Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet with US President Biden in San Francisco on Wednesday, showing that after Sino -US relations have been thrilling in recent years, the two sides are trying to try to help a new and stable interactive model for a long time.The China -US Exchange Foundation held in Hong Kong 2023 last week. The theme is "Sino -US relations: changes and progress". Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng and the US ambassador to China Boyns all delivered via video.For the new model of Sino -US interaction, how Hong Kong responds is a question worthy of in -depth observation and thinking.

As the foreign minister Wang Yi said, "the road to San Francisco will not be a Ma Pingchuan", both China and the United States have worked hard for the Xi -Malaysian meeting.Since June, U.S. Secretary of State Brills, Finance Ministers Yellen, Minister of Commerce Raymond, Climate Change Special Envoy Kerry, Bolt Party Member, California Governor Newson and other politicians have visited China one after another.Or speeches, the Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and Deputy Prime Minister He Lifeng also visited the United States. At the same time, China and the United States also communicated in many practical areas such as economy, finance, climate change, and nuclear military control.For the first time, the Ministry organized a group to participate in the Shanghai Expo. China ’s pen -to -make American soybeans ... Standardous interactions have created a good atmosphere for Xi Missing to meet.

Competition is still intense interaction and become pragmatic

China has a cause of active inside and outside

On the other hand, the differences between China and the United States in geopolitics and national security have not narrowed. Competition in the Taiwan Strait, South China Sea, human rights, high -tech and other areas and fields, even more intense;The views of world hot issues such as the Russian and Ukraine War, and the Baza conflict are also very different.The above -mentioned differences are expected to be in this practice meeting.

Even so, Xi Jinping still has to meet with San Francisco to meet with Bayeng. From the recent Sino -US interaction, the performance of Chinese side has become more active. Among them, there are both internal factors and external factors.The internal factors are that the pace of recovery after China's economic epidemic is not as good as expected. Exports and investment are impacted by factors such as weak external demand and continuous interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve. It is urgent to expand opening to the outside world to stimulate revitalization.Xi Jinping's trip, in addition to meeting with Biden, also issued an invitation to economic cooperation with the APEC Summit of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. He plans to attend a dinner party with large American merchants, and is also considered an important signal to release investment promotion.

For China, the impact of the United States on the external environment of China is beyond doubt. The restart of the relationship with Western countries after the Chinese epidemic has benefited from the Xi Pyrite of Bali, Indonesia last November.Multi -country leaders tried to meet with Xi Jinping in San Francisco, and there was no stimulus of Xi.

The external factors are that China, as an important force, is indispensable in solving the role of major global issues.American politics has entered the election cycle, and Biden is anxious to achieve a re -election in diplomacy.In recent years, the fierce Sino -US game has caused the world to fall into some kind of anxiety and uncertainty.This Xi -worship was jointly joined forces to send a signal to the world: the leaders of the two sides are committed to putting the relationship on a more stable and constructive track.From this point of view, the meeting of the worship itself has achieved the purpose.

Given that the political factors in Sino -US relations have not disappeared, China is adopting a new way to reduce its interference.The first is to use political leadership to hedge political interference and reduce the risk of losing the relationship between the two countries.To political level.For example, after the United States has adopted new export control measures for China, China has also adopted corresponding export control countermeasures.It is generally expected that the Sino -US military exchanges will be recovered soon after the Xi Mali meeting, and Zhang Youxia, the vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, has recently visited Russia to meet with Putin, which is also this type of hedge.

The recovery of economic and trade is good for Hong Kong

Guoan Liantong Times Time

Understand a Chinese logic, the opportunities of Hong Kong in this change are clear.As an international financial center, shipping and regional trading centers, Hong Kong has always been the beneficiary of China's expansion of opening up and Sino -US relations.There are many reasons for the decline in exports in Hong Kong this year, but the impact of the Sino -US trade war is one of the important reasons.At present, China and the United States have begun to talk about issues such as trade, investment, and export control. He Lifeng and Yellen reached the consensus in San Francisco: the United States "does not seek to decide with China", and the two parties must "develop a healthy economic relationship".EssenceIf Sino -US trade has risen, it is undoubtedly good news for Hong Kong.

The relationship between China and the West will form a continuous pattern of political and trade exchanges between politics and security in the future.The role of bridges and bonds in the district still has a lot of room for play.Last year, the US listed company's Accounting Supervision Commission (PCAOB) conducted audit inspections on the Chinese stock company listed in the United States and was selected in Hong Kong.Last month, the Governor of California visited China, and the first stop also chose to visit Hong Kong. The University of Hong Kong also announced that it will be held an annual climate forum in California Bay Area in China next year.These all prove that as Hong Kong at the intersection of China and the West, it seems that the National Security Law is promulgated in danger, but as long as you do yourself, you can still contribute to Sino -US relations.

Xinhua News Agency proposed in a series of comments the day before yesterday that in order to promote the return of Sino -US relations to the healthy and stable development track, the two parties need to "overcome interference, eliminate obstacles, accumulate results, create atmosphere, and promote together."Maintaining national security, integrating into the overall situation of national development, and maintaining the unique advantages of Hong Kong and the world of Unicom are two sides.The more Hong Kong integrates into the overall national development situation, the more trusted by the country, the more proactive in terms of foreign Unicom, the more you can play an advantage in the development of Sino -US relations.To interfere with the United States, it is necessary to dare to speak up and avoid excessive effort. Sometimes the truth will become a fallacy. It is necessary to adapt to the new model of China -US interaction and avoid becoming a murmur and interference in the overall situation of Sino -US relations.