In fact, the EU needs immigration to save the aging population and the decline in labor.Avoid the Mediterranean to become the sea funeral yard of immigrants.

The Italian Minister of the Interior Pi Anta Domoxi heard on September 28 that seven non -governmental vessels organized immigrants who rescued the water in the Mediterranean and decided to leave the immigration policy consultation meeting in Brucelon early to protest the German government funding and non -non -.The government organized maritime rescue because these rescued immigrants were sent to Italy.

At the same time, the Italian Foreign Minister Tunani told Germany Foreign Minister Berbek: "We have no intention of fighting against non -governmental organizations, but cannot turn Italy into magnets that attract immigrants."The ship, four of the German flags.Italy hopes that good German people will go to the bottom and let the rescue immigrants from German ships be sent directly to Germany, rather than going ashore in Italy.

Before Piandoli suddenly left the EU's immigration policy consultation meeting, the Italian government successively celebrated the great right prime minister Meloni to fulfill the promise of the election and successfully promoted the new policy of blocking immigration.She went to Ethiopia in April this year and announced the launch of the "Piano Mattei" named by the Italian energy giant Enrico Mattei, saying that it would make Italy a European and non -energy bridge.Africa has more resources to invest in local security and defense to solve the problem of immigration.

She visited Tunisia three times this summer, and prompted the European Commission Chairman Feng Delin to sign an agreement, allowing this North African frontier country to take the task of blocking immigrants for Europe.On July 23, during the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome held the UN Food System Summit, there were many African and Middle East countries participating in the International Symposium on Immigration, and promoted the "Rome Process" (Rome Process).EssenceHowever, a series of slogans and conferences could not stop immigration. By the end of September this year, about 130,000 immigrants entered Italy, more than 100,000 people in the entire year of 2022.According to this trend, in 2023, it may break the record of 180,000 immigrants in 2016.

Salvini, the chairman of the Alliance Party, who is also anti -immigrant and served as the Minister of Transport, accused Meloni's diplomatic means failed, and showed off half of his previous period of immigrants during his previous period of the Minister of the Interior.The European Parliament will be re -elected in June next year. According to the proportion representative system, the voting rate will be over 5%of the threshold to distribute the seats. The eye -catching immigration tide is a popular issue that the far party is unwilling to miss.

From mid -September, a television controlled by the Melony government has repeatedly broadcast movies that immigrants pour into Lampedusa.Lampeuda, near Sicily, was only 110 kilometers away from Tunisia, and the number of immigrants swarmed in more than 6,000 local population, with only 400 beds.Salvini believes that the state of emergency is not enough to describe the current situation. He said: "This is the behavior of war. I believe that there are people in the way behind this wave of immigration."

The three right -handed parties jointly governed point the arrows to Germany and criticized criticism with different tones.The Deputy Secretary -General of the Alliance Party, Kripa, said the heaviest: "80 years ago, Germany used the army to invade Italy, but now illegal immigration shakes the government." Former German Prime Minister Merkel opened the door to Syrian refugees in 2015, but extremelyOn the right of the German alternative, the party's fear of "out of control" has increased its support, and the support of the support has gradually tightened the shelter policies and enhanced the border patrol on the Czech Republic and Poland.

The non -governmental organization is another sinful lamb. Salvini accused them of being a "sea taxi (Dush)" to seduce immigrants and take risks to cross the Mediterranean.10%of immigrants in the year.The European Union and member states are also increasingly unwilling to bear the work of maritime rescue.In the middle of the night on July 14, a wooden fishing boat drifted in the Greek waters and issued a signaling signal, but the Greek Maritime Police did not take rescue operations, but tried to drag the ship away from the jurisdiction.EssenceIn February this year, the Crotone coast of Italy also staged similarly to death and uninhabited drama.

Faced with the help signal issued by the "frontline countries" such as Italy and Greece, the European Union claims that it will collectively respond to the emergency state of immigration; however, this emergency state has continued for at least 10 years.On October 3, 2013, a refugee ship was overturned in the waters of Lampe Duda to seize 368 people. The Italian government then launched the "MARE NOSTRUM" search and rescue plan. In just one year, the Italian coast guardsThe team saved about 100,000 people.However, because of Germany and other Central and European countries refused to share the costs together and condemned this as a "connection service" that promoted illegal immigrants, the task was immediately drowned under the tide of the Mediterranean immigration.

The EU signed an agreement with Turkey in 2016 to stop immigrants from abroad, and then reached an agreement with Libya to "outsourcing" the tricky candid passenger problem.Citizen groups have criticized that these countries abuse immigrants and have doubts that violate human rights, and also allow these neighboring countries to "blackmail" the European Union and need more gold aid.When the path of Turkey and Libya was blocked, the smuggler turned to Tunisia, and Melonney persuaded the European Union to provide money and tools for the country to stop immigrants.But the President of Tunisian Saiyid said: "We can't just be a police officer to help other countries guard the border."

In fact, the EU needs immigration to save the aging population and the decline in labor.Immigration sea funeral yard.But Melony believes that immigrants from Africa are the conspiracy theory of "race replacement". She said: "If immigrants need to be required, we can go to Venezuela to find it, there are many Italian descendants."

Melonney seizes non -governmental ships, stipulating that immigrants can be detained at the repatriation center for a maximum of 18 months. If detention is to be avoided, 5,000 euros (about S $ 7,200) must be paid.The means can prevent smuggling.However, in the hometown, there was no immigrant that was not afraid of death, and still set foot in the most dangerous immigration journey.

The author is a Taiwanese journalist and a doctoral degree in Sociology who lives in Italy