Source: China Times

China Times News Agency

Former American House Speaker McCarthy McCarthy has set two records in the history of the constitutional government in the United States during the term of nine months. He was elected as the Speaker after four rounds of voting in four days this year. It was a record since the American Civil War.He became the first speaker to be dismissed.There is no head of the group in the crowd, and the American democratic model will be severely damaged. If the chaos cannot be out in the short term, it will impact the status and prestige of the US world leaders. The US security aid for Ukraine may suffer "joint damage".Look at it.

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The Chairman of the Republican House of Representatives McCawal pointed out that McCarthy's steps down is not good for Ukraine, and it will harm the image of the United States and "this will only make our opponents more bold.Yes. "The President of the US Foreign Relations Association, Has, warning in June, warned that the threat of the world's security was the most difficult to sleep and food.And the uncertain example of democracy.

Has said in a word, McCarthy caused dissatisfaction in the Republican Party due to personal political integrity.The budget expansion and expansion, the confrontation between legislation and the administrative department has led the federal government to close at any time, which affects the implementation of US foreign policy. In the entire process of disputes, the unconditional assistance of the Bayeng government for Ukraine is also one of the fuse lines.

According to statistics, since Russia invaded Ukraine in February last year, the United States has provided up to $ 76.8 billion (about 105 billion yuan) assistance, of which military assistance is US $ 46.6 billion, financial funding is US $ 26.4 billion, and humanitarian rescue is US $ 3.9 billion.In the budget of this Congress, US $ 6.1 billion was included.

The Republican Party opposes the Bayeng government to continuously expand its budget, especially the bottomless assistance to Ukraine. It is hoped that the funding bill will be cut to reduce expenditure, which often leads to political deadlock and even fall into the dilemma of the federal government.This year's history is repeated. McCarthy and the Biden government compromise. Congress passed the "Temporary Expenditure Act" that does not include assistance in Ukraine, so that the government can operate until November 17, and then negotiate with the "Comprehensive Act" instead of individual funding bills.The entire government expenditure.

This operation model annoyed the Republican conservative hardliners led by Gates, and believed that it was deprived of Congress's right to review and delete the budget, and accused the McCarthy and Biden government "secret transactions" to a assistance to Ukraine.He completely violated his original commitment, and Gates made a dismissal motion to pull McCarthy in the House of Representatives with a 216 -vote ratio of 216 votes.The slogan that Gates shouted was "no longer gives Ukraine, there is no temporary expenditure bill, and the expenses are reduced."

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The American House of Representatives is currently in a state of rest and must be elected to the new speaker to resume operation. Then, it is necessary to deal with the difficult allocation bill before November 17th.The aid case will be spread on the table.At the new accounting year starting on October 1, the Bayeng government proposed $ 24 billion in military, humanity and economic assistance to Ukraine.Biden said that after McCarthy stepped down, he was worried that the chaos of Congress would destroy his guarantee of Ukraine; and the Ministry of Defense had warned that military aid against Ukraine was about to exhaustive.

The development of the U.S. government budget and the development of Congress is difficult to predict, and it has become a heavy burden on US foreign policy. The concept, value and system that the United States is proud of is also tested.In addition to the Russian and Ukraine War, the effect of McCarthy's steps down will also impact the US -China strategic competition.In November, the "worshiping party" may be held in San Francisco, and Biden's negotiation status will be affected; whether the "Chinese Special Committee" led by McCarthy's "Chinese Special Committee" is a variable worth observation.

From the dynamics of the American House of Representatives, it can be seen that although anti -China and anti -Russia are the biggest consensus of Congress Villa, it will also be a popular issue of the US presidential election next year, which does not mean that the Republican Party is willing to provide unconditional assistance to Taiwan and Ukraine.In 2023, the National Defense Authorization Law (NDAA) provided Taiwan's five -year military financing of $ 10 billion, but was blocked at the funding committee.President Biden announced in July that he would provide Taiwan's US $ 345 million military assistance and $ 80 million for military financing. This time, it may also be affected by Congress's boycott of the administrative department.

According to the latest polls in the United States, Biden was 52%of the 42%backward Republican Party Trump.The Republican Party was dissatisfied with endless assistance in Ukraine. Taiwan should be learned that the DPP's security completely entrusted Taiwan to the United States is indeed a high -risk gambling.