When the UN Secretary -General Gutres spoke in the "77th National Group" and the third southern summit in China, he issued a nearly desperate appeal.First of all, it is necessary to immediately achieve humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, allowing humanitarian assistance to everyone in need, and promoting the "immediately and unconditional" release.

Getres has not made such an appeal for the first time, but has not caused positive response from all parties so far.Since Hamas attacked Israel in early October last year, Israel ’s military operations on Gaza have no signs of stopping.With the spillover effect of Harbin -warfire, the fire has obviously expanded. The fire points in the Middle East have been four, the missiles flies, the situation is extremely critical, and the risk of out of control is getting greater and increasingly.

The latest reports said that the Middle East countries Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen have been attacked by missiles on weekends. The confrontation between Iran and allies and the United States is increasing, and the risk of litting a wider area of ​​war in Gaza is increasing.Saudi Arabia expressed concerns about the tension of the Red Sea, and the UAE also warned that the United States had not had much time to avoid conflict expansion.

The government led by the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu is currently taking a very right -wing route. Vowing to destroy Hamas, resolutely oppose the ceasefire, and also rejected Hamas's recent hostage to replace the ceasefire, and even claimed that he would continue to be in the past.After the war, control the safety affairs of the Gaza Strip.

Nei Tanahu also resolutely does not accept the "two countries".The most noteworthy thing is that Neitanahu has recently publicly screamed with President Bynden in the United States. Does this mean that the United States has lost its control of Israel?

This is true, then the hope of Israel's ceasefire will become even more slim. The prospects of the Palestinian nation will also be pessimistic. What is even more unbearable is that the humanitarian crisis of Gaza worsen the day after day, and the number of people who died in the war of war continuedrising.In the face of unfavorable international public opinion, the United States has recently tried to persuade Israel. After phone calling with Neyahu on the 19th of this month, Biden said that Neitanhu may accept a certain form of two countries.He said that there are many plans for the two countries. Some countries are members of the United Nations, but they do not have a army.The implication is that Neganahu may accept the founding of the Palestinian, provided that it cannot have a army.

However, Neitanahu publicly refuted the next day, negating the claim that the Palestinian founded the country.His office stated that when Natalhu talked to Biden, "reiterating that he had to keep the security control of Gaza after the destruction of Hamas to ensure that Gaza would no longer pose a threat to Israel.This policy conflicts with the requirements of Palestine's sovereignty. "In this regard, the White House seems to be helpless.

In this regard, Gutres warned that Israel's plan to refuse Palestine's independence of the country is completely unacceptable, because the right to deprive the founding of the Palestinian people "will extend the endless period of this.Conflict of major threats ".In the case where Israel blocked the two countries' plans, other countries seemed to be fine, unless Neyahu stepped down and accompanied Israel's public opinion transformation.

But most countries in the world currently tend to support solutions between the two countries. One of the gradually formed consensus is that except for the two countries, there are no other alternatives that can be resolved by Pakistan.Linemap.The support of the two countries' plans is also the consistent position of the Singaporean government.

In 2016, Premier Li Xianlong visited Jordan, Israel, and Palestine for the first time as a prime minister, and said that according to his observation, Palestine understands the need for the formulation of the two countries in Palestine, and Israel has also relieved the two countries' plans.In fact, there are no other feasible alternatives.However, with the long history of Basan grievances, the two sides also have deep prejudice. It takes a long time to build mutual trust and establish mutual trust and friendship between each other.

This is indeed the case, and a war with the Kazakhstan seems to have made this beautiful hopes more out of reach.In addition to the United States, which has some constraints on Israel, other countries in the world seem to only work together to promote the two countries' plans.