Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Hong Qichang

The "Watching Club" is expected to be in the situation. The US and China heads of state are expected to have a side talks during the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference (APEC) Leadership Summit on November 15.As for the expected results of the worshiping meeting, the White House press secretary Jean -Pierre's response to the media at the beginning of the media has expressed his expectations for "a constructive dialogue" for worship.However, to understand the development trend of US -China relations more clearly, we must observe from the basic pattern of US -China relations. The intended intentions and purposes of the two parties should be observed, and they think about Taiwan's positioning and actions.

First of all, the view of the strategic competition pattern of the United States and China."Competition, cooperation, and confrontation" is the main theme of US -China relations for a long time in the future.US National Security Consultant Shalv on October 24 published a special article in foreign affairs magazines: "Source of US forces -change of foreign policy in society", emphasizing that the United States faces a "competition in the era of interdependence".

Shatin believes, "In the foreseeable future, China will still be the main participants on the world stage. We seek a free, open, prosperous and secure international order, a kind of protection of the interests of the United States and its allies and its allies and their allies.Provide the order of global public interests. But we do not expect violent changes like the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Competition will be up and down -the United States will benefit, but China will also. "

We should realize that the current US -China competition is not the clear bipolar system in the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.Today the United States and China are economic dependence that cannot be avoided.The United States will continue to maintain substantial trade and investment with China, but because China is a competitor in the United States, such economic and trade relations have become more complicated.

Second, the worship will pay more attention to controlling risks.On October 25, U.S. Secretary of State Brosky said at the United Nations Security Council: "Washington managed to ensure that the fierce competition between the two world's largest economies, and the differences between the two parties in terms of trade, Taiwan Strait and South China Sea evolved into the development of issues.Conflict. "We noticed that the United States does not avoid the state of" fierce competition "with China, so the goal pursued by the Xiwai club may be closer to avoid the expansion of the fierce competition between the two parties into a conflict.

After all, China's role in international affairs is a fact.From Iran's nuclear disputes, North Korea's nuclear issues to the beginning of the year to promote Iran and Saudi Arabia, China has significant influence on developing countries.At the same time, in recent years, through the "Belt and Road" initiative, China has allowed China's influence to occupy higher dominance in the countryside countries.

From this perspective, the actions of competitors are not compatible with the interests of the United States.Shalvin also acknowledged that "the common challenges faced by the two sides are unprecedented." Of course, the United States is willing to cooperate with China in regional security issues, and use China's influence on Iran and other countries in the Middle East to help stop regional conflicts expanding expansion.EssenceThe United States has no intention to destroy these achievements because of being able to get a chance to ease because of China.

In summary, we may describe the US policy more accurately as "de -risk" and "diversification", rather than "decoupling".Even if the worship may be "a difficult but important dialogue", as Shalvan admits, "this competition is indeed global, but it is not zero -sum."Although competition is the new normal of the United States and China relations, the two sides will still cooperate with the issues of cooperation. Even if the possibility of confrontation is not ruled out, the mechanism of finding the risk of control is also the common expectation of both parties.

So think about cross -strait relations from the development trend of the United States and China relations, and the United States and China can find opportunities for local alleviating on specific issues. There are also common interests to maintain regional stability and seek their social and economic development.Based on the goals of the common interests of cross -strait, it is necessary to create or find some issues to open dialogue and communication.

Looking back on the history of cross -strait exchanges, based on humanity, people's exchanges, and even interdependent economic and trade relations, controlling risks is a consideration, but it is also important to promote mutual understanding and reverse hostility spiral.We look forward to cross -strait political leaders to show more wisdom and goodwill, and on the basis of existing politics, we can open dialogue exchanges on operating issues.