Source: Surging News Society

Earlier, Lu Mou, a 23 -year -old elementary school teacher in Zhengzhou, China, said: "I have never thought of a job that is so difficult to be a primary school teacher."Materials and other extracurricular administrative work are undergoing large work and psychological pressure.The tragedy made people sigh, and once again detonated the topic of "reducing the burden on teachers".


, the "notification" spread on social platforms shows that in order to reduce pressure on the teacher, psychological guidance lectures are arranged, and the teacher is required to check in, check the account, and write experiences.Although the authenticity of these "notifications" needs to be verified, this "reduction of burden reduction and burden, more and more negative", "solving formalism with formalism" has triggered a general resonance of society, or these madly "notifications"More like a fable.

The Rule of Law Daily interviewed 10 primary and secondary school teachers in Beijing, Shaanxi, Henan, Anhui and other places. They are generally reported that there are indeed a lot of extracurricular affairs outside the daily teaching tasks."Originally, the teacher just wanted to teach and educated people. After it was, it was found that teaching has become the smallest part."

The burden of being concentrated by the teacher includes both teaching related content, such as increasingly rolled open courses, race education, lesson plan selection, etc., but it is more related to teaching.Inspection and evaluation; higher -level leaders inspect and visit foreign units; large -scale activities and important meetings require teachers to go to battle; school social account operations; fire education, anti -visual education, science popularization education and other publicity and education activities, even communities, insuranceCompanies, banks and other businesses will eventually be implemented on front -line teachers.

The so -called "Thousands of Lines on the top, a needle of a teacher", the general department and education -related "business" that the general department and unit of the society should carry out in the society, and even the original intention of some activities is to care for the minor.All teachers need to be implemented in the terminal, which cannot withstand the teacher.For example, the burden on the handling report of parents often vomited, many are not the active requirements of schools and teachers, but to implement special activities carried out by the relevant lines of the superiors.

前述的这些非教学任务,单独拆开看似乎都“师出有名”,但是叠加在一起,却成了老师疲于奔命的发通知、做统计、写总结、忙打卡、写台账、做Leave marks, take photos ... Many non -teaching tasks of teachers and schools are the result of the departure and pressure of various departments and departments.As a relatively no right to speak, the school is often forced to "bear everything."

Teachers' burdens are rooted in formalism, and they cannot be solved with formalism, otherwise they will be saved.

In 2019, the Central Office of the Mainland Government and the General Office of the State Council jointly issued a few opinions on reducing the burden of teachers in primary and secondary schools to further create a good environment for education and teaching.The teaching inspection and inspection and evaluation matters are concentrated to reduce the non -teaching tasks of teachers.In 2022, the Office of the Education Supervision Committee of the State Council issued a notice on the prohibition of instructional tasks such as "raising fans", "evaluation" and "sales", which prohibit school stalls.These documents have been reposted and transmitted layer by layer, but what is the effect of execution?Did you reduce the burden?

The burden on the teacher is to curb formalism. The absurdity of "teaching first, first implementing a certain mission" cannot be performed.This requires the education department to truly support the teacher, so that the teacher said that it is not a reasonable non -teaching task; the relevant functional departments must truly achieve "respect the teacher and the education" and not to turn the care of love into a burden. Less disturbance is the best respect for the best respect.Essence