Prime Minister Li Xianlong, Secretary -General of the People's Action Party, announced at a two -year party conference on November 5 that if everything goes smoothly, it is hoped that the Party will be given the fourth -generation leader team before the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the party in November next year.This is the willingness and specific plan for his official expressions.Premier Li, 71, originally intends to work on his 70th birthday, but delayed due to the outbreak of the crown disease. In addition, Wang Ruijie, the deputy prime minister of the fourth -generation team, withdrew from the successor.The deployment also caused the society to be uneasy about the transfer of the party's power with the government.

The uncertainty caused by the political competition of national elections, political parties in democratic systems are usually difficult to formulate long -term arrangements for power transfer.Similar to the Liberal Democratic Party, which has been in power for a long time in Japan, since it came to power in Singapore's autonomous state in 1959, the DAP has been in power since the founding of Singapore's independence in 1965.The Founding of the Party in the party began to find candidates in the 1970s and the 1980s, planned succession operations, and formed a mechanism, and successfully completed two power transfer.At that time, due to the strong economic development momentum, the founding of the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew's personal prestige and strong rule, which enabled the DAP to be commissioned by voters in previous elections and smoothly promoted intergenerational classes.

Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, for any organization group, power transfer is always the most dangerous challenge and the most vulnerable moment.Stable power transfer must have two parts of the internal and external factors, and the selection and competition of health successors must be ensured internally, and they will not split due to excessive competition.Therefore, the leadership must strive to condense the basic consensus internal consensus and maintain the unity and centripetal force of members.The clarity and stability of the external environment is also very important. It allows organization members to not be distracted, and even individual competitors use the means of importing external factors to complicate competition in handling.

The DAP also appeared in a chaotic state when transferring power to the fourth -generation team.After intensive consultation within the party and the intervention coordination of the existing leadership and veterans, it was finally established to establish the fourth -generation team led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai.After years of prosperity and development in Singapore, it has also formed an increasingly diverse interest pattern. Some opposition parties can represent some new interests, continue to win more national conference seats, and gradually constitute political challenges to the Party.

The current international situation also puts pressure on the party's power transfer.Since the game of the US -China trade war opened and upgraded into a comprehensive great power game, a series of international uncertain factors such as global crown disease, supply chain interruption, worldwide inflation, Russia and Ukraine War, and Harbin conflict increased.Singaporean voters' anxiety.The DAP does not solve the problem of succession day, and the anxiety of voters may even become dissatisfied.As a designated successor, Huang Xuncai, through the leadership team to carry out the "Singapore to advance" campaign to condense public opinion and promulgate the fiscal budget to express governance capabilities. In addition, Premier Li's clear succession date is believed to have a certain role in stable.

Premier Li announced the completion of the handling of the class by November next year, and further pointed out that the leading party of Huang Xuncai participated in the next national election.This statement obviously shows Premier Li's confidence in Huang Xuncai and the fourth -generation leadership team.Huang Xuncai's speech at the party conference showed that he realized the challenges faced by the DAP and the burden of the fourth -generation team.He said that the DAP can no longer assume that it can win the ruling power in the election, so each election must go all out to strive for the support of voters.He has repeatedly emphasized the importance of collective leadership of the fourth -generation team.

With the release of the "Singapore Jobs" sports report, I believe that voters will pay more attention to how the new team implements the goals.The same important thing is that in addition to the report, how the Huang Xun Consortium has described the expectations of the Chinese people through the explanation of his own concept of governing the country to mobilize the people's unity for future political ideals.It is the common challenge of the DAP and the people of Singapore.