Singapore's achievements in education and cultivation of talents are worthy of those foreign entrepreneurs who donate huge sums of money to us.

68 -year -old Hong Kong film emperor Zhou Runfa was awarded the "Asian Filmmaker Award" at the 28th Busan Film Festival in South Korea on October 4.At the press conference, when asked about the crown disease in July this year, he reported a fake news that was seriously ill and coma.

Zhou Runfa, who is 50 years since the shadow, believes that living in the moment is the most important thing. It takes life and death very lightly. Frankly: "I'm not afraid of getting old, and there is nothing to fear. This is life."After climbing mountains and running habits, he said: "Maybe you may die as soon as you run, so that there will be no fake news."

This "Singapore son -in -law" was smelled when facing the wonderful words of life and death, and it made me pay more attention to that he talked about the """He still said silently, "It's not that I want to donate, it's my wife's decision, and I don't want to donate, it's all my hard money." Then he said seriously: "Anyway, when people come to the world, everything is everything.It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't take it away. "He is as chic at the screen as the image on the screen. Naked donations will have to be realized.

Today, there are many people who only care about wealth, show off their wealth, have the next generation, but they are not allowed to donate, but there are many examples of urgent righteousness in history.Hu Xueyan, a well -known businessman in the Qing Dynasty, was the most happy in his life.His favorite pair of Spring Festival couplets are "Xiangyangmen is always there, and people are celebrating."During the Spring and Autumn Politics, the Vietnamese politicians and militaryists were also Fan Ye of the God of Management. They were rich in business three times, and they were all out of their homes.

Many museums in the world are given to personal collections, such as the British Museum of London, which began with a doctor and botanist, a doctor and botanist, more than 250 years ago, collected from all over the world.Someone is constantly donating.The Monopoly British Museum in the British Museum, the Storage Room of the Great British Museum, is rich in content.The author James Hamilton recorded the development history of the museum, but it seemed to ignore how many of the collections were ignored or unintentionally ignored the cultural relics and babies from the British Empire searching from the colonies. The reason is self -evident.

In 1989, Liu Zuo, a local retirement banker, calligraphy and calligraphy appreciator Liu Zuzu, was originally intended to be retained in Singapore. Unfortunately, he could not get official positive response and cooperation. Because he used to be in the Hong Kong banking industryFor many years, the Hong Kong Art Museum has become the ultimate ownership of his lifelong collection.I went to Hong Kong many times and went to the art museum of Tsim Sha Tsui Tianxing Wharf many times to watch the collection of Liu Zuchi.This historic "walking treasure incident" gives Singapore a fierce lesson.

Li Guangyao's friends and Hong Kong business giant Li Jiacheng have repeatedly actively supported Singapore's education, and made large donations to Singaporean University of Management University and Li Guangyao School of Public Policy.In conjunction with Lee Kuan Yew's 100th birthday, the Strait Times sent a production team to visit Li Ka -shing in Hong Kong and visited the video on the "Asian Prospective Summit 2023".From his admiration for Lee Kuan Yew, he can understand why he did not hesitate to Singapore's generosity to promote Singapore's higher education and assist in cultivating regional talents.

Wealthy Indonesian businessmen and charitable Weng Junmin, a wealthy Indonesian businessman and charitator donated to Singapore many times, donated 1 million yuan to the Singapore National University Law School last August to provide scholarships for the master's degree students in law schools.In Weng Junmin's view, this is not a "donation", but a "cooperation".His philosophy is "education can change the fate of a country."He is an alumni of the University of Nanda, and his son graduated from the University of the National University.

The emphasis on education has indeed changed the fate of Singapore. During the two or three decades, Singapore walked out of the third world.Based on the GDP per capita, Singapore has long been a high -income group among developed countries.Now that the country is wealthy, why do other people's homes donate huge sums of money to Singapore? Because of the concept of governing the country in Singapore, politics is clear, which is in line with their personal values.Of course, the "Li Guangyao factor" is more important.This factor ensures that the money will not be abused and will not be used by people.

Swiss luxury watch Patek Philippe has a classic English advertising word, which is "you don't have it, you just custody for the next generation", highlighting the brand's transmission value.Its Chinese advertising words are "creating your tradition."This sentence is also good, and there is a pioneering inheritance.

The treasures of Singapore's handed down in Singapore are more lies in spirit and ideas, not material civilization.Once the National Construction Association has declined due to the decline in leaders and people's quality, such as the subway is no longer effective operation, power -off and water and breaks have become the norm, and the park weeds are clustered ...

Last month, the "2023 IMD World Talent Ranking" released by the World Competitiveness Center of Lausanne International Management (IMD), Switzerland, ranked eighth in Singapore, in Switzerland, Luxembourg, Iceland, Belgium, Netherlands, Finland,,,, Finland,,, Finland,,, Finland,,, Finland,,, Finland,,, Finland,,,, Finland,,,, Finland,,, Finland,,,, Finland,,After the small population of the European population such as Denmark, it is the only country in Asia in the top ten countries.

Singapore's achievements in education and cultivation of talents are worthy of those foreign entrepreneurs who donate huge donations to our education careers. Singapore has made achievements in Singapore. It is a return on investment for many years.At the same time, we should also make greater contributions to the cultivation of regional talents. There must be Yu Qing, and the developed countries of civilizations will be the case.