To maintain normal development, one is to ensure the interests of the taxpayer of the country, and you must not overdo the illegal immigrants with unlimited amounts of their wallets.Channel; Third, it is necessary to fulfill government responsibilities so that people have the minimum sense of life.This is the common sense that politicians must have. Now what the Democratic Party of the United States is done, it completely violates the common sense of life of human society.

Former US President Trump won an overwhelming victory in the Elych Election Primary Election on January 15, sweeping all 99 counties in the state.As a result, the Anti -Trump camp (the alliance formed by the name Republican in Name only in the American left camp and the Republican Party) is very unpleasant.: The Republican Party has been blue -collar, and supports Trump's "Make America Great Again again". The masses have not educated the masses. Republicans who have been educated by university support Desantis and Heili.The essence of this statement is to describe the fierce confrontation between Trump's supporters and opponents, to say it is a dispute between civilization and anti -civilization between the highly educated elite and the grassroots of lack of education.

But the fact is far from this, but this statement is amplified through the media, which has become a cognition that people accept it without distinguishing.

Behind the promotion of the caliber of the left camp

Unlike the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times on January 15th how the Republicans who have received college education have re -fell in love with Trump's statement.The Republican Party gave it to Trump, but to ensure that he continued to have this party, it may be those conservatives who have received college education.These people are still the core in the endless Republican Cold War that surrounds abortion, foreign policies and cultural issues.

The article of the New York Times quotes a polls jointly conducted by the University of Safakkka and the United States today: Trump received 62%of Republican voters support, of which 60%have college degrees.Other surveys also reveal similar trends.However, the New York Times wants to say this process as a change since 2023. For example, this article says: 14 months ago, a polls from the same polls, Sagako University and the United States today.61%of Republican voters said they still support Trump's policies, but hoped that "Republican nominated another presidential candidate."Among them, 76%were agreed by Republicans of university education.

Nevertheless, the New York Times still insists: an interview with more than 20 Republican voters who have received college education show that their support for the former president seems to be mainly due to the response to the current political climate, rather than the sudden request to joinThe ranks of the red hat citizen of the country of "restoring the great glory of the United States" -s "seemingly" is completely speculative. They believe that the Disandis supported by Republican voters who have been "educated by college" has officially announced the withdrawal from January 21stCampaign and support Trump.

Export polls of the 2016 election of the 2016 election that was deliberately refrigerated by the left

The statement about Trump's supporters is low in education, and after the 2016 election, it was confirmed to be a lie.With the New York Times Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, which is tied to the Three United States Newspaper, has been confirmed that this is a lies of wishing for the left camp as early as November 29, 2016.

Here I have to explain what "export polls".The word is translated from EXIT POLL, and it is also often called "Ticket Station Survey". It refers to the polls of the public opinion survey of those who have just completed the voting intention during the election.The main purpose is to analyze and interpret the voting behavior of voters and know the true election.Compared with the pre -elected poll, export polls can truly reflect the voting voting situation.Scholars in many countries and regions will also cooperate with academic organizations to conduct ticket stations and analyze relevant data.

In 2016, there was an unprecedented phenomenon in the United States: Trump supporters did not dare to say their own political tendencies, because the mainstream media in the United States at that time adopted a stigmatized way to support Trump supporters, saying that they were all they were allHillary Clinton, who has not educated blue -collar workers and low -income people, call them "a sad group."But the fact that the aforementioned Washington Post 2016 election export polls are:

1. Among college graduates, 45%support Trump and 49%support Hillary.58%of all voters with a master's or doctoral degree support Hillary, while Trump's supporters are only 37%.

2. This election cannot be simply summarized as a confrontation between "grassroots and elites".Among the low -income groups with an annual income of less than $ 50,000 (about S $ 67,000), Hillary Bit Trump is more popular, and among high -income people with an annual income of more than 100,000 US dollars, Trump BibihralaLi's support rate is still one percentage point (48%than 47%).

This poll has once again proved that the Democratic Party is mainly a minority and women. The two include many welfare families with ability to work but do not work, that is, "ignorant girls" (no party, intellectuals, ethnic minorities, ethnic minorities, Women) and higher educators who have served in universities and governments.

2024 Election: American Battle of the United States

Why is this year's general election that is the battle for Americans to recapture the United States?This article should be analyzed from three aspects.

1. The United States is now the only country in the world without borders.On January 20, 2021, Biden signed the president of the open border.According to the US Immigration and Customs Law Enforcement Agency (ICE) 2023 fiscal year, the number of illegal immigrants who have not been detained is: 3.7 million in fiscal 2021, nearly 4.8 million in fiscal 2022, and the increase in fiscal 2023 to 6.2 million. ThreeA total of 14.7 million years.Considering that these people are all strong men, the pressure to bring to the United States in the future will be huge.This is a proof that the Democratic Party only considers the establishment of ticket warehouses and completely disregard the national interests.

2. Americans should restore the opportunity to be equal on the basis of constitutional government and rule of law, and market principles based on capacity competition.

The United States used to talk about races and nations in the past. Many of the opportunities of abilities, many successful people are immigrants or offspring.The new identity politics that retreats to race, gender, and sexual orientation is that its key is to violate the principle of social upsurge determined by the British bourgeoisie of human society since the 17th century -the principle of competition in accordance with personal abilities does not follow the personal ability.According to the so -called race (skin tone), gender, and sexual orientation, it is decided to enroll, employment, promotion, etc., and I have refuted in Harvard's new American political veil (January 8, 2024, January 8, 2024).

3. Americans want to restore the rule of law and order.Starting from the Democratic Party's favors of the crime of "black life" (BLM), the rule of law and order that Americans had proudly were eroded and destroyed.Since the Democratic Party launched the BLM movement in the United States in May 2020, the Democratic Party leaders of various states and cities in charge of the Democratic Party have canceled police funds (Defund the Police), released criminal prisoners, and reduced criminal standards.Following California's implementation of less than 1,000 US dollars, it is not a crime, New York has followed the launch of similar laws. San Francisco, New York City, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago have all become famous criminal cities in the United States.

In November 2023, a survey released by Gallop showed that 40%of Americans said they were afraid that they would walk alone within one mile in the evening.This crimeThe last level of the worry indicator was in 1993. At that time, it was one of the worst criminal waves in American history. 43%of them said they would be afraid.

Americans are also worried that the Bayeng government is more and more involved in wars around the world, and the 40 -year -old inflation that the Biden government has opened will continue.But compared with the above three aspects, these concerns are much more time.

To maintain normal development, one is to ensure the interests of the taxpayers in the country, and they cannot infinitely overdraw their wallets to raise unlimited illegal immigrants.It is to fulfill government responsibilities so that people have the minimum sense of life security.This is the common sense that politicians must have. Now what the Democratic Party of the United States is done, it completely violates the common sense of life of human society.

Based on the above analysis, the 2024 American election is a confrontation between common sense and anti -common sense. It is not only related to the US National Games, but also related to whether the world must accept the new universal value LGBTQI+(sex minority) that the world is forcibly promoted by the United States.

The author is a Chinese economist in the United States