Source: Taiwan Wangbao Society Review

Sun Xiaoya, the director of the Taipei Office of the United States Association (AIT), accepted an online news interview. There are 2 focus worthy of attention.In response to the "suspicion of beauty theory", emphasizing that "questioning" is a good thing in democratic society.Sun Xiaoya's statement will have a positive effect on Taiwan's elections, US -China relations, or even cross -strait relations.

Sun Xiaoya is suspected of beauty is not anti -American

AIT Chairman Rosenberg said many times that the United States has not stood side by side in the Taiwan election and treats each candidate fairly.However, the issues that have been involved in the United States and Lutai for many years have always become the focus of offensive and defensive elections, and the US position has become a pivotal hidden force in the election.At a critical moment in the Taiwan election, Sun Xiaoya expressed their views on sensitive issues such as suspicious beauty theory and the status quo of the Taiwan Strait. It was by no means a tide, but after careful planning, deliberately transmitting signals to Taiwan and mainland China had a high degree of political meaning.

Sun Xiaoya said that in a democratic society, he questioned the government, officials, and authority, and represents freedom of speech and freedom of thought. She encouraged everyone. If she had questions about AIT's policies and US policies, try to ask and question as much as possible.She also bluntly said, "If we see someone deliberately pass the error message, we will ask him to correct it."Sun Xiaoya's conversation is to express a clear position to the Taiwan Dynasty. When she is unhappy, someone operates suspicion and American theory, trying to equate suspicion and anti -American schedules, and departure the feelings of American and Taiwan society.Sun Xiaoya clarified the US position and made the DPP and its side wings unable to continue to operate suspicion.

Sun Xiaoya strongly defended the "one China" policy in the United States, and believes that the United States has long been rooted in the Taiwan Relations Law, the US -China San Public Press, and the "one China" policy. Although it will be "uncomfortable",It has achieved Taiwan's economic growth for decades and has become a world -class scientific and technological power.The DPP and independent people read the names of the representative office of the United States to "Taiwan's Representative Office", end the United States "One Middle School" and "Strategic Blog", promote Taiwan to join the United Nations, and even think about the establishment of diplomatic relations in the United States.possibility.

The development of US -China relations will not be separated from the strategic competition structure of the United States and China, but the most preferred diplomatic goal in front of the Bayeng government is to allow US -China relations to return to the right way.The prerequisites are the consensus on the US -China issue.Under this context, the United States will not allow Taiwan to become an obstacle to the worship. Sun Xiaoya also shows the position of the United States to Beijing and Taipei at the same time, and no one is allowed to disrupt or destroy.

From the attitude of the United States to the three presidential candidates, it can also be seen that some clues are. The reception specifications of their visit to the United States on the table are all kindergarten, but there are still very subtle differences.The DPP candidate Lai Qingde has the advantage of governing and almost monopolizes all diplomatic resources, but the United States has not given him any special treatment. Even on the grounds of his vice presidential title, he strictly limits his activity space.The tendency to be doubtful, "suspicion theory" is not right.

Returning to the United States and China Relations

Of course, the United States will not have any explicit or hints of support or objection to the three candidates, but from Hou Youyi to the end of the visit to the United States, the messages from Washington are positive. Hou Youyi's "3D strategy" and ""The arguments such as the stability of the Taiwan Strait, the security of Taiwan, the rest of the United States, and the world are also assured of the world "are closely linked to the US Indian strategy, which makes the United States more assured than Lai Qingde.

U.S. -China relations enter the critical moment of thawing. It is reported that the Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council of the Mainland He Lifeng and Foreign Minister Wang Yi may visit the United States in October.Mainland officials visited the United States for the first time. Of course, the primary goal of arranging the worship meeting also showed that the stabilization of US -China relations is not empty talk.

Most party leaders of the United States Senate will lead the cross -party delegation to visit the mainland, Japan and South Korea next week. They want to meet Xi Jinping.Shu Mo is not an administrative department official, but it is representative. He belongs to the hardliners of China and often criticize the human rights record of the mainland. The mainland has accepted his visits.More power to speak.In contrast, the Biden government's recent speech on Taiwan's issue has become more prudent and conservative.

The United States has a non -interfering position in Taiwan's elections, but frequently expresses the sensitive issues of cross -strait and Taiwan and the United States, that is, it is hoped that the Taiwan policy is not deviation. The Tsai Ing -wen route has caused the tension of the Taiwan Strait to rise, which will not be the United States.The change of the US wind direction has once again demonstrated Taiwan's edge position in the US -China dynamic relations.Taiwan's candidate president is about to expire for 30 years. It is the most favorable for the Taiwan Strait to cross the river from the peaceful development of stones from peaceful development. Voters must understand the importance of pragmatic.