Source: China News Agency

Author: Xiang Lu Pacific

Hong Kong Statistics Monthly published a few days ago shows that Hong Kong men and women's average expected life expectancy in 2022 are 80.7 years and 86.8 years, which are comparable to economies of low mortality in Japan and Singapore.

The topic article entitled by the above publications from 1991 to 2022 pointed out that from 1991 to 2021, the mortality rate of Hong Kong's 65 to 84 -year -olds has improved significantly.

The simple impression of Hong Kong to the outside world is often the small living space and the pressure of work, and it seems that it is not commensurate with longevity.Why is the busy people who are busy in this high -speed business city so long?The following three points may be contributed.

First of all, it is a universal medical system and advanced medical level.The Hong Kong Hospital Administration's 43 public hospitals and medical institutions all over Hong Kong are divided into seven hospital networking. There are large comprehensive hospitals in each network, and the hospitals in each network are interconnected, allowing patients in the district to be patients in the district.Conditions can obtain continuous high -quality services at different stages such as onset and healing.

Hong Kong pursues the principle of not allowing citizens to obtain appropriate medical services due to economic difficulties. Due to the funding of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, public hospitals that provide more than 90 % of hospitalization services in Hong Kong are only symbolicly charged, which greatly guarantees "there is" there is "there is a" there isDemand for medical treatment.Even if the cost is up to hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars, the charges are not different.

Even, the SAR government has taken a higher step than "medical treatment". Starting from funding screening diseases, trying to maintain the health of Hong Kong people. The colorectal cancer screening plan launched many years ago is an example.Hong Kong's medical level is the world's leading world. Doctors here are often the most popular groups when they graduate from middle school. After high -level professional training, they give back to society with the heart of hanging pots.

Then it spares no effort to control tobacco and continues to reduce the rate of smoking.Colorectal cancer is the second common fatal cancer in Hong Kong, and it is the lung cancer that is closely related to smoking.In Hong Kong, through legislation, law enforcement, taxation, health education and other measures, it has controlled smoke control and achieved practical results.

In the 1980s, Hong Kong's smoking rate was 23.3%, and in 2021, it had fallen to a record low of 9.5%.In the same year, the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passed the prohibition of new types of tobacco products such as importing, manufacturing, and selling electronic smoke.A research results announced by the University of Hong Kong Medical College revealed that the low smoking rate was a vital reason for the longevity of Hong Kong people.At present, Hong Kong has set up a target that has further reduced the smoking rate to 7.8%in 2025.

Living in Hong Kong, it is not difficult to find that the packaging of cigarettes is always frightening. Black lungs, skeletons, and corpses ... Hong Kong has introduced text health warnings as early as 1983, and has been using smoke image warnings in 2007.The consequences of disaster at a glance undoubtedly caused a little psychological pressure on the buyers and reduce their smoking intention.

Furthermore is good living habits and close interpersonal relationships.Even though this factor is more personal, it is common.Hong Kong gathers global cuisine, and people also absorb diverse nutrition from a variety of ingredients, and in general, their diet is healthier and light.

Walking in the Hong Kong seaside, they can always meet citizens running along the coastline. Sports such as marathons and cross -sea swimming in the city can occasionally see officials and celebrities in person. Sports fitness is obviously popular.Hong Kong, which is surrounded by the sea, has many islands and mountains to provide good places for Hong Kong people to contact nature and cultivate the soul.

A Harvard University study by American psychologist Robert Walndinger found that the secret of people's happiness and longevity is to maintain a good interpersonal relationship.Modern Hong Kong is still a Chinese society that attaches importance to family relations, and many Hong Kong people are born, growing up, and employment are here. They are familiar with teachers and neighbors, and the community has strong humanity.

For many years in Hong Kong, reporters often feel goodwill from strangers.For example, if the laces are not tied, the backpack zipper is not stricter, people will have a good probability that people who will be applied by the shoulders will be promptly promptly prompt.

It can be seen that the longevity of Hong Kong people is indispensable for favorable conditions.