Source: Taiwan Wangbao

Wangbao Society Review

The Taiwan election once every four years has two significance at the development level. One is to review the past and review the performance of the president and the ruling party.Let voters make a choice.This year's election campaigns have produced effects in the aspects of corruption, trampling democracy, and fierce battle in the Taiwan Strait in the past seven years of the Tsai government.Maybe the three parties are only half, and Lai Qingde may not have an absolute chance of winning.

Two challenges in Taiwan's survival and development

However, a steaming presidential election should not be a negative election. After reviewing the past, it is necessary to strengthen the future and let the people have new hope for Taiwan.From this perspective, the three major presidential candidates are not able to perform.After Lai Qingde was not nominated, after being nominated by the Democratic Progressive Party, it was proved that not only did he not intentionally correct the corruption culture of relying on wealth in the party, and unable to change the authority of the Democratic Progressive Party to trample on his own system.Adjusting the wrong route on both sides of the strait and reducing the tension of the Taiwan Strait is completely worth looking forward to.As for Hou and Ke's two opposition candidates, the review of the disadvantages and correction is good, but in terms of new vision and new hope, both of them have their limitations, but Ke look at the problem more.It is worth looking forward to.

Taiwan's survival and development mainly comes from two challenges. One is the security of the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan's security issues.Looking back at the Taiwan Strait crisis in 1995, the United States mobilized two aircraft carrier battle groups to approach the Taiwan Strait. The mainland soon stunned and the Taiwan Strait returned to peace.In the waters of the east side of Taiwan, the exercise refused to stop the US military's intervention and strategy, which was greatly threatened to security in Taiwan.

The Tsai Ing -wen government once believes that the "model transfer" of US -China relations will be a strategic opportunity for Taiwan to stay away from the mainland to take its own way away from the mainland, but in recent months, with the presence of the San Francisco talks, Xi Jinping is determined, Xi JinpingIt will also participate in the dinner of the American business community and publish a speech. The "cooperative relationship in competition" in the United States and China will gradually become clearer. The Bayeng government's opposition to Taiwan independence announces a clearer announcement, and the implementation level will try to avoid the meaning of "countries" to Taiwan.

While strengthening the military pressure on Taiwan, mainland China has continuously declared that the peaceful and unified policy of Taiwan is unchanged, the voices of the people ’s martial arts, and announced the policy of Xinhui Taiwan, emphasizing that the force is targeted at Taiwan independence forces.With the development of US -China relations in a controllable direction, the pressure on the mainland's existence on Taiwan's independence can be slightly slowed down, and the peaceful and unified space has increased relatively. For cross -strait relations, this is good news.

Kejian Shuangcheng Forum Win Trust

However, the mainland will not slow down the unification, or to achieve a unified plan with non -military means. Before it is enough to grasp the military, you will not mobilize the army to attack Taiwan, but you can put pressure on Taiwan's economy and have been prepared.The 2024 election If the DPP continues to be in power, the mainland will lose two cards. One is to review or abolish ECFA, and the other is to investigate the issue of trade barriers. The former will have a impact on some industries in Taiwan.The manufacturing, such as the automotive industry, can cause damage, but the DPP is helpless and can only wait for the development of the situation.

Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe both mentioned related issues, but Ke Wenzhe saw more deeply, and the countermeasures proposed were bold and direct the core of the problem.He believes that Taiwan's export of mainland China accounted for 42.3%, and the 10 countries of Aya'an were 15.7%, adding up to 58%, while CPTPP accounted for 26%. For Taiwan, RCEP is obviously more important than CPTPP. Taiwan should give priority to RCEP instead of CPTPP.However, Taiwan joined the RCEP to the mainland consent. This is a problem that the Kuomintang dare not touch. Hou Youyi is also slightly not talking.

Ke Wenzhe is willing to talk to the mainland to join RCEP, which can not only resolve the problem of ECFA and cross -strait trade barriers, but also allow Taiwan to drive directly in the Southeast Asian market, compete with South Korea, and have great news for Taiwanese enterprises' competitiveness and economic development.Maybe someone questioned the question that the Kuomintang did not dare to touch. Can Ke handle it?But don't forget, in 2014, he was elected as the mayor of Taipei with a deep green background. He selected the Taipei and Shanghai Shuangcheng Forum to re -set political positioning. Sure enough, the Shuangcheng Forum continued to fall, and the mainland also trusted him to him.

Ke Wenzhe's selection to join RCEP. If it can be successful, it will create economic and trade space for Taiwan, which is worth looking forward to.