Source: Surging News

Author: Yuheng

The loss of Chinese 4 -year -old girls on the beach has made people worry about.According to the Shanghai Pudong police, the possibility of girls from being taken away from the beach by others is initially excluded.The next day after the girl was lost, his father finally pointed out the accurate orientation when he was separated from the girl in the monitoring. The police found the suspected girl in the image in the image.Later, walked towards the water and disappeared into the waves after falling by the water.

At the beginning, many people believed that this was just a holiday, and the incidents of "ordinary" children and parents together would eventually be shocked.However, with the further notification of the police, the possibility of the girl was taken away from the beach by others, especially according to the screen judgment displayed by the monitoring probe, the girl "disappeared into the waves after falling by the water", everyone's hearts were hung up.It is also looking forward to the coming of miracles.

At present, Pudong Police has coordinated the water flow of Shanghai Ocean University and Maritime University to further carry out search for searching.On the Internet, in addition to praying for miracles, netizens will inevitably start discussions on the responsibility of the guardian.With more details disclosure, many netizens do not understand, why would a father leave only a 4 -year -old child on the beach alone?Is this too big?

Putting off the natural risks that may occur in offshore. On the beach with a large traffic, the risk of being taken away is enough to make the vast majority of parents do not let their children be so "alone".It is precisely because of this incredible "heart" that at present, the father is also blame the father on the public opinion field.

Before the final result, any over -association or conspiracy theory is unnecessary.From the perspective of normal human ethics, girls' parents and family members are the most distressed at this moment.Under the current circumstances, excessive condemnation of the child's father is also incomparable, and it is more likely to cause secondary damage to the children's family.But the matter did once again touched people's thinking about "guardians' responsibility".After the relevant news was announced, it immediately appeared on the hot search, which was enough to reflect the extensive public opinion that it triggered.

This is actually easy to understand.One, the safety problem of children involved in children is very easy to make people feel a sense of inferiority, especially such extreme events, which can be described as the softest part of all parents' hearts;One of the most controversial consensus in society.

In reality, the vast majority of people cannot understand the actions that the father left the child on the beach in order to return to get a mobile phone.Because whether it is from the police's reminder or many parenting education, "don't let your children leave their sight", almost all of them are an iron law that guarantees children's safety.

At present, we have no way of knowing whether this father's move is just because of "big heart", but whether it is generally recognized by society or from the current results, this approach is obviously extremely notWhat should.Of course, knowing common sense, it is often two different things to practice common sense.Many times, people will inevitably be relaxed, or they are lucky -even the parents who care about their children's safety most.

The reasons behind this are complicated. For example, for this generation of parents, their own growth is likely to be in a state of "releasing".Because whether it is objective or in terms of security consciousness, it is impossible to achieve "the child does not leave the parents' sight" anytime, anywhere, and then it seems to grow safely.The differences in this growth background may also magnify some parents' "big intentions."

However, many practical cases, including this incident, show that they must not underestimate the risk coefficient of "being alone" for young children.For a moment of negligence and care, it is likely that the child will be placed in a huge risk, and it will also cause parents to make a regretful life tragedy.For example, the tragedies caused by repeatedly appeared in the car in the car repeatedly have repeatedly ringing the alarm.

At present, we can only continue to pray that the 4 -year -old girl can be sheltered by miracles.I also hope that every parent can better understand the weight of the "guardian's responsibility" from such practical cases, and avoid those unrefined regrets with practical actions.

At the same time, after regret and sadness, I also look forward to that more people realize that in the era of "chicken baby", and at least in a material senseThe damage caused by negligence is still a important thing that needs to be taken seriously.Don't regret it, you can understand the most simple truth.