The author believes that there are some extremely dangerous signals behind this crisis: First, the politics of American political parties is running all the way in the direction of the party.Second, compromises constitute a "original crime" and will be established by new game rules that are ruthlessly liquidated.

On October 25th, Johnson, a Republican conservative member of Louisiana, was eventually elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States.The statement of the New York Times on October 26 is that the Republican Party made the "despair" choice made by the embarrassing situation of the continued difficulty in the end of the speaker election.But anyway, Johnson's election has caused Congress, which has been caught in the air for three weeks, and temporarily cross the biggest crisis in the history of the U.S. Congress.

Since the House of Representatives voted on October 3, he has dismissed McCarthy's speaker and made him the first Speaker of the House of Representatives in the history of the United States. The author has not been particularly shocked.After all, since Trump was elected as the President of the United States, the two parties have almost caught in a state of struggle where you die. From the impact of Congress Mountain to the two parties to impeach each of the presidents, you can sing and make me debut!In this regard, the author has been discussed in the Lianhe Zaobao's speech edition.The crisis in this round of parliament is just a higher level, and there is nothing worthy of a fuss.However, some problems and phenomena exposed in the crisis are still worthy of our attention and pondering.

First of all, this crisis was caused by the right -wing conservatives of the Republican Party to openly propose to dismiss the party's speakers.This is not only unprecedented in the history of the United States, but also after the Republican Party has nominated the candidate for the Speaker four times. Fang was approved by the party, which also reflected that the struggle within the Republican Party was extremely intense.As the New York Times stated, the Republicans of the House of Representatives were selected as the "nearly absurd political internal fighting cycle". The right -wing conservatives did not accept the candidates of the traditional speaker, and they did not agree with the tough conservative candidates.To some extent, this is a representation of further deterioration of political polarization of political parties, that is, from the polarization division of the two parties to the polarization and division of the party.According to the development of this trend, not only will the two parties have difficulty reaching consensus on many issues in the future, but it may be increasingly difficult to pace in the party.Will the United States split and split into multi -party one day?Even from the other way, "Will the political extreme United States go to the civil war?"

Secondly, if there is any accident in the crisis, it is the colorful role played by the Democrats.Originally, the Republican lawmakers who proposed the dismissal were eight in the district, but the Democratic Party could support McCarthy, and this farce could be announced.And the direct inducement that caused the removal proposal was that McKinsey was willing to work with the Democratic Party to cooperate with the Democratic Party to pass the federal government's temporary budget bill, and only the party's extreme forces had a crazy revenge.Unexpectedly, the Democrats were revenge, and the proposal of the Republican Party dismounted with the Republican proposal.Economist's article on October 4 pointed out: "A healthy two -party system should encourage consensus between the two parties.I was fired. "

It is necessary to know how much courage it takes to break through the heavy obstruction of the Republican Party in the tension of this kind of political polarization and division today.However, there was no Democratic member who waited for him to support him to stay in office. What naked betrayal was this!What insidious conspiracy (Yangmou)!As the Economist's article comment area, a message says: "Democrats are as short as ever. They say that Speaker Johnson is too right. They can easily retain a more gentle speaker McCarthy. They only need a few Democrats to vote for votingThe support does not dismiss him. On the contrary, they voted all of them for short -term political interests. Now they can only be prevented by a more conservative speaker. "Of course, the author does not think that this is the Democratic Party shortly.It should be deepened to explore the roots behind the political polarization of the two parties.

In the end, the author believes that there are some extremely dangerous signals behind the crisis: First, politics of American political parties is running all the way towards the party in the direction of the party.In this Parliament's farce, 212 Democratic Party ’s 212 parliamentarians even voted unanimously and agreed to dismiss the speaker of this relatively gentle and willing to compromise with the Democratic Party.Reform, Lian Zaobao November 1) taste.

Second, compromise, which constitutes "original sin" and will be established by new game rules that will be ruthlessly liquidated.This is bound to greatly destroy a trace of mutual trust in the two parties, and greatly encourage the prevalence of never compromising.

After this incident, we probably predict that the two parties will be difficult to reach consensus on the comparative issues of many tit -tat tit -for -tat.Unless the Democratic Party can make more substantial concessions, the temporary budget bill of federal government that is about to expire alone is enough to paralyze the federal government.EssenceThis is bound to have a serious blow to the Biden government and the US economy.

Complex compromises are the first element required for the successful operation of the United States Constitutional Conference and the normal operation of the democratic system.I remember that Chinese writer Yi Zhongtian was amazed by the great compromise spirit reflected in the debate of the American Constitutional Conference, and was discussed in the name of difficulty.Imagine if these constitutional conferences have no trust in each other, if they do not compromise or dare to make compromises, why is there any difficulty?Why come to the United States Constitution?Why are you in the United States?

The author is a researcher at the Ash Democratic Governance and Innovation Center of Kennedy College of Harvard University of China University of Political Science and Law