Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Lu Yi

Israel's ground attack on the Gaza Strip is even more bloody.The Israeli Army adopted the intermediate cut, focusing on attacking the north, and besieging Gaza City.Affected by the blocked messages and output fake messages, the situation in the northern part of the army "sweeping" the army was actually unclear.In general, there are nearly 30,000 offensive troops in the Evil, which breaks through the Hamas defense line. The two sides conducted authentic attacks and defense wars in the Gaza city.Three or four, including Jabalya, are refugee camps managed by the United Nations, tens of thousands or tens of thousands of people, and several foreign aid and management hospitals were repeatedly bombed by the army.people.

The Spoke of the Israeli Army stated that because the refugee camp and the hospital are hidden in Hamas elements, the place where Hamas is hidden, and the civilians should be responsible for the death of civilians.Before the war, 1.1 million residents in the northern part of Gaza Strip were required to withdraw to the south, and it was actually impossible to do it.It is estimated that there are still more than 200,000 civilians in the city during the war.If the army is set according to its own standards, you can see these 200,000 people as Hamas and kill them.Before the Israeli Defense Secretary of Garrant, it said that the Israeli Army will not comply with any rules of war, be responsible for anyone, and does not set up a military court.In fact, this can default: The high -level army of the army is let go of the killing ring, and the offense is slaughter.

Israeli is alone to live in the crowd

Israel's extinction of human beings, abandoning human universal human rights, implementing national terrorism, is lonely, betrayed by people.According to incomplete statistics, seven Latin American countries have broken diplomatic relations with Israel or withdrew ambassadors, and Jordan and Barin, Arab countries, have also recalled their ambassadors.There are seven Arab countries and military organizations around Israel and the Israeli Army.Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic powers expressed clear opposition to Israel.France also sent an amphibious attack group for Gaza humanitarian rescue.The large -scale mass parade in Israel to realize humanitarian ceasefire immediately is one after another in major cities around the world.

The United Nations is also really urgent, including the UNICEF, the World Food Program, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations Refugee Department, and 18 UN institutions have recently issued a joint statement, expressing their indignation of the number of civilians of the Gaza civilians, and requested thatIsrael and Hamas "immediately realize humanitarian ceasefire."

The heads of these United Nations agencies said, "In the past month, the number of people in the face of death and departure from the increasing number of people has been rising, and the world has watched the development of Israel and Palestine's territorial situation in shock and fear."The statement went on to say that Israel kills a large number of Gaza civilians and continues to cut off the food, water, drugs, electricity and fuels of 2.2 million residents of Gaza, which is a "atrocities".The statement also said: "All the population of Gaza was besieged and attacked, and the necessity of survival could not be obtained. They were bombed at home, shelters, hospitals and venues. This is unacceptable."The UN agency's statement finally appealed: "We need to realize humanitarian ceasefire immediately. 30 days, enough, it can stop. All this must be stopped now."

In the early morning of November 7, Beijing time, Gutres issued three twees on the X platform. The first one said: "I strongly condemn the horrible horrible horror of Hamas on October 7The behavior, and once again called for all the hostages to be released in Gaza immediately, unconditional, and safely, there is no reason to make torture, killing, damage, and abduction of civilians. "Second, Gutres said: "I have a profound concern for our obvious violations of international humanitarianism in the Middle East. Protecting civilians must be the most important. They are not the goal. No one can override the international humanitarian law.Above. "Article 3 calls to stop the fire as soon as possible to stop this uncorrect collective suffering.

Over time, the humanitarian disasters of the Gaza Strip have become increasingly cruel -in the conflict for a month, the number of Gaza has exceeded 10,000; most of these more than 10,000 people are civilians, more than 4,000, more than 4,000, more than 4,000It was a child, and Gutres lamented: "Gaza is becoming a child's grave."

Faced with the United Nations joint statement, facing the condemnation of the world, but Israel was unmoved, Israel killed red eyes, and more people would fall into a pool of blood.The war machine is starting, and it is impossible to stop at all.Israel does not agree that the United States is turning on green lights.Watching a large -scale humanitarian disaster happened, watching one after another woman poured in the blood, watching one reporter, doctors, and United Nations staff was killed ...

Israel is getting out of control

World public opinion will completely overwhelm Israel and the United States behind it.According to the US media AXIOS News Network, Biden urged Neitahu to agree to "suspension for three days", but Negamhu also refused.Basically, we can also see the increasing control of Israel by the Biden government.US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also conducted a second trip to the Middle East, which is also lacking.And on the west bank of the Jordan, Iraq and Turkey, they have encountered different degrees of neglect.

The first stop of Brinken, Israel, is mainly a caliber with the Neutanhahu government.The diplomatic pressure on the United States is getting stronger and more stubborn. If it is stubborn and endorse the military action of Israel in the Gaza Strip, the situation will not be easy to clean up.Therefore, Brinken set a tone first, saying that the United States advocated "humanitarian suspension", and Israel has an open attitude in verbally, but it is another set of behavior.

Brintken's next stop was selected on the west bank of the Jordan River to meet with Fatak's leader Abbas.The intention of the United States is obvious. If you can first get the Farta organization representing Palestine in the international community, then the later work will be a lot better.However, according to the Palestinian Ambassador to the UK, the atmosphere of the meeting was very tense. In an hour, although Brintken repeatedly promised that the United States would try its best to alleviate the crisis of Gaza, but Abbas did not buy it, but criticized the United States as aDisorders.On the whole, it is unhappy.

and then Blindken went to Iraq, hoping to win the latter's support, and to convey the security concerns of the Iraq by the way.Since the outbreak of the Pakistani conflict, the United States has repeatedly attacked the bases across the East, and many of the United States suspects that the relationship with Iran has a lot of relationships with Iran.I hope Iraq can cooperate with the investigation.As a result, Brinken's front foot left Iraq, and Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia 'Al Sudani went to Iran and held a joint launch conference with Iranian President Said ebrahim Raisi, saying that Israel should immediately stop the attack on Gaza's attack on Gaza., Open the safe corridor as soon as possible.There is nothing to avoid suspicion at all.To some extent, Brincken's time to Iraq can be said to run for nothing.