Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Zhongshi Society

The party consultation held by the Kuomintang and the People's Party on the 15th will decide that the blue and white harmony will be successful or broken. If there is no conclusion, you can almost assert that the presidential election will end in advance.As a result, this result is to trample on mainstream public opinion, and it is even to the end of Taiwan.Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe who are writing key history, if they can't cooperate, are doomed to write down the most regrets for the democracy of the Taiwanese.

If the alliance is ended, the election end early

Hou, Ke, Zhu, and Horse will convene a party negotiation of the party on the 15th. Because the Election Association is scheduled to accept the presidential candidate registration from November 20th to 24th, it means that after today, the two parties can only decide on the two parties for up to 9 days.Whether to play a total of 2024.If Hou and Ke are still willing to work together, but as long as no party is willing to actively concession, it means that they still have to win through the polls;If you ca n’t talk today, even if you have sincerity, you may lose your skills.

Therefore, before entering the negotiation, both parties must think about three things seriously.First of all, is the Kuomintang and the People's Party negotiations really 1,000 yuan for 1 yuan "gambling"?From the perspective of political party strength, the Kuomintang does have the largest party party with 14 counties, 37 legislators, and 367 local members in the wild party.The Kuomintang, did you win Lai Qingde?

The latest polls of the beautiful island electronic newspaper, which has long -term tracking the general election, shows that if 2024 is "Hou Ke Bi", "Lai Xiao Biao" is 46.1%to 36.8%;For "Lai Xiao Bao", the support is 47.4%to 35.3%.The same combat combination also showed that "Hou Ke Bai" was 36%of the "Lai Xiao Biao" with 42%support;35%.Although the two polls have different leadership, they point to the same fact, that is, no matter who Hou or Ke is, as long as it is worthy, there will be a very high opportunity to win the election.Conversely, as long as they choose their own, whether the pattern is a three -legged governor or a four -legged governor who has Guo Taiming's disruption, Lai Qingde is a significant leading opponent in the wild.

Simply put, the blue and white might not be able to do 1 plus 1 and more than or equal to 2, but as long as it is not determined, it is 1 minus 1 equal to 0.The selection of Taiwan is that there are more votes to win. No matter how much the Kuomintang chips are, one less vote is losing, and you should not be disdainful or play the key minority party.

Second, did the Kuomintang and the People's Party take the integration as a political negotiation, or the argumentation of the quality of science in the ivory tower?It is unknown that although the Kuomintang and the People's Party have sincerely formed an alliance, one party has adhered to the German model of the support of political parties so far, and the other party advocates that it is incorporated into the mobile phone.Of course, both sides have their own arguments, but they have their own persistence on the premise of "fear of losing" and make negotiations fall into a deadlock.

Mo Na Never Public Opinion There is no second way

However, the fact in front of it is that the presidential registration will be cut off in another 9 days. There is no room for the two sides to continue to debate who is good or bad, or even the party support of the party.Under such urgent time pressure, the whole people have become the last vitality of blue and white integration.In other words, in this negotiation, the two parties must focus on three points, which are based on the national adjustment to determine the positive and deputy combination, Hou Ke are tied in a voting, and the promise to the vice president's partner has the power of the pavilion.In addition, there is no second way, you should not swing.

The third thing to think about is that in the hearts of the Kuomintang and the people, whether "politics" is a matter of serving everyone, or the ending southern shortcut for practical political parties or individuals?Indeed, Taiwan's constitutional system allows the president to have supreme power, let alone Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe. In politics, it is difficult for anyone to resist this power of power.However, the two parties should ask themselves. What is the mainstream public opinion in front of Taiwan?If more than 60 % of the people are looking forward to the DPP, and there are also more than 6 Chengdu hoping to blue and white, standing in front of the torrent of public opinion, this Lord is really worthy of Hou Youyi, Ke Wenzhe Ning for jade crushing, is it not for tile fullness?Intersection

In 2014, Ke Wenzhe said before the mayor of Taipei that everything, such as a fantasy bubble, such as Lulu, as well as electricity, fame and fortune are just a stool for him;Small, the people and the country are larger.At this moment, Taiwan is standing at the historical cross street. Hou and Ke will be in front of the negotiating table on the 15th. Be sure to remember what you have said.

If the mainstream public opinion does not want to keep the proud and corrupt political parties continued in power, the Kuomintang and the people's party can make the people's hearts be popular because they cannot find the integration method.Will the party host regret it, and can't wait to invent the time to return to the present and make different decisions?If so, please don't make a decision to make Taiwanese heartache.