The safety defense scope of the Three Kingdoms of the United States, Japan and South Korea has greatly exceeded the local area of Northeast Asia and expanded to the overall situation of the Indo -Pacific region, including the freedom and stability of the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. The strategic purpose may include sanctions., Blocking, coordinated defense, intelligence sharing and so on.In this pattern of China and Russia, how to act in this pattern may wish to wait and see.

Recently, North Korean leader Kim Jong -un has been backward for a period of time in the past three years. For the first time, he went abroad to visit the Russian Far East.Earlier reports said that Kim Jong -un's visit to Russia was based on the annual "Oriental Economic Forum" held by Russia in the Ferrad Vostak (Vladivostok), but it was said that this is not the case.Kim Jong -un visited Russia in this round and met with Russian President Putin. He set up his own economy and people's livelihood. Instead, he focused on all kinds of weapons and equipment focused on Russia.Moreover, it is reported that the Russian side is also preparing to purchase the North Korean military reserve in order to benefit the shortage of ammunition facing on the Ukrainian battlefield.

Some international media visited Kim Jong -un to Russia and meet with Putin.State in the place.From the perspective of time, the high -level interaction between North Korea and Russia occurred after the David Camp Summit held in the United States in late August in the United States, Japan, and South Korea.At the David Camp, the Milestone confirmed the closer cooperative relationships of the United States, Japan and South Korea in East Asia's politics, security, economy, technology, health, and climate.It may be believed that Kim Jong -un visited Russia to meet Putin and showing off his force. It is a specific response to the United States, Japan and South Korea alliances, and even Russia, China, and North Korea ’s joint axis in East Asia are just out.

But the micro -inspection of the international game is sometimes limited to the simple routine of your punch, and it is difficult to see the laws and true meaning.Therefore, we still have to look at it from a macro. Looking at the largest variable of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia's security situation in the past 25 years?Because only this maximum variable should be the main logical starting point of the evolution of the geopolitical situation of the series of geopolitical situations so far.This largest variable is North Korea from scratch in nuclear weapons, from small to large.So the security crisis of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia is mainly a nuclear crisis around North Korea.

The security crisis in Northeast Asia, plus Russia's open invasion of Ukraine last year, as well as the sovereignty dispute in the South China Sea in mainland China, and the sovereign dispute in the South China Sea.It also caused the strategic pattern of the United States, Japan, and South Korea, which is currently re -formed.The so -called "reorganization" refers to the confrontation between the two sides caused by the Korean War more than 70 years ago. After a large circle of history, it seemed to return to the origin.But more accurately, the times are still advancing after all. Today's confrontation should belong to version 2.0.

Compared with the two camps of the 1.0 version of the 1.0 version, the confrontation between the iron plates is almost the same. The 2.0 version is no longer so black or white, and the barriers are strict.On the side of the United States, Japan, and South Korea, the United States and Japan continue to maintain the development of modern civilization and economic leading boss. In 15 years in the last century, South Korea finally got rid of the dictatorship of soldiers and let the country go to the Kangzhuang Avenue, which is democratic and free.Since then, the creativity of the South Korean people has erupted like volcanoes, and in a short period of time, it has entered the advanced ranks of post -industry and modern civilized countries.This has become a hereditary family dictatorship with the North Korean side. The entire country is closed and outdated. The people are not talking about their lives.

China has opened 40 years of reform and opening up.Now that people look back in the past, they should see more clearly: reform and opening up really benefit from opening up to developed countries in the United States and Western countries, and open to advanced modern civilization, rather than to Russia, North Korea, or the third world.No matter how simple the truth is, people must go towards a high place and learn from advanced learning to make progress.Some people may be too stubborn that Deng Xiaoping made a statement that "countries that have a good relationship with the United States have developed wealthy countries."The key is not the specific country, not about the United States, Britain or France, but about advanced advanced civilization.Therefore, a more comprehensive and regular expression should be: countries that pursue the value, order and road of modern civilization, and the roads are rich.

Russia has also experienced huge changes. In 1991, the Soviet Union fell up, but the process of Russian society's transformation to modernization was difficult to twists and twists and turns.And detours.Due to the war that invaded Ukraine last year, Russia is currently in a tragedy situation in isolated sanctions by the civilized world.Since June of this year, Ukraine has launched a comprehensive counterattack with Russian invaders.As for the future prospects, German Foreign Minister Berbak's recent public statement on the US media has lisated: "Russia's invasion of Ukraine can only fail and must fail. The sovereignty rules and order of modern civilization must not be tolerated by Putin and Russia to practice and reverse."

It is not difficult to notice that China is currently the only country in China that has normal economic and trade exchanges with the United States, Japan and South Korea. Although these economic and trade exchanges have also continued to have storm disputes in recent years.Russia and North Korea are sanctions because they invade Ukraine and develop nuclear weapons.The author has always thought that as long as China does not happen with the United States and the West, there are always room for things to recover.

Some strategic observers in the United States believe that the United States should increase the relationship between Differential Sino -Russia, rather than pushing the relationship between the two, becoming a quasi -military alliance.Some people also cited the US President Nixon's focus on the overall situation, took the initiative to visit Beijing, resolutely broke through the improvement of Sino -US relations, and finally helped the United States to defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War.However, it must be noted that the situation has changed today, and today's situation is very different from that year.Before Nixon's visit to China and China -US relations, Sino -Soviet relations were already in the actual rupture, and even local armed conflicts between the two sides also occurred.The value of the Nixon waving an olive branch to China was to ensure that China will not return to the Soviet camp, and it can also make some response and cooperation on the overall strategy of the United States to curb the Soviet Union.

Not to mention the strategic positioning of the United States today, Russia and China have occurred. China has become the major rivals and challenges in the world in the world, while Russia has fallen into a level of regional threats.Global strategic judgment and positioning.Therefore, it is difficult for the United States to wave olive branches to China, or hope that China can cooperate, but to urge China to achieve "three non -martial arts": unaware of supporting Russia, attacking Taiwan without force, and not force to resolve the South China Sea dispute.

At the same time, the scope of security and defense of the US -Japan -Korea Alliance has greatly exceeded the local area of Northeast Asia and expanded to the overall situation in the Indo -Pacific region, including the freedom and stability of the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.Japan and South Korea have begun to openly express their statements and intervention on the Taiwan Strait and South China issues. It is also because both countries rely on the Persian Bay -Indian Ocean -Malacca Strait -South China Strait -Western Pacific's strategic transportation channel.Smooth safety.As a result, once this strategic channel is something along the way, it is equivalent to the two countries.As in the direction of Europe, once Ukraine has something to do, the European Union and NATO have something to do.

The strategic purpose of the United States, Japan and South Korea alliances should belong to active joint defense, which may include sanctions, siege, coordinated defense, intelligence sharing, and so on.In this pattern of China and Russia, how to act in this pattern may wish to wait and see.For example, the current Minister of Defense in China has been sanctioned by the United States for doing arms transactions with Russia. Now that the United States has canceled sanctions, China itself has also reorganized the Minister of Defense.If such paradoxical situations have some kinds of projection and metaphors for the future finale of Sino -US confrontation competition, it will surprise the entire world.

(The author is in the United StatesInternational Cultural Strategy Research and Consultation Experts)