September 29th, mainland China enters a regular gold week holiday every year, with a total of eight days this year.Because this holiday also includes the Mid -Autumn Festival and National Day, some media also referred to this year's Golden Week as a double -festival vacation.Research institutions and intelligence units that are targeted at the economic conditions of mainland China in the world have begun to rub their fists, prepare to master various prosperity indicators, and deduct actuarials through the data analysis model of the overall economic research. I hope to interpret important strategic meanings.

In the past few months, Western media has continuously reportedly reported the negative information of the economic prosperity in mainland China. Many scholars and experts have also cooperated with the media to propose a lot of pessimistic comments. Even the US President Biden visited Vietnam after attending the Gemini Group Summit in early September after September.At the time, we also came to make fun, publicly referring to the economic crisis in mainland China, and the possibility of martial arts invading Taiwan was relatively reduced.Therefore, all parties have remained high attention to the future economic development prospects of mainland China. In fact, it is not limited to the economic level, but also inferred that Beijing's foreign policy and strategic determination.

Economic consumption activities generated through important holidays have always been an important indicator for all parties to observe the future prospects of global heavyweight economies.The holiday economic consumption activities not only show the actual consumption capacity of the public, but also can even interpret the confidence of private consumers' confidence in future economic prospects from consumer structure and related activities.

However, after all, this kind of holiday economic activity is not a frequent economic thrust. Strictly speaking, effectiveness will be difficult to completely subvert the basic market of economic activity structures.How much reference value does the holiday economy has often become arguments in research institutions and academic circles.Nevertheless, for the holiday economic activity indicators to master and pay attention to specific research objects, it is an important parameter for the political decision -making class and intelligence research units of various countries.

Of course, each country or social group has multiple different continuous holidays every year. The formats that can be driven or generated by each holiday are not the same, so the degree of attention is quite different.Western society accompanied by Christmas and New Year's holidays, because the shopping trends inspired by the customs of mutual gifts are important business opportunities that department store wholesalers must master.Especially during this period, various enterprises will issue annual bonuses or investment bonuses. A large amount of funds will release to consumers, and the economic effects driven by them will be more significant and far -reaching.

Similarly, Chinese society will issue year -end bonuses and dividends before the Spring Festival, which will also produce significant tide of consumption. At this time, it is a critical moment to observe the consumer confidence of the public.In contrast, some continuous holidays will inspire tourism. The itinerary is to go to other countries or stay in China. When judging the economic effects and interpretation of consumption trends, it will also become an important indicator of reference value.

The current economic strength of Mainland China has a pivotal position in the world, and the development prospects will also affect multiple different trading partners. All supply networks with the relationship between production products with mainland China will be the community of life of Beijing's economic prosperity.EssenceBecause of this, mastering the Beijing's economic and trade policy and the pulse pulse, naturally becomes a topic that research institutions and intelligence units of various countries must pay close attention.

Politics and economy are not rhetoric after all. Washington relations with Beijing are tense, but the economic and trade relations between the two parties are difficult to give up. Although mainland China believes that the United States is interestedIt's hard to find the intersection.Beijing accuses Washington's generalization of economic and scientific and technological output issues, but politics and economy are originally a two -sided structure. Technology is closely related to economic operations. If you want to get rid of the relationship, it is actually the same as the overall economic and trade exchanges. It is also subjective.Hope.

In the end, it is reminded that usually Western economists and media commentators will not retain the situation in mainland China without reservation.After the consecutive holidays of China, according to economic indicators and consumer activities, some comments, analysis and observation conclusions will inevitably emerge; I may wish to wait and see if this golden week economic activity and consumption status can make the Western world or mainland China.The commentators themselves have a judgment on the prospects of the economic development of mainland China.

The author is a senior researcher at the Chinese Strategy Society of Taiwan