As long as the environment permits and the conditions are mature, there may be more "Trump -style" characters appear, and the world is holding breath.However, it is necessary to be awake that if this "Trump Trustion" is viewed from the long -term perspective of human development, it is far greater than reasonable.

Trump, the 45th President of the United States, has never left people's attention after steps down. Even if the controversy is constant and the lawsuit is entangled, it is still the most powerful competitor of the 47th US president.When Trump became the president, the world appeared in the world, "British Trump" Johnson, "Brazil Trump" Bor Sonallo, "South Korea Trump" Yin Xiyue and other leaders.In the past three years, Trump's newly elected President Miri Miri was also known as "Argentine Trump" at the end of 2023; the leader of the Liberal Party (PVV) leader in the Dutch Parliament's election was called it"Dutch Trump".Is "Trump Trustion" coming again?

Trump can bring a whirlwind may not be accidental, and it may be the result of at least four factors.

The first is the background of populism.Trump is a successful businessman, but he did not stand on the side of the rich, but instead encouraged the blue -collar class and the bottom white people to resent the disadvantages of the rich and the poor and the slow development of the society.The potential allows you to win the regime, and he tries to fulfill his populist commitment after he takes power, so that he still has countless fans even after many years.

The hypocrisy of the traditional political figures

If he signed a tax reduction and employment bill signed on December 22, 2017, it is still the most important tax system reform bill in the United States after 1986, which is indeed conducive to improving employment and stimulating the economy.Although he proposed a trillion -dollar infrastructure construction plan, although it was not completely taken at the time, the current President Biden has actually continued this approach.Popularism always takes the real -time interests of the middle and lower civilians as the policy goal. Although it may be short -sighted and narrow, it is often the key to the success of the election politics.

The second is the impulse of anti -construction system.Trump is not a politician. He has continued scandals. He is in a lawsuit. He is suspected of tax evasion and tax evasion in business. He has been impeached twice as a president.However, his true temperament is in sharp contrast to the satirical fake Taoism he is ridiculed. Many people don't care how ridiculous him is, but more disgusted with the hypocrisy and arrogance of traditional politicians.

As long as any country has such an anti -building impulse, it is possible to create characters like Trump. Other politicians who have been labeled on Trump are also appearing against the face of the existing system.As for whether you can still adhere to the style of anti -building after being elected, it is another thing.However, after being elected as the president, Trump did not receive wages, criticized Congress, and appointed amateur governance of the country. Although the results were doubtful, it was a model of the implementation of anti -building characteristics to the end. To some extent, he won the trust of voters voting.This is also one of the reasons for his support rate.

Third, the national interests are supreme.Trump is patriotic, there is no doubt.Therefore, he puts national interests first, "Makes the United States again" (MAGA) becomes a slogan that can condense people's hearts. After all, the people of most countries are patriotic, which is also unquestionable.Trump's patriotism is to allow the United States to obtain more relative benefits. All policies, agreements, and treaties that may get more benefits will be thrown aside from climate change agreement to cross -Pacific partnership agreement (TPP TPP (TPP) And North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the military expenses of NATO and other allies, as long as he feels that the United States is suffering, or benefits is not as good as the other party, or pay more than others, he will stop or abolish it without hesitation.EssenceAlthough this seems to be hasty and quite horizontal, it is eagerly showing the patriotism in front of everyone, winning the favor and resonance of the ordinary people for him.The current "Trump" not only adheres to national interests, but also adheres to the relative interests of the country, and is always hanging on his mouth.

Fourth is the internal and external environment of turbulent restlessness.Trump is an opportunist. The chaos in the world today is an opportunity he feels unable to let go, which can greatly expand personal value.Although some people say that this is a political farce that is playing tickets, Trump does see the danger of this world. At present, the economic, ecological, health, military, politics and other fields are all in a sharp turbulence, and the world may be dragged into the abyss.If there are heroes in troubled times, but Trump did not launch a new war when he took office. This is rare among the US president and is worthy of recognition.What he wants to do is to seize the opportunity, keep the United States stable and healthy in this world, keep a distance from danger, and get more powerful opportunities.He was at all disdain the heavy responsibility of saving the world in the danger situation, and this was exactly what the people who criticized him wanted to see him leading the United States to do.Today's world is even more chaotic, and it also provides more opportunities and hope for "Trump".

Troubled in the war alone

From this point of view, "Trump Trustion" is not only not groundless, but also strong and powerful, and naturally it will attract many imitators everywhere.For example, the new President of Argentina Mirley claims to abolish the Argentine currency peso, bombard the central bank, and use the US dollar in an all -round way. It is because of the purpose of saving the country's poor economic state before giving more voters support.Verdes in the Netherlands advocated to withdraw from the European Union and refuses immigrants. The idea of ​​"returning the Netherlands to the Netherlands" is also the idea of ​​getting the Dutch in the current world crisis, so that his political party has won the initiative of the cabinet.

As long as the environment permits and the conditions are mature, there may be more Trump -style characters, and the world is holding a breath.However, it is necessary to be awake that if this "Trump Trustion" is viewed from the long -term perspective of human development, it is far greater than reasonable.Many Trump's policy claims are very similar to President Hoover from the "20 -year crisis" (1919 to 1939), not President Roosevelt, his successor.The former is committed to being alone in the global crisis, and the result has triggered vicious competition and even the world war.Therefore, most of the "Trump Trustle" is a clever and short -sighted politician, not a mature and wise politician.

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator