Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Yanzhou

In the past few years, as the Russian and Ukraine war has gradually been stagnant, especially Kiev's highly anticipated counterattack, it has failed to make breakthroughs.

The Bolt by the United States has made the new bill of assistance to Ukraine unable to introduce.On December 6, local time, the White House proposed a proposal to provide Ukraine with more than $ 60 billion in assistance funds and failed to obtain it in the US Senate.On the 12th, President Zelei asked the US Congress to quickly approve more assistance to Kiev in Washington, but was resisted by the Republicans of Congress.

Not only is there differences between the domestic aid in the United States, but also cracks in Europe.

Hungarian Prime Minister Orbane recently exercised veto at the European Union Summit in Brussels to prevent loans and gifts from providing a total value of 50 billion euros in Ukraine.In addition, the winner of the Dutch Parliament election and the Liberal Party leader, Valdes, announced that it was "not interested in the signing of a assistance agreement with the Ukraine that conflict with Russia or bankruptcy."In Austria, Liberal Party Chairman Kikell's polls led the lead. He recently said that after the 2024 election won, he will refuse to continue to continue his "War -Belief Sanctions Policy" on Russia and promote peaceful negotiations on Ukraine's future.

The European Council stated that since the outbreak of Russia and Ukraine in February last year, the European Union and its member states have provided about 85 billion euros to Ukraine.

Will Western countries continue to assist Ukraine?Wang Yili, director of the Institute of International Affairs of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with the Hong Kong News Agency recently that the prerequisite for the assistance is that Ukraine can defeat Russia, so that some people will pay "pay", such as Russia's land cut compensation, but now Ukraine defeats Russia nowBasically, it is the night.In addition, the European Union must issue subsidies to other European countries, and we must not only give Ukraine.

But Wang Yili said that it is not feasible that the United States and Europe would not help Ukraine at all, because the face could not be passed.The United States wants to be elected, and the European Parliament will also be elected in June next year, so it is still necessary to assist Ukraine a little.If it is not given at all, Ukraine will not only win, but the internal regime will collapse, it will be overthrown, and there will be chaos and disturb Europe.But there is indeed no money in the West and no ammunition.Zelezzki originally wanted $ 60 billion in the United States, but the result was only 200 million, which is already symbolic. As long as it is maintained in Ukraine's basic life, it is enough.

On December 12, local time, when he met Zemiliansky in the White House Oval Office, Biden told reporters that he signed a newly -value US military aid worth 200 million US dollars, and said that the funds had received the funds before getting the funds had been received before.Congress approval.

It is reported that conservative groups in the Republican Party of the House of Representatives in the United States strongly oppose Aid Ukraine. They believe that Ukraine's counterattack is not effective, and Ukraine is a bottomless hole, and there are many places that need to be solved in the United States and there are also many places that spend money.Pay attention should be focused in the United States, and it must be stopped on the Ukrainian issue, and no money can be smashed.

The war of Ukraine has lasted for 22 months. After the summer counterattack failed, the front line of the eastern part of Ukraine was not very optimistic about Kiev.With the continuous local war in many places around the world, international attention is no longer concentrated in Ukraine.What will happen to Ukraine in the next step, it is really difficult to predict.