Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

Joint News announced the latest presidential election survey. The DPP candidate Lai Qingde led with 30 % support.Guo Taiming was in charge of the election, and the rear of the Temple of Tong Temple was supported.The most noticeable thing is that although Lai Qingde is ahead, 45 % of voters want to remove the DPP, and 40 % are looking forward to the field integration; and no matter whether Guo Taiming is running, the blue and white integration can reverse the election.Eight to fifteen percentage points.

This poll again indicates that the DPP will defeat the split party in the wild party.In the past five months, Lai Qingde's support has risen steadily, but the layout has not taken off the basic disk, and there are floors and ceiling.Tuition fees, rent, and mortgage subsidies, the Tsai government also increased large coins, young people laughed, but the problem of low salary and high housing prices was not resolved.From the corruption of black gold to the egg storm, the cutting of Lai Qingde and the Cai government was unsuccessful; one interview in the United States, all the masses that "Taiwan independence can be thrown" are also revealed.However, the Democratic Progressive Party with a high degree of voting cohesion, encountered a fragile and split in the wild party, created Lai Qingde's leading momentum.

Ke Wenzhe, the most favored by young voters, has almost no change in election.Although his momentum with Hou Youyi showed a cross -sawing, he mainly relied on air combat and lack of organizational warfare and aid, making his polls more like the DPP's crackdown rhythm and Hou Youyi's election change.However, Ke Wenzhe's past municipal disputes have been reviewed one after another, and Hsinchu Mayor Gao Hongan's assistant Fei Litsu and municipal disputes are not cut by the public party's suspension.Ke Wenzhe's front door alert, he also had to prevent fire in the backyard.

Hou Youyi is the biggest change in election, but the polls found that the change of support is related to the Kuomintang supporters and political parties' neutral voters.The key to changing the election situation should be between April and May. Hou Youyi has not expressed his statement, Guo Taiming joined the battle situation, and the party's words were pulled, so that Hou Youyi, who was originally the first of polls, not only did not call for nominations to celebrate, but insteadStraight slip.After that, the voice of the party's change of Hou was disturbed, and Guo Taiming even destroyed Nuo's digging walls, which made Hou Youyi's reputation and weakness.

However, Hou Youyi cleaned up the old mountains and rivers from scratch, gradually stabilized and turned into an attack.The political opinion of the Pakistani table of the elderly over 80 years old, the suffering of the people, the people's needs, forced the Cai government to follow up.Originally, the outside world believed that Hou Youyi was only governed in local governance and lacked an international perspective. He did not expect that his visit to Japan to visit the United States was beyond expectations.San'an promised to make the Japanese feel at ease, and the three -D strategy was recognized by Americans, and they all added a lot.But Hou Youyi's efforts have obviously not completely changed the waiter's wait -and -see.

As for the four feet governors, there is no chance of winning in the wild.The polls also show that the integration of Guo Taiming's "me -in -law" is not correct; even if the election is the end, there are still only two results: one is marginalized and the other has become a historian.Guo Taiming should see the situation clearly and remove me.This is also his last chance to maintain the name.

What people are most concerned about at present are the trends and results of three -legged governor or four -legged governor.It is just that the world's three -pointers or four points will eventually dedicate to Qingde.In other words, even if the joint newspaper polls, 40 % of the voters want to remove the DPP, and other different polls have nearly half to 60 % of the voters who are looking forward to it, but as longAlso insisting on "I am the main", then the presidential election registration deadline, Lai Qingde can really lie down and wait for the job.

polls have confirmed that non -green integration has so far satisfied the people's demands of the DPP, and 40 % of voters have also revealed expectations for the integration in the wild.Candidates in the opposition party must work hard, of course, they must work hard; if the blue and white integration is successful, there will be more opportunities to reverse the victory.At present, "Hou Ke Bai" or "Ke Hou Bao", each shouted and competed for each other, but the polls will be ups and downs. The election is not the only one. The governance must be sustainable.The Kuomintang still has an advantage.As for how to stack cooperation from policies and ideas to systems, it tests the political wisdom of both parties.