Cultural and war phenomenon is familiar in the United States, but rarely hear it in the UK.The only time was mentioned by the British media at a high frequency, at the end of Brexit in 2019. At that time, the people had been tortured by the Brexit.It was the first time I felt a cultural war -a collective two -polar differentiation in a concept.

By 2022, the "Brexit has become a fact" has gradually become a consensus of the whole people. In the financial period, whether the United Kingdom is tired of the cultural war?(Is Britain Tiring of the Culture Wars?) Said: "The offspring of the cultural war will be of great significance. It will show that British politics is not as considering as American politics as many observers.When digging the trenches, the British may have set up a bridge. Even if they call on the Atlantic Ocean, such as a call like "Black Life" (BLM), but their exact forms do not cross the Atlantic. Cultural war is not necessarily us.Fate. "

Hamas defined by the British government as a terrorist organization suddenly launched a large -scale attack on Israel on October 7, killing countless people in a horrible way, and hijacking more than 200 hostages.Consistent with the United States, the British Conservative Government strongly supports the Israeli government and believes that Israel has a legitimate reason for defense and does not advocate suspension, but encourages "humanitarian pause" in warfire to transport assistance materials and release hostages.

Although Israel believes that "offensive Gaza is a huge casualties that the Israelites have suffered from more than 200 Hamas's return to Hamas to more than 200 hostages of Israel", and Hamas's inhumane; When Israel was siege Gaza, it indirectly caused the casualties to the Palestinian civilians. After the British independent news media played day and night (the BBC has rejected Hamas as a terrorist organization, only said that they are militants), they only say that they are militants).The pain of the Palestinians has become the most unbearable picture of the British public every day.

Israel's anger response may be in the middle of Hamas, because the more anger in Israel, the more Palestinian civilians who are injured and injured — this violates Western human rights standards.Especially for the extremely polite and good restraint British, even in the face of extreme brutality, the basic style and politeness should not be lost.

As a country with a high degree of freedom of community, parade and speech, Britain's control of the parade is very loose.Generally, the parade can be held as only by the police approval.On October 28, tens of thousands of people marched in London and called for a ceasefire. On the evening of October 31, hundreds of protesters supporting Palestine held a peak sitting demonstration on the fourth busy station in the UK -Liverpool Street Station in London; NovemberOn the 4th, the parade plan continued.The purpose of the number of many parade was not exactly the same. Some shouted "from the river to the sea", and some shouted "Palestine will get freedom", but waving the Palestinian banner and "demanding ceasefire" are consistent.

These organizers are often immigrants in Palestine or Muslims. They have learned the consciousness and methods of citizen movement in the UK to be good at mobilizing their own political demands to make their own political demands.Many leftists with a high sense of human rights also support the movement.

This is reminiscent of the death of black American George Freud in 2020, causing a widely collective parade in the West.The polarization of the British society caused by the BLM movement at that time is in line with the definition of cultural war.Although the influence of Brexit is still the witch, the movement rewrite the reputation of Edward Colston, the 18th century figure in the UK, which made him from a generous charitator into sinTired black slave traffickers.This happened not far from my door, which made me stunned, because Britain "convicted the ancients with the most modern concepts."

Is the future development of supporting the Palestinian parade in the future, may it trigger the British public's attitude to the Pakistani conflict -support Israel, or support Palestine, which leads to internal cultural war?Because the public demands a suspension of the war to stop the casualties, but the British government is concerned about geopolitics and national security, it is only encouraged to carry out "humanitarian suspension" in the war of war and refuse to ask for ceasefire.

The Conservative Party has taken tough measures to keep the entire party completely consistent with the matter. For this reason, Paul Bristow, a member of the parliament that has called for the off -war;Maintaining the same step as the government, he also suspended his work on Andy McDonald, a parliamentarian of the "very offensive" statement supporting Palestine's rally.

Both the ruling party and the largest opposition party do not support shutdown war.But Layla Moran, a spokesman for Foreign Democratic Democratic Foreign Affairs, has a family in Gaza. The father -in -law of Humza Yousaf, the first minister of the Scotland's ruling ethnic group, has been trapped in Gaza for a long time. In November, NovemberIt was rescued only on the 3rd.Both parties support the ceasefire.

At present, only the British government, Labor Party, researchers, and minority media professionals who worry about geopolitics and national security. Most British media and the public have long supported human rights, peace, and international law.Few media and the public aware of the competition between China and the United States, but most of them are concentrated in climate change, Ukraine, human rights protection, animal rights protection, and so on.

Therefore, as long as Israel's war continues, it is expected that more and more British people in Palestine will support Palestine.Will it develop into a polarized cultural war?So far, only the cultural war caused by the Economist articles in the British media mentioned this problem, but it does not specifically refer to Britain, but refers to the entire West.

In 2021, a study at King's College London found that although the United Kingdom and the United States have many important differences, there are also "obvious echoes" of American experience. Britain may be in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s trendsEarly stages.There are so many religious beliefs in the United Kingdom, and there is no polarized two -party system like the United States. The greatest social characteristics are the high compromise between members of social members and organizations.However, with the complexity of the population structure and religious society, whether the Pakistani conflict will intensify into a cultural war, which may depend on the direction of future war and the number of casualties.

The author is a bilingual writer who settled in the UK