There is a difference between diplomats in China and the United States, that is, Chinese diplomats are mostly occupations, and most of them are from diplomatic or foreign language majors; the United States has guests from all walks of life, including scholars.Of course, US foreign decision -making has been highly institutionalized. It will be subject to the specific rules of various departments from the Constitution to the specific rules of various departments.The role of the role is still not to be underestimated.

There are rotating doors between American political leaders, academic elites and politicians.For example, after working in private institutions, Wall Street elites can directly enter government departments as important positions, or vice versa; political scholars and other academic elites can also quickly switch between universities, think tanks, research institutions and government departments.In the field of diplomacy, they provide cross -border academic resources that jump out of diplomatic professional vision than vocational diplomats.In this regard, it demonstrates the political structure of the American "lobbying", and it also makes the decision -making process of foreign policy more layered and flexible.Typical examples, such as Bu -Trezinski, Kissinger, etc., are all learned and excellent, and have been left and right for a certain period of time in the United States.The two Harvard classmates -geopolologist Samuel Huntington also served as the National Security Council of the Carter period.

Of course, this is not to say that there is no scholar host or behind the scenes of diplomatic work, but the academic factors in the foreign decision -making of the two parties are still quite different.About the 1940s, the US government has recruited a large number of scholars, missionaries, and journalists who know Chinese and Chinese culture.Most of these people have lived in China for a long time and have a good opinion of China. Like Situ Leiden, who served as Ambassador to China from 1946 to 1952.He is also a multi -identity of missionaries, educators, and diplomats, and believes that his cultural identity in China is even surpassed the United States.Therefore, even after the capital of Nanjing, the capital of the National Government in 1949, he stayed for many days to seek opportunities to establish diplomatic relations with New China.The Truman government at that time also left the back of the New China.

Such a decision is because of the strategic foundation of the Far East in the United States after World War II, and to transform Japan and South Korea with China as the core.Therefore, the weak "big country" of the Republic of China has also entered the Five Changs of the United Nations Security Council, and its international status has been greatly improved.Only after the Civil War of the Communist Party of China, the National Government fell quickly, and then broke the Ruyi calculation of the United States.Until the 1970s, in order to check and balance the Soviet Union, the adjustment of the US strategic relations in China was still inseparable from the strategic vision and diplomatic wrist of Jisinson, a Zhihua Paiist knowledge elite.

Until about 10 years ago, in the US diplomatic circle, the positive promotion role from the Zhihua School of the academic community has not been small.However, in recent years, US -China relations have been suffered from unprecedented setbacks.Of course, there are many reasons, but first of all, it is inseparable from the US frustration of the United States' policy in China.

Kurt Campbell and Ely Ratner in 2018 issued a statement on the US Foreign relations Association's diplomatic affairs that the United States misjudged China?(DID America Get China Wrong?) Re -evaluating the policy of "contact with contact" after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, and believes that the United States should give up the idea of wishful thinking in the past.

Foreign Affairs is an influential journal and one of the weathervanes adjusted by US national policy.Like 1947, it published the root of George Kainan's famous articles.Therefore, as long as you have patiently curbing, you can slowly drag it.

Although Campbell and Latner's point of view have aroused widespread controversy in the academic community, it must be said that even in the academic community's friendly voice to China is quickly disappearing.Therefore, John Pomfret, who had studied in Nanjing University in 2019, published an article on the Washington Post in 2019, which did not depend on Trump.EssenceIf the US official's transformation of the Chinese position is disturbing, then the American academic elites' cognition of China has a negativeness, it is more potential.

Many people have a wrong understanding that the international economy can solve all problems.Like the long -term "political cold menstruation" in the middle and Japanese, people believe that political and economic can not interfere with each other.This ignores the fatality of ideological differences.Many people also think that as long as China and the United States are closely connected, they can control the direction of Sino -US relations.The US foreign policy does have a pragmatic side, but the traditional religious spirit brings to democracy, human rights, and freedom, which is very persistent in moralism, is the other side of its spirit of establishing the country.

Therefore, in history, the United States has made a dedication that is not easy to understand for these quite abstract ideas.Coupled with the relatively decreased international status in the United States and in the process of globalization, the outflow of employment and ethnic contradictions caused by domestic capital outflows, and finally accelerated the decoupling between the United States and China.

Sino -US relations are the most important diplomatic relations in the world. The current tension situation will have a very negative impact on the future world prospects.However, the United States' friendly Chinese faction is quickly losing the right to speak, as well as China's Zhimei School!American researchers who have a mild view of Chinese views are marginalized by the entire society.China's war wolf will overestimate its strength, advocate the eastward rise and west, and vigorously promote the expansion diplomatic strategy; however, the United States actually has war wolves, and it is also keen to treat China from all aspects of military, diplomacy, geopolitics, economy and trade, culture, and culture.Comprehensively curb.It is the joint force of these two parties that the world has further pushed the world to an unpredictable future.Therefore, how to restore the right to speak in the diplomatic relations between the Zhihua School and Zhimei may not only have academic significance.

The author is a literary and historical worker, religious researcher