Source: Bloomberg

Author: Thomas Black, Dina Bass

Sino -US relations with continuous frozen showing temporary recovery are showing signs. Executives from Microsoft, Citi, ExxonMobil and other large multinational companies will gather this week to gather in San Francisco and strive to fight with Chinese President Xi Jinping and other Asian

For many companies, the agenda is simple: they are ready to start the business again.

The CEO summit held at the Asia -Pacific Economic Organization (APEC) meeting coincides with the most challenging trade environment in more than 20 years.Washington tried to prevent China from buying high -end computer chips and restricted US investment in China.In response to Beijing, Beijing began to vigorously develop local chips and encourage people to buy local mobile phones and other products.From science and technology to logistics, from oil and natural gas to finance, major enterprises continue to contact the Chinese consumer market difficulty, and they also face more and more rules, tariffs and export controls.

Some business giants in the United States plan to participate in this summit, including Jane Fraser of Citi Group, Darren Woods of ExMobil, Satya Nadella of Microsoft and Elon Musk of Tesla and SpaceX.It is understood that the planned person who knows that Digital executives are also invited to go to a dinner with Xi Jinping, providing them with a chance to express concern and ambitions on relatively less formal occasions.

Dan Prud'homme, a assistant professor at Florida International University, said that if Xi Jinping met with these business leaders during the summit, they would find signs of thawing US -China relations.

For business leaders, APEC is an opportunity to communicate, promote agenda, and discuss the world situation.Musk will attend a meeting called "Dialogue on the Future" with Salesforce Inc. CEO Marc Benioff.ExMobil CEO Woods plans to give a speech entitled "Reconstruction of Climate Challenges: Protecting Energy and Containing Emissions".

According to people familiar with the matter, the dinner with Xi Jinping is the most popular. Executives have hoped that they can take a place or be included in the alternate list.Xi Jinping needs to appease corporate executives, saying that China is still "open door business" and has made progress in restoring economic.And his guests are eager to express that although the US government has set up barriers in the field of sensitive technology, China is still a vital market.