Source: Xinjing News

Author: Tangshan

Like this year's Chinese writer Consolidate, Norwegian writer Jon Funfase last became famous. In 2013, it was 10 years ago.

At that time, this also caused all British and American literature enthusiasts to ask, who is Forter?Until 2014, when the British Guardian interviewed him, he never forgot to add a sentence to the report: Why did the British have never heard of Forte?

10 years ago, the people who gambled Forte on the Nobel Prize List list may be lost. 10 years later, the Nobel Prize in Literature chose Fusea again -according to the Beijing News,On October 5, local time, the Swedish Academy of Arts announced that the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2023 was awarded Forter to recognize "he used a very innovative drama and prose to make an unspeakable thing."

Is it because in the past 10 years, Forter's writing has leap in qualitative?

In fact, Fushe, 10 years ago, has been recognized as a world -class drama master and the person who has been performed the most among the works of the world.Iboson "" Beckett in the 21st Century ".

In the past 10 years, Fuser's most influential work is the trilogy of slow prose and short stories -the sleepy night of Olaf's dream is tired.The language is minimalist, the uninhabited conversation, repeat several words and phrases, most of the plots can only guess ...

Indeed, this fits Fuser's "making things that can't speak".But this is his writing characteristics, and most of his masterpieces have been completed as early as 10 years ago.

Jonford was born in 1959. At the age of 12, he began writing small poems and stories. According to himself, this is "I created my own space in the world, a place where I feel safe,This is a kind of escape. "

Forter has always maintained a love of poetry. In addition to his personal poetry collection, he created a well -known literary interest in the literary world: Norwegian writer Knosgard showed a poem to Fede, a blessingSei responded that one of the adjectives is not bad, and the rest is not poetry at all.

This "Cool Comment" gives Ford's name "Knosgard's Creative Writing Teacher".Knosgard later said, "Ford made me understand what the essence of poetry and prose."

At the age of 25, Forter published the first novel; at the age of 26, his second novel locking guitar was called "miniature female Yulisis"; at the age of 33, due to bankruptcyHe turned to drama, but until the age of 37, he wrote that the first drama work was coming, and this was also regarded as his masterpiece.

Some people are about to tell the wooden houses of a man and one woman alone and move to the wilderness, but only the state of "I and you" is by no means paradise."Others" really appeared, and it always broke the balance.

This is undoubtedly a huge fable, showing the two difficult choices of modern people in faith and vulgar worlds- "Others" are the temptation that cannot be resisted. We will eventually be controlled.The opposite side.

All the dramas of Fudase have followed the traces of people: the characters are placed in the symbolic time and space, but the movements are full of reality.These works are both easy to be born and Baker -face the problem of life. The stage movements are simple and easy to understand, but the overall atmosphere is absurd.

Scholar Chen Junjie pointed out in the rescue community that Fushe presented a human survival state with the "alien" (extracting the real world).As Utopia go far, modern people are actually in the world that they cannot understand: do not understand what the goal of life is, how the world is constituted, how the relationship between yourself and the world, why is it busy all day long, there is a unique destiny.Do you ... the relationship is very important, I can't understand the truth. Only when placed in alienation can be touched and thoughtful.

However, this pursuit of self is easily covered by globalization.

10 years ago, the world was immersed in the myth of capital mass production, from Jobs to Musk, from Zucker Burk to Bitcoin ... As long as you master the wealth password, you will instantly become "the owner of destiny".EssenceGlobalization is like a magnificent poem, showing, confident and arrogant.Therefore, the British will ask, who is Forter?

After 10 years, the globalization of the wind and rain was fluttering. It was taken for granted that it was like a mirror flower and the moon, and even the dark background ... Of course, Saishe did not predict the decline of globalization, but the prosperity is about to be exhausted, and the bloom will become restrained.Essence

If the Nobel Prize in Literature, 10 years ago, values diversified, gorgeous, and rich peony. Then, today it value Gu Ying's self -pity and self -made scenery.As a result, Forter was presented.

Ten years ago, the top of Gaoju odds did not win the list. Forter said, "I am very happy. Usually, they will give the Nobel Prize to a very old writer, which is very smart -when it does not affect youYou will receive it when writing. "Ten years later, Fede, who has not yet been "very old", has received the Nobel Prize. Should he be very happy?

Meeting with his own time is the luck of the writer, but it is also his fate that cannot be free.