Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao

Author: 锺 鸣 九

Schu Mo, the leader of the majority of the United States Congress Senate, is about to lead the two -party senator delegation to visit China. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed welcome.Since June of this year, US Secretary of State Broskens, Treasury Secretary Yellen, Climate Special Envoy Kerry, Politician Kissinger, and Minister of Commerce Raymond have visited China one after another.In this regard, Beijing scholars said that at present, Sino -US relations are still tight, but the atmosphere is improving.

Bynden government consensus: also contact if you want to compete

Gao Fei, deputy dean of the School of Foreign Affairs, said that in recent years, the United States has the most intense response to China and the earliest "difficult".Today, the two -party senator delegation announced its visit to China, reflecting that in terms of "contact with China", the Bayeng government and Congress formed a consensus: to compete between the United States and China, but we must not be in contact.

As a US hawk in the US Congress, in recent years, Shu Mo has repeatedly called on the United States to adopt a tough position on Beijing and promote the passing of the American chip and the scientific bill."New bill.

Gao Fei believes that the initiative of the U.S. Parliament's active contact with China cannot say that the US policy on China has changed, but the current demand for the US political atmosphere.The United States has certain urgency for controlling the differences between the United States and China and solving the domestic problems in the country.

Gao Fei's analysis said that the United States has noticed that tight US -China relations do not conform to the interests of the United States.At present, the United States seems to be very successful in terms of industrial chain and supply chain adjustment. Through "decoupled" with China, a new supply chain system under the leadership of the United States has been established.However, from the perspective of value chain, it has not got rid of China.According to the British Financial Times, since 2018, the U.S. government has implemented some key components of exports and imposed tariffs on some goods imported from China.According to data from the US Economic Analysis Administration, the total inventory of the United States' direct investment in China has increased from US $ 108 billion in 2018 to $ 126 billion in 2022.In addition, although the imports of some sanctions products have been significantly reduced, imports of other products have increased significantly.

The purpose of visiting China is clearly targeted at the same time on the same profit

In response, Zhang Wenzong, deputy director of the American Institute of International Research Institute of Modern International Relations, believes that the purpose of the US Congress of the United States Congress is clear. On the one handContinue to profit.Zhang Wenzong pointed out that the list of members of China includes Mike Crapo, a Republican Senator from Aidahea, who will try to persuade the Chinese government to change the policy of Micron, a semiconductor company in Edaho.He believes that the current strategy of complex game and multiple games against China has become more and more obvious.

It is worth noting that China has no affirmation and no denying whether Chinese leaders meet with Shu Mo's party.Zhang Wenzong believes that in the face of American people willing to come into contact, China will open the door to open and friendly dialogue, but it will not expect too much about whether it can talk about results.In the short term, this visit may help ease the tension between the two countries and create a better atmosphere for high -level exchanges between China and the United States.