Hardware will be lost over time, and software will last long to determine whether the governing model, framework and values can be passed on to the next generation of leadership.Although Li Guangyao's hardware facilities established in Singapore are everywhere, the far -reaching part is his political heritage -the "software" that govern the country.

This year, the British national medical service system has entered the 75th year.Although the free health insurance provided by this system is still very popular, the British government faces more challenges in fulfilling its commitment.The current dilemma of the British government is to continue to invest in more resources, or to focus on the non -discussion reform policies of Chinese people.

Li Guangyao, Jianguo Prime Minister, reminds us that there is no free lunch in the world.Mr. Li has already foreseen the challenge brought by the so -called free health insurance.His reminder contains several points: First, the leader should let voters see the hardships of politics "who has good benefits".Second, any goodwill policy must be supported by feasible financing plans.Third, once free things are given, it is difficult to recover.

In 1981, when I helped the Minister of Health, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Health, Wu Zuodong Reforming the local health insurance financing model, and for the first time to understand the political wisdom of Mr. Li Guangyao.After that, in the work of different government departments, I learned more about the precious political concepts left by Mr. Li through practice.

The first lesson: the policy of persuading the people to support "good medicine and bitter mouth"

The fourth -generation leaders need to recognize the cost behind the populist policy, and learn how to persuade voters to support the "good medicine and bitter mouth".When Li Guangyao's political talent exhibition is now promoting the policy, he can closely combine the personal interests of the Chinese people with national interests.One method is to allow Chinese people to enjoy the results of national prosperity and progress.He and the "residential house" policy established by Mr. Lin Jinshan and the Housing Development Bureau is an example.With the continuous development of Singapore's economy, the price of houses has also risen.Thanks to this policy, the wealth of Chinese people also increases.This is a virtuous cycle of effective national governance.

Second lesson: Assist the people to realize their dreams

Lee Kuan Yew does not respect the practice of western welfare countries.He is committed to studying and designing a set of new policies and mechanisms to achieve the "Singapore Dream" to ensure the benefits of Chinese people.This mechanism focuses on the development of the economy. By creating a zero -crime, low tax, and high business opportunity environment, it helps the vast majority of people to strive for a better future, focusing on making cakes bigger without paying attention to how to allocate cakes.He ensures a large number of government investment education and lifelong learning, to improve the knowledge, ability and income of Chinese people, and enjoy the environment of living in peace and career.

At the beginning of the founding of the founding of the country, Li Guangyao personally asked the environmental department to build a garden city. Starting from the green environment, he built a high -quality life of the first world for the Chinese people.In the process of achieving garden cities, he personally studied gardening, planting trees in Singapore, and promoting the green movement, which can be described as "chief gardener".When he went abroad, he observed carefully and brought back new ideas and seedlings.This is why in addition to local trees on our streets, there are rain forest trees and African shades.These pro -persons, the actions of the people first are worth our learning.

Third Lesson: Eliminate Weakness

Li Guangyao attaches more importance to maintaining Singapore's independent sovereignty.He clearly realized that Singapore was the weakness of a small country. Starting from national defense, he established the Singapore armed forces with Dr. Wu Qingrui.He successfully changed the concept of "good men and improper soldiers", and arranged for armed forces to be trained overseas, solving the narrow limitations of Singapore Elementary School.He believes that Singapore's limitation should not restrain the development of the country.

Water resources are another fragile link.At the beginning of Singapore's independence, he negotiated with Malaysia, signed a water supply agreement, and ensured that the agreement was included in the Singapore Malaysia Family Agreement in 1965.With the cooperation of Lee Ek Tieng and Tan Gee Paw, Lee Kuan Yew led Singapore to clean up the waterway and make full use of the local reservoir to collect rainwater.He also supports long -term water source technology research, builds a seawater desalination plant, and at the same time support purification water and neonatal water industry.After years of unremitting efforts, he successfully transformed this weakness in Singapore into a competitive advantage.

Fourth Class: Enhance Singapore advantage

State construction is not just defense.We need to develop markets, sell our products and services, attract investment, and increase our competitive advantage.Li Guangyao said: "No one in the world owes us. To survive and develop, we must be valuable to other countries."When our neighbors oppose Singapore's independence and exclude us outside their market, Li Guangyao cooperates with multinational companies to open up the international market and ensure that Singapore can achieve leap development in this area.He and Dr. Wu Qingrui led Singapore for industrialization. With Han Ruisheng's advantage of time zone, he established the Asian Monetary Trading Financial Center, and Hou Yongchang and Shen Jiwen used the Hong Kong Affairs Bureau to containerize the container, and relocated the airport to Changi.These policies are not favored as they are being established as the establishment of the Jurong Industrial Zone; however, today, this policy has undoubtedly promoted a major goal of Singapore -it has become the main transportation hub in the world.

Despite the limited Singaporean resources, Lee Kuan Yew can still maximize our advantages and become an Asian power.His objective thinking, judgment decision -making, daring attitude, and firm and flexible methods are worth learning from the fourth -generation leader.

Fifth Class: Establishing Mechanism and Singapore Core Team

Hardware will lose time over time, and the software will last long to determine whether the governing model, framework and values can be inherited to the next generation of leadership.Although Li Guangyao's hardware facilities established in Singapore are everywhere, the far -reaching part is his political heritage -the "software" that govern the country.He has established a world -class mechanism and ensures that our political culture is based on stable rule of law and correct values.He has worked hard to cultivate an excellent team composed of Singaporeans. They have integrity, only use, and follow the principles of fairness, justice, and public.

Deng Xiaoping, the former top leader of China, praised Singapore's political system during the 1992 South Tour.Since then, China has often sent a large number of inspection teams to study in Singapore, and we have shared the exchange views without hesitation.However, Lee Kuan Yew also questioned the efficacy of these survey groups.He proposed a unique new idea to the then Chinese President Jiang Zemin: New China and China jointly developed a modern city in Suzhou. The teams of the two countries borrowed from the experience of Singapore's town development and governance to jointly solve this development project office togetherFace the substantive problem.This bold proposal promotes the development of bilateral relations between the two countries.

Cross -country cross -cultural cooperation is often not easy, and mistakes and difficulties occur at first.For example, hardware facilities are easy to conceive and build, and the transmission of software "thinking mode" is relatively difficult to achieve.Our partners in Suzhou have been slowly understanding why we are attached to software transmission for a long time.Although the Suzhou development project has been successfully completed, the long road is vivid.

Let Singapore a livable city

Li Guangyao's concept of governing the country is: Singapore must be at the front end.In Singapore, affairs will be carried out in accordance with the rules system; Singapore will be an oasis in the turbulent world.As a small island country with poor resources, Singapore cannot follow the development experience of other countries.He adopted a strategy of compatibility and accumulation, adopting the part he believed to be suitable for the local national conditions, and then created his own set of style.When the situation is required, he will open up another unwanted path.He has a confidence to face criticism, and he can even stabilize his feet when he stresss Singapore's obedience in other countries.

Our media policy is a good example.The dispute between Singapore and some Western media in freedom of speech shows the different ways we adopted by the news interviews -we proposed to the media that we need to report both and to unite the society.Establish other mother tongueThe intention of the media is to maintain our multicultural society.We have made controversy in western society in Western society.

But Li Guangyao is not obsessed with what the outside world thinks is right and wrong.After calmly analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each of his choices, he did not hesitate to open up his policy that he believed to benefit the Singaporean citizens.In order to keep the road unobstructed, he set up a toll policy to evolve into the current highway electronic charging gate.Although the toll has caused a rebound in the driver, Li Guangyao insisted on letting the people experience the smooth road of Singapore in order to witness the effectiveness of the policy.He predicts the cost behind the cost behind the cost of populism.

Li Guangyao's way of governing the country is controversial in his age, but now we who live in it can enjoy a wealthy and stable environment.The institutions and systems he set up can also be complementary: residents have their housing policies and requires provident fund and land collection policies to effectively implement them; building garden cities requires long -term urban planning and effective traffic management; high -efficiency administration depends on the top in the topCivil servants work closely with political leaders.In this article, I frequently mentioned the names of the founding sages of the founding of the country to commemorate their huge efforts and contributions.Li Guangyao symbolizes the historical miracle written by the founding of Singapore, but we must not forget that behind this miracle, there is also a great team support.

State construction has never been smooth.At the moment we have to deal with bilateral relations with other countries, these crises are opportunities for us to learn.Li Guangyao taught us to keep calm, don't be proud of in the way, and don't feel frustrated in adversity.

This is the inspiration of my contact with Lee Kuan Yew, from his concept of governing the country.Although the above sharing is limited to my own knowledge scope, I hope to let readers experience the sense of mission of Li Guangyao to adhere to Singapore's independence and independence. In order to build a unyielding determination to build a fair and diverse race, and his unremitting efforts for Singapore to seek development for SingaporeEssenceLi Guangyao inspired us to go all out in public services and political careers.Although we were a little hesitant at first, he became an example and quickly let us see that the country needs to pay unremittingly in order to continue its prosperity.

Under the guidance of Lee Kuan Yew, I was fortunate to participate in designing 3M healthcare systems, reorganization hospitals, expanding government housing, planning to reduce car use, designing the naval ministry village complex, development of active age environment, and so on.It is my honor to be a member of his team.Looking back at the past, I was deeply grateful for this meaningful journey.

The author is the former chairman of the People's Action Party and Chairman of the New Newspaper Media Trust.The version of the translation is provided by the author