Fortunately, I participated in the Asian Foresight Summit hosted by the New Newspaper Media.The two -day summit, political leaders, business elites, scholars' think tanks, etc. gathered together, conducting views and thinking collisions from all levels of political, economic, and society, and knew the new historical footprints of the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yao through the current chaos in the current chaotic world.For the future of Asia to discuss the solution of peace, green, stable, and prosperity.

The future risks of Asia coexist with opportunities. Two of them have two important issues to become the focus of attention from all parties: first, China and the United States are bidding in the Asia -Pacific and even Indo -Pacific regions; second, the current situation of the complicated Taiwan Strait.In 2024, the elections of the United States and Taiwan will be ushered in. Some voters will have enthusiastic emotions, and individual politicians will also operate populist means.Public opinion support is that there is no such thing as a retreat on this red line of the country, which makes the Taiwan Strait look fierce.

Lee Kuan Yew once visited mainland China 33 times and met with each generation of national leaders in China; he also had no official visit to Taiwan as many as 25 times.Pass.Singapore is also the two historic meetings of the two sides of the strait "Wang Guhui" and "Xi Jun".

Because of such a heavy historical origin, in addition to expressing his concerns about cross -strait roads at the summit at the summit, the former President Ma Ying -jeou who attended the meeting also publicly asked Premier Li Xianlong to meet the third cross -strait meeting in Singapore.Premier Li's answer seems to be cloudy and clear: If it is necessary in the future, the two parties are willing, and Singapore is willing to be the host again, hospitality of VIPs on both sides of the strait, and serving tea for guests.

Although Singapore is small, it is valued and respected by the world. Thanks to the diplomatic principles established by the founding generation leaders such as Lee Kuan Yew: rational, pragmatic, and mutually beneficial.Since the inheritance, the government has made more friends on the international stage and has not faced it. When involving international disputes, it advocates that the interesting parties start a face -to -face dialogue, think in other ways to think, strive to find the same difference in deposit differences, and reduce the risk of misjudgment.At the same time, Singapore actively contributes its positive energy and high added value in the cooperation practice of both parties and various parties.As Premier Li described, as long as it is beneficial to cross -strait relations, Singapore is even willing to play a venue provider role in low -key tea.

The front road on both sides of the strait must be given the answer by the people on both sides of the strait.At the Xi Jinping of Chinese leaders, at the Xi Juns in Singapore in 2015, they announced that the two sides of the strait were interrupted compatriots who interrupted their bones and a family who was thicker than water.The modern history of China's aggression and oppression has made Chinese leaders know the preciousness of peace and development. Therefore, in the current Russia and Ukraine War, China has always adhered to the position of war promotion.Under the internationally recognized "one China" large framework, as long as the two sides are willing to face each other, peace is the only priority option.

It is regrettable that with the gradually heating up, Taiwan's green, blue and white three -party candidate competes to the United States to visit the United States, strive to endorse the support of American politicians, and regard this as the most important to improve the pre -election polls.The means, instead reluctant to take the first step on the cross -strait dialogue.

Due to the disparity between the economy and military volume, it is impossible for the two sides to and the United States to form a equivalent triangle relationship. As the world's first economic power, both China and the United States have always existed in common interests, and they have common interests.The areas that must be cooperated together.China and the United States are the formal opponents on both ends of the chessboard.Essence

Singapore and China have a comprehensive and high -quality forward -looking partnership. It is a profound and extensive long -term partner with the United States. I believe that the Asian region is large enough to accommodate the development of China and the United States.The gap of communication and integration is expected to realize the desire of Ma Ying -jeou's "Third Cross -Strait Conference" as soon as possible.

The author is the president of the Asia -Pacific Regional Enterprise Group