It is generally believed that the most fundamental conflict between China and the United States is in the field of ideology. This view is not accurate.In fact, China and the United States will only conflict because of the original ideological and ideological ideology, and the relative rational and pragmatic ideological position can be tolerated by both parties.

Sino -US relations are very important, and this importance has developed from the bilateral relations between the two countries to the stability of the Indian area, and now it has become a leverage that can leverage the security of the world.History clearly shows that the relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China is unfavorable. The enemy and me have continued for 22 years. Although there was a deadlock, it took nearly eight years to establish normal diplomatic relations.

The 30 years before and after the long history is just a short moment, but the specific experience and destiny of individuals are the years of the whole generation and confusion.After that, it only had 40 years of reform and opening up. For the United States, I was unacceptable to China. China can be the protagonist of geopolitics and the existence of a large market.For China, it is difficult to imagine leaving the United States. To this end, Deng Xiaoping understands the most thoroughly. Doing Sino -US relations is a key prerequisite for China to move towards comprehensive modernization and prosperity.

Those who have grown, live and start a business in the 40 years of reform and opening up are undoubtedly lucky. Some people even think that they are as lucky as super lottery, because many things are often good.The good times are not long -sized, but we must also learn to face reality.Especially since the end of February 2022, the world has just survived the tragic three years of plague, and Russia has invaded Ukraine, a country in the country.And turmoil.

Observer generally believes that after the Cold War has ended for 30 years, and after a wave of new economic development, high -tech progress, and democratization, the world seems to return to the pattern of conflict between campization.There are opinions that Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are one side, and the pan -western camps led by the United States as the other side; with this as a background, such a confrontation between the camp also directly causes the current Ukrainian war, the Middle East to the Harbin conflict, the Taiwan Strait, the South China SeaContinuous tension with the Korean Peninsula.

The current situation is characterized by the strict political sanctions and military curbing of Russia, Iran and North Korea, and the bilateral relations are basically seriously confrontable and the nature of the enemy and me, and high -level exchanges are completely interrupted.Although the relationship between China and the United States is also facing heavy pressure and difficulties, it still maintains the basic state of "fighting without breaking", which is equivalent to the transition that can be brewed in the crisis.This turning point is that if the overall situation of stable communication between Sino -US relations is maintained, the common trade relations between China and the United States will continue to grow, and the entire Indo -Pacific region can maintain development and prosperity, and the hotspots in other parts of the world will not be out of control.This is the key leverage that Sino -US relations can play in today's world security.

And the senior management of both China and the United States knows that the relationship between the two countries is normal and good, or it maintains at least the fighting without breaking, so that it can reflect the special value and advantages of Sino -US relations.If the two sides completely tear up their skin and each other's force, the value of Sino -US relations will fall below zero. It may be difficult to return to normal in decades.Politicians who truly courage and ability should effectively control and maintain the special value of Sino -US relations.

During the Cultural Revolution in China that year, Sino -US relations could have a journey of ice breaking and the turn of Liu Danhua.Today's China has experienced 40 years of reform and opening up. The China -US friendship cooperation proves that the people's happiness and regional peace are guaranteed, so no one can afford the reality and future responsibilities of subverting the burial of Sino -US relations.As long as the interests of the country and the people are first, there will be a thousand reasons to deal with Sino -US relations, and there is no reason to be damaged.

In terms of specific measures and operations, the author believes that Sino -US relations can no longer be treated in general, but to be good at finding the largest number of conventions between the positions and policies of both parties.Wisdom and ability to change.For example, on the Ukrainian issue, the largest number of equivalent to the two sides should be to prevent the expansion of the war and the outbreak of the nuclear crisis.Under the previous mention, China does not provide ammunition and equipment support to Russia. The United States does not encourage Ukraine to directly crack down on Russia's depth. Practical measures like this have the space and significance of practical operation.

Be good at finding the maximum number of equals

On the issue of Taiwan, the United States does not support Taiwan independence but opposes martial arts. China opposes Taiwan independence and adheres to the peace and reunification of cross -strait.The start of the war in the Taiwan Strait does not conform to China's reality and long -term interests. For example, Taiwan's per capita income has reached an average monthly salary of about 8,000 yuan (calculated in RMB, the same below, about S $ 1490), and the mainland still has about 600 million people on the mainland side.The monthly salary is less than 1,000 yuan.In contrast, should China ’s main energy and money, should n’t it be placed in the low income of improving and increasing the low income of 600 million people?Therefore, the so -called Taiwan issue is a bit complicated, but it is simple and simple to say. As long as you do things according to common sense, it is not difficult to do things well.

On the issue of the South China Sea, the United States adheres to the right to navigation of Gonghai and supports regional allies Philippines. While insisting on sovereignty, it also does not deny the free navigation channel in this sea area, and the traditional Chinese nine -segment line.There are certain contradictions and free travelers with modern international marine laws.Based on the above consensus, between China and the United States and between China and other voices, you can find the keys and ways to resolve the tension between the South China Sea.From the perspective of the global situation, there are some situations and historical evolution in the South China Sea situation, that is, sovereignty disputes between the same land or seas of the same piece of land or waters.There are only two types of ending, either zero sum, or coexistence.

On the Middle East issue, the international community has obtained the consensus of coexistence of Pakistan.As far as China's position is concerned, since Russia, which has historically invaded China's large -scale territory in history, can achieve a peaceful boundary division plan through negotiations and negotiations. Why not operate the same in the South China Sea issue?In the contemporary world, zero -sum thinking and strategy have been outdated because they cannot really solve the problem.Finally, a reasonable and legitimate solution is often a step forward in the dispute between the two sides to make a variety of diameter and resolve the deadlock.

As for the relevant issues within China, including Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, human rights improvement and freedom of speech, China and the United States are almost impossible for the eyes.China's basic position is that the United States must not interfere in the internal affairs, while the United States adheres to universal value and human rights standards.The United States is more graceful in this regard, and is not afraid of criticism or exposure.In this respect, due to various reasons in history, culture, and reality, it is obviously difficult to reach the realm of compatible and packed in the United States, and Baichuan.The grinding interaction between China and the United States in this regard should be the most difficult and challenging. The last thing is straight and wrong.

It is generally believed that the most fundamental conflict between China and the United States is in the field of ideology, and this view is not accurate.In fact, China and the United States will only conflict because of the original ideological and ideological ideology, and the relative rational and pragmatic ideological position can be tolerated by both parties.The success of China's reform and opening up in the past 40 years has flourished with China -US relations, which is the best proof in this regard.Once China replaces the Cultural Revolution with reform and opening up, China and the United States can also have a benign intersection in ideology.

In short, even if many of the confrontation between China and the United States may need to be tested and concluded in the future, it is effective to control the current Sino -US relations, so that this leverage can resolve the crisis, start communication, stimulate positive energy, and treat the current energy.This turbulent world is not a gospel.

The author is in the country in the United StatesExperts from inter -cultural strategy research and consulting