As a responsible Singapore media, the Morning Post must do everything to avoid being controlled by others to maintain its credibility.I am very pleased that the Morning Post adheres to my core principles. When reporting the news, I have maintained independence and objective.We must be sure tonight is not only the excellent contribution to the journalism in the past 100 years, but also the important role of the Morning Post in the future in enlightening the wisdom, uniting the Chinese people, and participating in the country's construction.

Mr. Xu Wenyuan, Chairman of the New Newspaper Media Trust, Ms. Zhang Lilin, President of the New Newspaper Media Group, Ms. Li Huiling, President of the Chinese Media Group, editor, reporters, and guests from Lianhe Zaobao, good night everyone!Happy Mid-autumn Festival!

I am glad to celebrate the Centennial News of Lianhe Zaobao tonight.

This is a milestone in the history of the Singapore Chinese News, which is of great significance.Let me congratulate the United Morning Post for a happy birthday here.

Morning News Centennial Deeds

In the past 100 years, in the past 100 years, one step at a time, continuous innovation and changes can stand up to stand.

Everyone knows that the predecessor of the Morning Post was the Nanyang Business Daily founded by Mr. Chen Jiageng in 1923 and the Xingzhou Daily founded by Mr. Hu Wenhu in 1929.At that time, the purpose of the two Chinese community leaders handled the report was not only to let local overseas Chinese understand their hometown, to educate the people, but also their own business considerations.

Since then, these two newspapers have grown with Singapore and witnessed and recorded many important historical deeds in Singapore.For example, in 1965, the new Malaysia, the local Nanyang Commercial Daily and the Starzhou Daily also separated from the Malaysian newspapers.The two local Chinese newspapers have given play to the role of Singapore media and strengthen the identity of Singaporeans.

In 1983, Nanyang Commercial Daily and Xingzhou Daily merged, becoming a Lianhe Zaobao we are familiar with today.

The Morning Post carries the collective memory of a generation of Singaporeans.I believe that many people are like me. One thing I must do every day is to read the Morning Post.

Today, the Morning Post is not only a Chinese media that serves local readers, but also allows the outside world to hear and understand the unique voice and views of the Chinese society in Singapore.

The Morning Post can become an authoritative Chinese media in the local area and even Asia, depending on the three major elements:

objective report, close to the heart of the people

First, objective reports, close to the hearts of the people.The Morning Post team adheres to the ethics of journalists, reports and reports the truth of news events.

Therefore, it is deeply trusted by readers and has always been an indispensable part of readers' lives.

Especially in today's digital age, even if facing many new media competition, the Morning Post still continues to attract readers' attention with professional and high -level reports and enlightened analysis.

During the crown disease epidemic, the Morning Post also played a key role, providing readers with the most timely and accurate news about the epidemic.This effectively curbs the spread of fake news.

benefit the society and inherit culture

Second, benefit the society and inherit culture.As the main Chinese newspaper in Singapore, the Morning Post also has social mission. In terms of strengthening the identity of Chinese people and social cohesion, it has continuously contributed.

Reporters and editors use high sensitivity and subtle insight to sort out the ins and outs of the readers to help them understand many policies that are closely related to them and develop at home and abroad.

Especially in the current environment of information fragmentation, this helps to condense the consensus of the Chinese people, which is essential to maintain social unity.

In addition, the Morning Post held various cultural and educational activities, which not only enriched Singapore's multicultural heritage, but also actively promoted our unique Chinese culture.

For example, the "Fixed Centennial Photography Exhibition" organized by the Morning Post uses photos to record memories of Singapore.

Morning Post also invited writers from all over the world to Singapore to promote cultural exchanges, inject vitality into the local cultural community, and let the world understand Singapore's cultural ecology.

Look at the world from the perspective of Singapore

The third element looks at the world from the perspective of Singapore.One of the most precious traits of the Morning Post is that you have always reported international events with a unique Singapore view, and are also a platform that provides a variety of and rational views.

For example, when reporting news about the three places on both sides of the strait, the Morning Post provides its own independent analysis and explains the development of the situation from Singapore's position.

The Morning Post also published comments from all over the world, including the United States and China, etc., so that local and overseas readers have more comprehensively grasped information and analyze current affairs.

This is where the Morning Post is different from other Chinese newspapers, and it is also unique to the Morning Post.

Especially in the current international environment, countries not only try to use speech to affect the people of each other, but even try to control the position of overseas media.They also hope to persuade people in other countries to stand on their side in various ways.

In order to fight against such an impact, the Morning Post must maintain a clear editor's position and have sufficient independent content in order to continue to speak for Singapore and safeguard Singapore's interests.

The Morning Post must not be used by others to spread some remarks that are not good or in line with Singapore.

In publishing articles or comments from foreign authors, the Morning Post also must ensure that readers know clearly who are talking about who these people are talking about, and understand that these remarks do not represent the position of the Morning Post.

Otherwise, readers may question whether the Morning Post has lost its independence or is at the side station.

Of course, with the increasingly severe global geopolitical situation, many media institutions, including the Morning Post, are also inevitably accused of favoring some countries.Some people say that the Morning Post reports to support China's position.Some people say that the analysis of the Morning Post tends to the United States.

As a responsible Singapore media, the Morning Post must do everything to avoid being controlled by others to maintain its credibility.

I am very pleased. The Morning Post adheres to my core principles. When reporting the news, it has always been independent and objective.This is why the Morning Post can establish a good reputation and reputation.

seeking new and seeking change, welcoming the future

In addition to the challenges from the international situation, the Morning Post also faces another problem, that is, the rapidly daily digital technology, which has subverted the entire media ecology and completely changed the way people obtain information.

This trend not only affects the Morning Post.Almost every printing media must face.

Even those who are accustomed to reading newspapers every day may not be read on print newspapers.Many older friends around us have changed to electronic newspapers.

So Uncle and Auntie also realized that the times are different.To keep up with the pace of the times, we must live to learn to be old and keep mastering new skills.

I am glad to see that the Morning Post and the Yi An Ferry Institute of Technology cooperated to launch the "Lei Age Digital School", allowing students to one -to -one, to guide seniors to learn to watch news online, and master other useful digital skills and knowledge.

With the encouragement and companionship of young friends, I feel easier and confident when they have mastered new technologies. Over time, everyone's life is increasingly inseparable from digital technology.

Young people living in this environment from an early age, let alone.They do not need to learn the world by a newspaper or a media at all, but can obtain information through various social media platforms.

The arduous challenge faced by the Morning Post is to break out in the fierce competition and choose many online world.

The Morning Post does have made a lot of attempts in this regard, and has good results.

For example, the Morning Post made a street visit not long ago, asking the retirement plan of the Chinese people and their views on the co -advancing facilities, and made the visit to the video, and presented the most authentic response of the people in front of the audience.

This video has been watching more than 60,000 times on YouTube, and on Facebook in the Morning Post, as many as 220,000 people watched.

In addition to publishing videos on YouTube, Instagram, and Tiktok. The Morning Post also produces other digital content, including exclusive podcast platforms and news live programs. The themes are all available.

This shows that the Morning Post is very sensitive to the trend of the times and the audience. If you know to continue to gain the favor of the audience, you must continue to seek new changes and transform step by step into a comprehensive multimedia news platform.

The Morning Post can break through itself is a good thing.But no one knows what the media will change in the next 10 years, and what changes will people experience the habits of people's media.

As President Li Huiling said, the era of ink taste is almost over.Ten years later, the mark left on the fingers on the fingers may be just the memories of our generation.

But no matter how the news spreads, it will not change that we must continue to have high -quality and objective news reports, a trusted and influential journalist, and can condense and enlighten generations in Singapore.Human Chinese media.

and I have confidence. With the changes in demand, with the progress of science and technology, they keep pace with the times and continue to fulfill their social mission and historical tasks.

This is why the government funded the new newspaper media, because Singapore needs high -quality and authoritative and influential mainstream media.

In the future, the government will still help the Morning Post's power, allowing you to continue to be the source of news and information that Singaporeans trust, as well as the good companion close to the people's lives.

The Morning Post is the most precious resource

Reviewing the Morning Post for 100 years, the most admired by us is the morning newspaper who has worked forward on the long road.It is your efforts and efforts, and you have made today's Morning Post.

Among them, editors and reporters are a soul of newspapers.The Morning Post's interview and editorial team brought in -atly a simple news report to readers.You insist on pursuing the truth and excellence.

I am glad to see many senior newspapers who are here today to celebrate the Morning Post's milestone together.Without the foundation of you, the Morning Post will not have today's achievements.thank you all!

As the saying goes: "Former people planted trees, and future generations are cool."In the past 100 years, a generation of morning newspapers have not been afraid of hardships, and they have made the Morning Post grow from a saplings to towering trees.Today, this tree is lush and fruitful.

But I think that the new generation of Morning Newsman does not want to cool down under this big tree, but to continue to do the "tree breeding people" that pour and nourish it like your predecessors.In this way, the Morning Post can be passed down in the new era, and then climb the peak.

We must be sure tonight, not only the excellent contribution to the news of the newspaper in the past 100 years, but also an important role in the Morning Post in the future of enlightening the wisdom, unity of the country, and participating in the country's construction.

I wish the Morning Post to continue to write a new chapter for the next century, becoming a more influential and excellent world -class Chinese media

Finally, I wish everyone on this Mid -Autumn Festival, full!

Thank you!

The author is the Prime Minister of Singapore

This article is the full text of his lecture on the Centennial Dinner of Lianhe Zaobao