to contact other views and opinions.In this way, users may not make wise decisions because of lack of diversified information, and their thinking is easier to shape.

In the context of information cocoon rooms, the concept of radicalism is booming.The information that individuals contact in information cocoon rooms are mainly consistent with their own opinions. This consistency makes some people more vulnerable to attraction and influence of radical ideas.They may be caught in a closed information environment, only exposed to extreme views, and lack of dialogue and communication with different opinions.This exacerbates the spread of social division and radicalism, making individual understanding and understanding of complex issues, one -sided and simplified.Therefore, information cocoon houses not only have a profound impact on individual ideas, but also pose a potential threat to the stability and harmony of society.

The development of social media and algorithms brings us a convenient and personalized experience, but we also need to aware of potential risks.As an individual, we should strive to break the information cocoon room, actively seek diversified information sources, and cultivate critical thinking and information.

At the same time, social media platforms and related agencies should also bear corresponding responsibilities, take measures to balance personal and social interests, and ensure the diversity and fairness of information, so that we can better cope with information cocoon houses and social media algorithmsThe challenge to realize the freedom and development of individual thought.In this process, education and publicity play an important role, help the public better understand the problem of information cocoons, and promote people to participate in diversified information exchanges and promote social dialogue with rational and openness.

The author is Malaysian data engineer, former media person