Source: Bloomberg

North Korean leader Kim Jong -un's dismissal of the embassy and consulate abroad seems to be a betting with the Kremlin, which can get a greater return than the foreign envoys.

Although the isolated Kim Jong -un regime strengthened diplomatic activities with Russia, official media reported that in October, it closed the embassy in Uganda and Angola.

According to the Japanese Yomiraga news, it was quoted by a person who did not know how to learn about North Korea's internal affairs sources that Pyongyang plans to close its consulate in Hong Kong and more than a dozen diplomatic institutions in Africa and other places.Yonhap News Agency reported that the North Korean embassy in Western Spain was closed.

The Yonhap News Agency reported that the Ministry of Unity of South Korea believes that Kim Jong -un lacked resources to maintain the operation of all diplomatic facilities due to the exhaustion of global sanctions.The ministry said that Pyongyang currently has 47 embassies, 3 consulates and 3 representatives.

North Korea ’s embassies in the country occupy an unusual position in the diplomatic community. The United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries have accused many embassies of the embassies of planning illegal financial activities, raised funds for operation, purchased luxury goods for the leaders of Pyongyang, and also purchased luxury goods for the leaders of Pyongyang.Remake the funds obtained through illegal means back to China.North Korea has repeatedly denied such allegations.

North Korea has recently been doing business with Russia and provided them with weapons and ammunition for war against Ukraine.

"North Koreans talk about cost benefits," said King Mallory, director of Rand Global Risk and Security Center.He said that as far as the net cash flow of North Korea is concerned, the embassy is a marginal business, and it is not as important as a transaction with Russia for Kim Jong -un.

Rachel Minyoung Lee, the regional issue manager of Vienna Open Nuclear Network, said that Kim Jong -un closed the embassy, ​​which may be more due to difficulty in diplomatic activities, rather than Pyongyang's interest in changing foreign policies or interest in diplomatic contact.

"In fact, because of confrontation with the United States, people may say that it needs to strengthen and expand the relationship with those countries who are willing to stand with North Korea on the anti -US front at any time," he saidEssenceHe has been an analyst at the open source intelligence department of the American Central Love Bureau for nearly 20 years.