Minister of Communications and News Yang Liming, on January 17 at the Davos Forum in Switzerland, shared the draft of Singapore's newly launched formation artificial intelligence governance framework.The governance framework is divided into nine aspects, that is, accountability, data, development and use, reporting, testing, security, content sources, research, and public interests. I believe this is the world's first multi -faceted governance framework for generating artificial intelligence.Yang Liming's sharing framework at the Davos Forum, which is gathered in the crown, helps Singapore's place where Singapore has paid attention to the development of artificial intelligence regulatory worldwide.

The draft governance framework was jointly announced by the Artificial Intelligence Verification Foundation and the Information Communication Media Development Bureau on January 16.The Foundation is established by the Asset Media Bureau. At present, there are more than 50 members, including the main characters in the field of artificial intelligence, such as Google, International Business Machinery Company (IBM), Microsoft, Xinshi Bank, Xinhang, etc., showing that these artificial artificial intelligence innovation is displayedThe cutting -edge international enterprises look at re -regulating the organizational ability of regulatory.Their participation also allows the foundation and the draft framework to have certain international authority. It may attract more like -minded countries and institutions to join, forming a virtuous circle of Matthew effect.

Yang Liming revealed that the US government is discussing cooperation with Singapore on this issue, showing that the world's leading power of artificial intelligence innovation attaches importance to the contribution of Singapore.The use of many generations of artificial intelligence is still in the trial stage. The development process involves various types of operators, so it is necessary to formulate a clear accountability mechanism.In this initial stage, it is entered into it, so that Singapore can obtain the first -mover advantage, and strives for its own right to speak in the formulation of the rules in the key areas of the generation of artificial intelligence.The meaning of among them cannot be underestimated.For small countries, it is self -evident that the economic and diplomatic value can be established in a specific field.

The trend has been increasingly proven to the emergence of genetic artificial intelligence brings great opportunities and challenges.It has an endless production potential that it can achieve, and it is not difficult to imagine the leap breakthrough of civilization.At the same time, this new technology will inevitably explode a great creative destructive power, completely subvert the existing economic structure. While generating a large number of new employment opportunities, it also eliminates many existing positions.It possibly threatened human civilization and even triggering concerns about the intellectual and industry.Therefore, how to effectively regulate the development of artificial intelligence technology must be effectively worked together by the international community.

Since all countries are facing effective supervision problems, this effort must first start with a basic consensus. As Yang Liming said, it is necessary to have an international dialogue: "In order to make progress, someone must make some suggestions and put them on the desktop.We can then further enrich the content of global dialogue.The governance framework is therefore an example of Singapore's positive contribution, showing how small countries seize the opportunity, and play an example of an important role in the world.

In addition to actively contributing to the international community, Singapore itself must also be fully prepared.Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai revealed when the national artificial intelligence strategy 2.0 announced in December last year that in order to attract the world's top artificial intelligence creators to work, and to cultivate local artificial intelligence expertise, the artificial intelligence potential of developing the country will be fully developed.Expand the local practitioners to 15,000, create an iconic base, allow artificial intelligence creators and employees to work together, and cultivate local industrial groups.

The increasingly unstable international geopolitics, which constitutes greater challenges to the survival and development of small countries.The Russian and Uchians weakened the territorial integrity of sovereignty and the sacredness of international law. It showed that terrorism threatened by the conflict of the Harbin conflict, and the contempt for war crimes and humanitarianism. The Red Sea crisis derived from the conflict impacts the global supply chain.Therefore, Singapore must seize any opportunities, especially the technology and economic frontier fields such as generating artificial intelligence. By advocating new concepts or organizational forms, we will strengthen their international values ​​and improve their influence to ensure their future.