Each society has extremists, and all extremists are terrible. Whether they are political left or right -right or religious radicals.The terrible is that once people go extreme, they will lose the golden mean, lose rationality, and cannot compromise.

On November 5, 1995, then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was shot next to the seat when he was preparing to leave the scene after attending a huge peaceful assembly.Since then, the hope that Embellment, which was full of hope, died at the moment when it started.Yigal Amir, a arrested gunman on the spot, is a radicals who are still studying universities.He insisted on killing Laibin is a personal decision and had nothing to do with others.But afterwards, he showed that he was a member of an extreme right -wing organization.

Amir, born in 1970, was sentenced to life imprisonment. He is now 53 years old and is still in prison.Over the years, the great right -right organizations of Israel have repeatedly requested forgiveness. The Israeli Congress later passed a legislation that stipulated that the offender who killed the Prime Minister was not forgiven.Therefore, it seems that he is likely to have to be old.

In 1974, Labin, a soldier, became the leader of the Labor and served as the Prime Minister, but three years later, he stepped down by the division of his coalition government led by his leadership.In 1992, Labin was elected the Prime Minister again and reached a settlement with Palestine.In August 1993, Arafat, who was the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, secretly signed an Oslo agreement in the Norwegian capital.On September 13, 1993, the two held historic meetings in the White House, which promoted the US President Clinton.In 1994, Labin and Alafat won the Nobel Peace Prize.The "two countries' plan" showed a first -line dawn.

According to the agreement, the Palestinians can establish a Palestinian national power agency to manage the territory of Palestine.The Israeli National Defense Forces must withdraw troops from the Gagsa Strip and parts of the Jordan River.The Pakistani Organization acknowledged the Israeli State and promised to refuse violence, and Israel acknowledged that the Palestinian Organization was the representative of the Palestinian people.Arafat was allowed to return to Palestine.The transition period is five years. During this period, the two parties plan to negotiate to resolve the remaining problems and reach permanent agreement.

After the death of Dan La Bin, the Pakistani process stopped.Unfortunately, Israel's politics gradually leaned right, and there was no other Labin.After the death of Arafat in 2004, Palestine did not have the ability to unite the chin.The Gaza Strip was later controlled by the radical Hamas.

Israel's far -right is accused Laibin's traitor and opposed to the founding of the Pakistan; Palestine also vowed to have the extreme forces that Israel wiped from the map.They are superstitious and violent, each other, and return to each other with their eyes, and to teeth with their teeth.Under the current circumstances, restarting the plans of the two countries can only be said to be a cake.

Hamas suddenly launched a large -scale attack on October 7, Israel appeared in Israel that the media called the far from the history of history.Regardless of the details, but we know that the basic concept of Israel's far -right is Jewish supremacy and anti -Arabic racism.They oppose the founding of Pakistan, to increase colonization on the west bank of the Jordan River occupied by Israel, expel the Palestinians, and expand the settlement of people.Their right -wing parties, including the Religious Jewish Repeated State Party, have only accounted for a few seats in Congress, and they have become the creation of the Government of the Nei Tanahu camp and occupy important positions in the cabinet.

At the end of last year, when the Likardia Group led by Neitanahu, he signed an agreement with the Religious Jewish Repeated State Party to agree to promote a plan to annex some territories on the west bank of the Jordan River.So very right, how can there be room for the two countries to stand on a foothold?

Each society has extremists, and all extremists are terrible. Whether they are political left or right -right or religious radicals.The terrible is that once people go extreme, they will lose the golden mean, lose rationality, and cannot compromise.Extremeism is led to division and opposition, such as the confrontation between the two parties in the United States; the severe disaster and scourge, such as the ten years of the Cultural Revolution in China in the last century.However, the variety of extremism (including extremist nationalism, religious principles, etc.) is a weapon that instigated and confused politicians (including those in religious coats).

Extremely extremeism is excluded.Therefore, the extreme Israelites can't be able to settle the Barbinians, and the extreme Pakistatus is like Hamas and cannot tolerate Jews.The most terrible and sadness is that these extremism use each other as a reason for existence.If you do the first day, I must do fifteen.Because of your existence, I must also exist.In the case of extremism, it is almost impossible to jump out of the path of reconciliation and jumping out of the vicious cycle of violence.Hamas's attack has become a reason for Israel to invade Gaza again, and Gaza will be razed to scorched soil.Even if the United States wants to stop it, the Secretary of State Brills will go to say it, hoping to temporarily stop the fire so as to have the opportunity to rescue some hostages that have been held, Neutana also refuses.

Each of Harbin is extreme, each has its own reasons.In addition to the long -term oppression and bullying of Israel, the Palestinian situation is political incompetence.As mentioned earlier, after Alafat, Palestine fell into an uncultivated state.After 2007, the west bank and the Gaza Strip in the Jordan River have actually been treated with east and west, a bit like the past Pakistan.The Gaza region in the west was governed by Hamas and the Israeli continued occupation in the east. It was limited by "Palestinian State", but the government led by President Abbas was accused of corruption and incompetence and could not receive the support of most Ba people.The Baza people have a lot of fate, but many generations have been scattered like a scattered sand, and they cannot be self -reliant. They have become abandoned in the Arab world.

Israel, the extreme is not the majority.This can be clearly learned from the results of each Congress election that the far right always accounts for a few.The problem was fragmented by Israeli politics, and the results made a few political parties organically take advantage of it.Israel is one of the few countries that implement proportions. As long as any political party obtains a certain amount of votes, it can get the National Conference seats. Therefore, there are several right rights.As a result, it is difficult to have a political party to occupy the mainstream and obtain most of the national conference seats alone.Even, including the election at the end of 2022, Israel held five elections in four years. It is because of the occurrence of long -term political interests and the "right marriage" that has been exchanged and divided into fertilizer.Mainstream public opinion.

The result of

This kind of political fragmentation has made each government and party leader busy trying to continue political life. Only in front of the eyes, regardless of the long -term, it is difficult to concentrate the spiritual affairs of the country.Some people believe that the successful raid of Hamas on October 7 was caused by the government's distraction.A country living in the Arabian Ocean, which is about to face war threats from the beginning, can be imagined in other countries.

Someone may be puzzled by this, why is Israel so politically fragmented and unsolvable?In addition to the problems brought by the proportion representative system, another key factor should be the inherent cause of political party politics.The result of multi -party political development must be the differentiation of society, and the proportional representative system accelerates this differentiation.Although democracy is good, no one has thought that it can avoid the "antidote" that can avoid the fighting of the party, the social direction or the extremeization of the social direction.Singapore seems to be an exception. So far, there is another political party that can be used as a mainstay. In the allowance, in the agent, it can inhibit all forms of extremism and maintain the moderate and harmonious development of society.The question is, how long can such a good times last?

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress