Source: China Youth Daily

Author: Yang Xinyu

Recently, compared with the Chinese domestic commercial films that are proud of Chunfeng, the market response faced by domestic literary films is another scene.Starting from the summer stall, the Winter Burning Winter of the "One Following" unit in Cannes, the best director of the Golden Jue Award for the best actor, and the best actor of the Yong'an Town at the Pingyao Film Festival ...Isn't the ministerial expectation?Anyone is not a bad defeat.

Box office theory, these literary films that have been valued in the film industry, the box office has a maximum of more than 20 million yuan (RMB, the same below), the lowest of more than 3 million yuan.After being officially released on the courtyard, the Douban scores of these works have also declined to varying degrees.

The poor reviews are more concentrated. Some people feel that the lust in the winter is too hard and moaning without illness, making it difficult for ordinary audiences to understand; some people think that this trip to the issue of life and death is suspended.The lack of real sense; some people feel that the theme of the story of Yong'an Town is too narrow, and it is purely "self -hee" in the circle of filmmakers ... For literary films, these criticisms are not fatal and will not cover other flash points of the film.But they are all "box office poison points" that are narrowed.

In addition to these film reviews, there are also many bad reviews, and the focus is on the content of the film itself.Among these works, the first to be released, because it was released on the day of the Qixi Festival, which made many audiences who went to the small fresh love film and felt that they had been "subject to scam."The controversy caused by this trip is related to the "box office" that the non -commercial film "also requires the box office" when starring Hu Ge Luyan.Many netizens hear this sentence. The first reaction is "refusing to be kidnapped" and "don't sell miserable".As for the story set of Yong'an Town, he offended the circle outside the circle -the film producer faced with the reality of the box office, and sent Weibo to publicly attack some of the poor reviewers and audiences, and then encountered public opinion.In this way, there are not many domestic literary film audiences and a lot of "melon", which has further deepened the negative impression in the public.

As a movie enthusiast, I am "jealous" in commercial films and literary films.I went to the theater to watch these movies mentioned above.On the one hand, I like some expressions, and I do n’t fully agree with the online criticism; on the other hand, I can also understand why some people criticize the work from these perspectives.These works do focus on the author's appetite, relative to suspended, and do not appetite for mainstream audiences.This does not mean that these works are not well -made or not worth shooting. However, the main creators and investors of the film should also know the box office performance, rather than resent the "wrong payment" market after the release.

Aside from personal subjective feelings, from the perspective of Douban scores that are highly credible and preferred by literary films, these literary films that encounter box office Waterloo are all qualified and highlights, but the quality is not strong.Literary films in this range, if you can't form a resonance with social issues that are not concerned about the public, and do not cater to the taste of mainstream audiences, it will be difficult to make a circle.In the past, some domestic literary films did depend on the "selling miserable" declaration to achieve the box office that exceeded the expected type, but it is difficult to copy such success, and it will only make the audience feel fatigue and even "feel".

A healthy and open film market, of course, should open the door to literary films and provide space and opportunities for various expressions on the big screen.You can make money.It is not easy to shoot literary films, but since this is the expression of the main creator and the choice of the main creator, the main creator must have enough courage to bear different results.Some literary films that have a name for film history do not need to use the box office to prove themselves, and they still win unanimous praise from the industry; there are also some literary films, which have a strong "survival awareness" from the beginning.Good box office performance.

In recent years, some literary films have achieved good box office results, such as the hidden duster and smoke last year, and the universe exploration editorial department in the first half of this year.These works also have unique expressions that are different from commercial films. They can see strong authority, but they have a higher degree of completion and are closer to realistic issues and contemporary people's mental state.From this perspective, their box office success is not accidental.If the authors of the future literary film want to pursue a high box office, you may wish to sum up these successful experiences; those who want to pursue authors and do not want to adjust the direction for the market must also learn to let go of the box office.

If film creators can learn from the slumps of domestic literary films in recent times, maybe don't blame the audience and the courtyard line in advance.Blame, not only can't get the desired results, but also breaks the reputation.First recognize what you want, and then present the work down to the earth, and to meet the results with reasonable expectations is a mature creative attitude.It is also expected that in the future, we can see more outstanding domestic literary films "Hundred Flowers" -whether the box office is successful or not.