Maximize the majority of candidates from the best fertility gold windows and women's mate selection, and the existing first accepts education, then establishes a career, and then plan the planning of life. There must be subversive reforms.

The National Population and Talent Agency released 2023 Population Briefing The data is the birth rate. There were 30,000 429 babies born in 2022, which is 4%less than the previous year.The overall fertility rate of residents is only 1.04, which is a new low in history.

I checked the relevant information on the official website of the Bureau of Statistics and saw the amazing population pyramid map.Like most developed countries and economies, in accordance with the laws of historical and natural, the pyramids that should be narrowed and wide. Now it has begun to appear the prototype of a gyroscope in the middle and two tips.The pyramid.

British data scientists and population scholar Stephen J. Shaw, BIRTHGAP, broadcast at the Chelsea Film Festival in 2021, and broadcast three free broadcast in YouTube in December 2022.After the first part of the tribe, there have been more than 430,000 clicks in 10 months.

Documentary wants to explore the crisis of population collapse in the wealthy world.Xiao invented several concepts of people.The "fertility gap" refers to the gap between the 50 -year -old and the newborn in the population structure.Countries such as Italy, Germany, Japan, and South Korea, such as Italy, Germany, Japan, South Korea, are almost double the newborn.This means that after another 20 years, the number of people entering the workplace is only half of the retirees.When the new generation has been less than the previous generation, the only logic end point in the past is the extinction of the country.

The factors that lead to low fertility rate are intricate.Among them, the most valuable is "unintentional" (or "unplanned", unplanned childlessness.Xiao's research found that about 5%of women in various countries are consciously infertile, and 5%of them have no fertility for various reasons for health.In other words, 90%of women want to be mothers.But in many countries, more than 30%of women have endlessly, and they are closer to 40%in South Korea.

Xiao's other discovery is that despite the collapse of the fertility rate, the family structure remained motionless.In 1973, 6%of mothers in Japan gave birth to four or more children. Today, this ratio is still 6%.There are more and more women who do not have children, and one of the reasons for accidents is that they have received higher and higher education, and then they are busy with career pursuit. For this reason, they have missed the best age of childbearing.

People don't seem to pay enough attention to fertility, there is a slightly vertical golden window period.Global statistics found that one -third of the 30 -year -old couples have no fruitful attempting to give birth; Xiao repeatedly pointed out that the probability of conception fell by 50%after women over 30 years old.The population briefing in 2023 said that the median marriage age of the Chinese was postponed. Men were 30.5 years old and women were 28.8 years old, 0.4 years old and 1.1 years old than 10 years ago.

Whether fertility or not is no longer justified, but a personal choice of life.Respecting individual freedom will really have its practical significance.But this does not prevent people from exploring the collective consequences of individual choices, and the ultimate impact of individual happiness.The social impact of the population collapse is all -round, and the remaining waves are profound, such as the sustainability of the provident fund annuity system implemented in 2009.Today's people planning ahead is the manifestation of the responsibility of future generations.

Although fertility is closed, women's characters are the most critical.How they choose their spouse and when they give birth to their first child, they will decide whether society can continue.Modern women have more choices, so they do not need to play a single role of the housewife and mother.Women receive higher education, pursue the same career as men, and unwilling to play the traditional role of "fertility machine".What society should do is to provide more information, so that young women can make the correct choice they think according to their needs.

Helpless and unfortunately, contemporary women face more additional pressure.Most women's maternal instincts will inspire their natural desires at the age of age.However, the evolution instinct formed by millions of years has made women's mate selection standards more harsh than men, because they must ensure that their partners have the ability and willingness to cultivate children with themselves.Therefore, women will choose more capable and more social status than themselves, so more resources are married.

As more and more women receive higher education, they naturally have to lay a good foundation after graduation.Because they will choose a more combination of men than themselves, they generally do not consider men with lower education and potential income than themselves.Therefore, theoretically, the higher the education level of women, the less potential spouse candidates.According to a statistical report released in 2021, among the local ages from 25 to 34, the proportion of women who have received higher education is 90.2%, which is slightly higher than 90%of men.

Society cannot abandon the contribution of women to the economy and even all creative activities in order to increase fertility.Therefore, from the optimal childbirth gold window and women's mate selection candidates to maximize the consideration, some of them receive education first, then establish a career, and then plan the planning of life.In response to the aging of population aging and the concept of lifelong learning emphasized by the development of science and technology, it may be as a reference for reform.Lianhe Zaobao's Social Affairs suggestion on October 2: "The stages of education and career are turned into zero, and marriage and fertility occur at the age stage." It may be the direction worth the society to start thinking and debate.

Practically, there is not much time to solve the problem.So far, no country can effectively reverse the trend of decline in fertility, including wealthy and heavily rewarding Nordic countries.But we can't be discouraged and wait.When Jianguo Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew visited Australia in 1998, he asked: "Is Singapore still exist in 100 years?" And now there are more fun.