The popularity of the Internet has brought many opportunities, and of course, it also wiped out many opportunities.It has created work such as takeoffs, online shopping courier, and video online celebrities.Most of the former children's yearning for white -collar workers, such as lawyers, engineers, doctors, etc.; Now many children may want to be YouTuber or Internet celebrities.

The first wave of the Internet has led to Facebook, YouTube and other platforms.However, the times and society are cruel, and now the fiery platform is Instagram, Douyin, etc.From the perspective of video directions, people's viewing habits have gradually turned from long videos (YouTube, mainly 10 minutes of video) to today's short videos (vibrato, mainly a few minutes of video).This has also prompted many Internet celebrities and social discussions, thinking that long videos are no longer popular.Now that you want to be red, most of the opportunities are in the field of short video, and long videos have gradually become "traditional media".

People pay attention to long videos than in the past, and the traffic of many long videos has shifted to short videos.Because people's attention is limited, each person has a maximum of 24 hours a day.The overall rhythm of society has accelerated with the development of the times, and people's time appears to be scarce, which reasonably explains why short videos can be favored by people.Times have created the Internet, and the first batch of people who are popular for long videos; but now many people who have videos of the chiefs are also forced to face the competition of short videos, or unpleasant points, and are facing the "elimination" of society.

Like a programmer, this is a typical engineer profession, and the salary is higher than that of engineers in other fields.However, many programmers are now facing the competition of artificial intelligence (AI) such as ChatGPT. They only need to learn the basic programming ability, and everyone can become a "programming master".

Times have created a very fragrant job of programmers, but the times are also eliminated.Many companies now use AI models to replace relatively expensive programmers.

Of course, senior programmers have been eliminated by AI for a long time, and may even be difficult to be replaced by AI.But the basic position is facing AI threats.With the rapid development of AI and innovation, many basic positions will be replaced.In the past, we thought that AI was still far away, but now everyone can contact AI for free and let it go to simple documents and programming work.


Times created a cheaper travel option for people, but this caused a taxi driver in various places to protest from all over the country, and believed that online car rental infringed on their interests.In Western countries, some taxi drivers even stop the car in the middle of the road to obstruct traffic, hoping to get the government's attention.This reminds me of more than 100 years ago, the American carriages protested in large quantities of cars (at that time, Ford in the United States reducing car production prices because of the invention of assembly lines, so that more and more American families can afford cars), resulting in their income and even their incomeThe work disappears.History always repeats similar plots.

The world becomes beautiful due to the rapid development of the times, and the crescent of science and technology has made the quality of life better;Cruel reality.

The author is a graduate student in Malaysia of Tsinghua University