The "Asian Prospective Summit 2023" with the opportunity of the century -old birthday of Jianguo Lee Kuan Yew, the theme is "Looking back on the world view of the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew: discuss how Singapore and Asia build the future in the turbulent era", it is unprecedented to fight for the current great power.For the turbulent Singapore and Asia, this is undoubtedly a matter of time, major and urgent topics.

Singapore and Asia and even global destiny and common. In the face of the world's big changes, how to respond to it. At this moment, re -thinking about the hardships that Singapore depends on Singapore's survival before Li Guangyao's life is still greatly inspired.As the state -owned assets Zhang Zhixian said, Singapore needs different strategies and response plans in different times, but the principles that should be upheld are unchanged: pragmatic, open, and advocate international law as a way to face the world.

For Singapore and the entire Asia, the current "New Cold War" is fundamentally different from the US -Soviet Cold War.In the past, the two major camps of the United States and the Soviet Union cut the economy with each other. Today, Singapore and all Asian countries have a high degree of economic connection with China and the United States. You have me and you have you.Maintaining this close connection is in line with the interests of all countries.Therefore, Singapore and Asian countries must adopt a method of response different from the Old Cold War era, and on this basis, re -establish the way of survival of small countries.

The biggest feature of

The world pattern that appeared after the end of the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union is that it has ushered in a major Chinese market with a population of 1.4 billion.China implements reform and opening up, joining the World Trade Organization, coupled with the improvement of US -China relations and entering a new stage of cooperation, which has caused the Chinese economy for decades, the pace of globalization has accelerated, and the world trade is urgent to expand rapidly.This so -called water rising in Singapore and Asian countries.The economic and trade exchanges between China and the United States have also formed a win -win situation between the two countries.The vast number of consumers in the United States enjoy the low -priced consumer goods made by China, while American companies have obtained an unprecedented market in China.The Chinese economy has achieved comprehensive and high -speed development, which has improved hundreds of millions of people's lives.

But with the major changes in the US and Europe's strategy to China, the world pattern has changed dramatically.How to respond to it has also become an urgent topic facing Singaporean and other small and medium -sized countries.There is no doubt that as the Deputy Prime Minister Wang Ruijie pointed out, Li Guangyao's international view and political concept still have many places worth learning from.This is the various concepts of governing the country in the book that Mr. Li depends on Singapore's survival. The most critical point of which should be pragmatic.Singapore cannot change the world and must accept reality, but can use wisdom to open and expand its own living space.

This pragmatic and basic concept of the interests of Singapore and Singapore as the starting point allows Singapore to abandon the various doctrines of various doctrines and open up with countries around the world with an open attitude.Because of this, Singapore can establish and maintain friendly relationships with the United States and China with independent diplomacy, although the relationship between the United States and China is now in a trough.

Another practice that Singapore and other like -minded small and medium -sized countries must adhere to should be to integrate armpits and make use of collective power.The combination of Southeast Asian countries has played a core leading role in regional affairs, and has a great right to speak for various topics involving the region.For example, it has contributed to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) or participating in the Cross Pacific Partnership Comprehensive Progress Progress Agreement (CPTPP), so that Asia -Pacific countries can resist the trend of adverse globalization and continue to maintain and promote free trade and open markets.

Today, whether it is Singapore or many other small and medium -sized countries, the collective force is no longer possible.Many global topics, such as climate change, are not solved by the great country itself.As a result, small countries must make full use of the opportunity to play a role, and even play the role of honest middlemen between the great powers.The most important thing is to be able to keep self -reliance and continue to create value for regions and the world, so that you can win more and more speech on the world stage.Although the world structure has changed, this is the way of survival that all small countries must establish.As far as Singapore is concerned, as Premier Li Xianlong pointed out at the summit, in a challenging international environment, Singapore must be forward -looking, and strengthen cooperation with Asianan and other international partners to promote regional integration and regional integration and regional integration andMultidirectionalism.These are also the way of survival of small countries.