
Author: Liang Yulin

Recently, a video released by a netizen from Nanning, Guangxi showed that the "Secretary and Dean's Mailbox" of the "Lianxinqiao" was set up by this application, but it was taken by the camera.

Netizens questioned: How to protect the privacy of the investors?

This video has attracted the attention of many netizens, and some netizens have questioned -the camera shines, how to protect the privacy of the investor?

Among them, the netizen "Langgui Guizhou" found through the QR code in the video and found that the video shooting location was suspected to be Guangxi University. He contacted the relevant staff of Guangxi University, but failed to get a clear reply.The reporter launched an investigation after learning the relevant situation.

On November 11, the reporter contacted the netizen "Langgui Guizhou".He told reporters that the video was released on November 6. After he brushed it, he caused curiosity, and tried to find the "belonging place" of the secretary mailbox in the video."A two -dimensional code was recorded in the video. I scanned the code and found that it was the WeChat Mini Program for Teachers and Students in Guangxi University, and then I contacted the staff of Western University."

Immediately, "Langi Guizhou" provided a call recording of him and the school staff.According to the recording, "Lang Trail Guizhou" first contacted the staff of the school office. The staff said that it was unclear where the mailbox was set up, and the school affairs supervision office could be consulted.

After communicating with the staff of the school supervision office, the staff said that the situation did not know the situation. If this problem was to be reflected, it was necessary to provide a specific location. If the specific location could not be provided, the staff could not be provided by it.The clues are verified and it is recommended to reflect the "secretary and principal's mailbox" on the homepage of Guangxi University's official website.

In this regard, "Langi Guizhou" believes that even if the camera is not for monitoring, it will also form a deterrent effect on people. Whoever sets a mailbox will be responsible for privacy issues, but the staff is unwilling to further check it. The camera is the camera. The cameraThe existence exacerbates the insecurity of the person who wants to invest in the person who wants to invest, which will undoubtedly weaken the credibility and effectiveness of the relevant system, and make some people who want to pass the feedback of the letter to the problem.

Reporter Survey

According to the clues provided by the "Survival Guizhou", the reporter first contacted the author with the video, and then asked in the comment area one by one. Finally, the "video location may be the School of Electrical Engineering of Guangxi University".On the 11th, the reporter came to the School of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University, and found that the lobby on the first floor was the video shooting place.

The scene is consistent with the content of the video shooting. The direction of the camera monitoring is facing the gate, and the "Secretary and Dean's Mailbox" is within the scope of monitoring.

Subsequently, the reporter visited the School of Mathematics and Information Sciences of Guangxi University, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Computer and Electronic Information, and found that all colleges set up "secretary, dean's mailbox" or "student E seeing mailbox" on the first floor.Essence

Among them, the School of Mathematics and Information Sciences and the School of Computer and Electronic Information did not be within the scope of the camera monitoring."It is within the scope of camera monitoring.

The reporter interviewed the students of the School of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University on the spot.The mailbox is inappropriate in the scope of the camera monitoring, which will cause many people who want to invest in the letter. Anyway, I don't want to invest in the letter. Maybe the school's original intention is not to monitor the mailbox, but the monitoring door.However, since this situation has occurred, the school should consider changing the position of the mailbox so that students can vote on the letter on the premise of ensuring privacy, and hope to solve it as soon as possible. "