Source: Hong Kong 01

01 Review Editor Room

A few days ago, a journalist was ruled by the crime of having a bad office and sentenced to five days in prison.Before, the Hong Kong Journalists Association pointed out that "the court's ruling once again confirmed the freedom of pressing in Hong Kong, and the guarantee in the law has been reduced to empty talk."

—— seems to have forgotten only three months ago, the Jianxian Association stated that the court welcomed the ruling of the register of the 721 license plate, and mentioned that the Court of Final Appeal affirmed the press freedom of the media workers involved in the case.

In the

In the off -office case, the defendant did not show the police card to the police officer in the opaque card.After considering the evidence and evidence shown by the two parties in the prosecution, the referee believed that the defendant deliberately obstructed police officers to intercept the identity card.On the contrary, the defendant has tried his best to cooperate with the police officer, and then explains the ruling as a blocking news interview, and is it in line with the facts?

Of course, the defendant may disagree with the decision and have the right to appeal.He had cooperated with the police at the time, or intentionally obstructed police officers to perform his duties, constituting the crime of having poor office, and different people may have different understanding.In fact, most of the litigation disputes will not be the word and no objection.After several years of noise and tearing, Hong Kong society should understand different opinions more maturely.

As a media, on the one hand, as the Court of Final Appeal is confirmed, sincere journalism is guaranteed by law, but on the other hand, the freedom of the press must not only be on the premise of abiding by the law, but also accompanied by a society that promotes progress and promotes harmony.responsibility.Even if there is a moment of benefit, even if it can have a momentum, deepening and tearing society will inevitably be harmful to news work.

In recent years, Trump's tear in the United States is the best example.When the social positions are first and enter the so -called post -truth era, the media work is finished.A survey by the Reuters Institute of Oxford University pointed out that more and more people around the world do not trust the media and do not read news reports. They would rather follow the social media of KOL and individual politicians to warm up in the same temperature.The United States would rather hire reporters to report the latest trends of the queen of music in the United States to try to maintain their operating capabilities.In such a social ecology and information world, the freedom of press will only be reduced to the slogan of empty.

Needless to doubt that the freedom of press should be guaranteed. Just as the government department has the responsibility of facilitating the media to obtain information, the Police Public Relations Section should also assist reporters to interview at the scene.UN Secretary -General Gutres also mentioned that this year's World Press Freedom Day also mentioned to ensure that reporters are engaged in news work.However, he also mentioned that false messages and hatred remarks tried to blur the facts and fiction, and stop spreading unrealistic information.This is another aspect of defending the freedom of the press, and it is also a problem that Hong Kong society must face up.

The Chief Executive Li Jiachao sent a media to the media at the National Day Wine Club to tell the good story of Hong Kong stories and report more positive energy.But the premise is that there must be a good story in Hong Kong.Today, with the serious housing problems, the lack of economic direction, labor and welfare issues, our responsibility is to seek truth from facts, criticism of the criticism, and the initiative.We attach importance to the freedom of news, not how many people can do all kinds of things and say all kinds of things without being blocked in the name of reporters. Instead, whether we can promote social progress and solve social problems, we can properly properly press the freedom of news.Used on the right thing.