A society that does not talk about filial piety. First of all, many of the original obligations of the family will turn to the country or the government, resulting in the government's social expenditure.Population aging, the problem is even more serious.Secondly, a society that does not talk about filial piety must be more like an animal world.

Recently, the Straits Times The Market Survey Company has conducted a survey with the so -called D Genesis (18 to 26), the millennial generation (27 to 42), and the X generation (43 to 58 years old (43 to 58 years old), 1,000 people.Among the investigators, three -quarters of them will give their parents some costs each month, with an average of 300 to 500 yuan.

Why do you do this?Most people say that they are filial piety, and our parents have raised us, and now we should feed.We were familiar with the lesson of the small crow in the elementary school textbook to feed the old crow in the elementary school textbook.In fact, in the Asian society, filial piety is indeed a key factor in maintaining the basic social unit of the family.

A generation of people in the founding of the country not only has to be filial (here mainly refers to raising the elderly parents and even grandparents). The boss at home often has to enter the workplace early to make money to help the family. Many people lose their opportunities for further studies.However, compared to our parents, it is more lucky. Because of the popularity of education and the development of the economy year by year, many people can eventually work hard to use the escalator that flows up to the society to help families get rid of poverty and enter a well -off.

The founding of the founding of the People's Republic of China is now more than a rare year. Most of them are retirees, but life is worry -free, and they are somewhat prepared to leave them to their children and grandchildren.Many people actually do not need children's support, but most people agree that if the child has the ability, it should be a piety to give a home watch every month. This is our cultural tradition and should be continued.However, the five fingers are incomplete. For children with insufficient economic ability, taking care of their families are already stretched, so there is no need to force it.

It is worth noting that with the changes in society, people's education and values ​​have continued to change. How long can traditional filial piety be maintained?

There are currently two development trends that are not good for the future of filial piety.One is the differentiation of the family unit. The big family almost no longer exists. Instead, the small family is replaced, plus the premium and the aging of the population.The gradual changes in culture and values, coupled with the increasing popularity of alien marriage, have brought obvious changes in values.

Small familyization is actually the implementation of the HDB policy.Generally, most newlywed couples start with three or four -bedroom styles from buying space, and they cannot have many generations at all.The breeding movement leads to declining; urbanization has helped, and the fertility rate has declined year by year.It is very difficult for two young people to raise at least four elderly people, not to mention that the cost of pension is becoming more and more expensive.Those who belong to the low -income class, the burden of living in the small family is already very difficult, let alone support parents.In addition, because the two generations do not live together, at most, they gather each week to eat meals. Over time, the family cohesion will inevitably fade.

There is no doubt that the changes in values ​​are more far -reaching.The above survey shows that 76%of the people in the X generation often give money to support their parents, and only 68%do this in generation Z.This may have a certain relationship with the level of income, but it is believed that the changes in values ​​have also played a role.Generally speaking, the parents of generations Z will be better. Not only can they be self -sufficient, they even have the power to help children buy cars and houses. From the child's view, it is not necessary to give money to the filial piety.

But in the long run, changes in values ​​will definitely shake the foundation of filial piety. After all, the culture and family values ​​of the West and the East are very different.Westerners do not think that their children are obliged to support them. When the children grow up, they should leave their own life and live their own lives.Our young generation will definitely be affected by these Western culture and values.

There is a year -old 80 -year -old golf friend who grew up in a traditional Chaozhou family. Although Chinese is unknown, there is a full concept of traditional family ethics.Marry foreigner.His view is that in Western society, Asian girls are rare treasures, men will chase, and a seventeen -year -old girl is alone, and they must not be able to withstand the temptation.

The growth rate of local women married foreigners is amazing

In fact, there are indeed many Singaporean girls become foreigners after studying abroad, and they do not even return to Singapore.For a long time, their family values ​​will inevitably change.The daughter of this golfers is very obedient. She is in college in the local area and has a Chinese husband.Old friends also further stipulated that the two granddaughter could not go to foreign universities in the future.But the funeral is difficult to reverse. I believe parents like Singapore can also count.

English education provides the convenience of Singapore students to study in English -speaking countries. Therefore, there are more and more alien marriage. Men married wives and women marry foreign husbands.How can family values ​​be unchanged?According to a report on April 22, 2021, in 2019, 1,727 Singaporean female citizens married non -citizens, an increase of 75%from 989 in 2000.In the same year, there were 4,426 male citizens who married non -citizen wives, an increase of 15%from 3834 in 2000.In other words, in the past 20 years, the growth rate of women in Singapore's marriage to foreigners is amazing.60%of these foreign son -in -law are Asians and the rest are from Europe, America and other places.

If the results of the above survey are reliable, that is, so far, the position of filial piety in our values ​​system is still very strong.But it is difficult to say what will happen in one or two generations.If the above -mentioned development trend continues, what long -term consequences will be concerned.From the experience of Western society, a society that does not talk about filial piety will definitely be a very different society.

First of all, many of the original obligations of the family will turn to the country or the government, leading to the government's social expenditure.Population aging, the problem is even more serious.In Western countries, the elderly can only live in the nursing home in the twilight years, and few people come to the end when they die. It is really different from the scenery of the five generations of the five generations and the fifth generation of the five generations that we often see here.

Secondly, a society that does not talk about filial piety must be more like a animal world.It is unknown whether the old crow really feeds this, but the average animals will naturally reproduce and nurture their young, but they do not support their parents.Only people know how to do so, and this depends on filial piety.Filial nourishing affection is the long -term vitality of family units.

Some young people now think that parents have me to have me. Since I have me, I have obligations to raise me, but I have no obligation to feed because I do not want them to have me.Due to this kind of situation, the Congress passed the then official committee member Wen Changming in 1994 and proposed the parental bill to allow the elderly who could not bear the basic living expenses.Outralty of raising responsibility).The real purpose is of course not to maintain filial piety, but to prevent people from pushing the responsibilities of taking care of elderly parents to the government.

Almost 30 years have passed. It is unknown how people's family values ​​have changed, but the law cannot force people to filial piety, because filial piety is not a legal obligation, but moral responsibility. Morality cannot be maintained by law maintenance.EssenceTo ensure that filial piety can continue for a long time, only the family values ​​have been instilled from an early age.In this regard, parents and grandparents are responsible.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress