Source: China News Network

"I do n’t know the moon in the hour, call the white jade plate." The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival in China. A round of bright moon, which entrusts people's infinite feelings.

Meng Lingfa, an associate professor of the School of Law and Sociology of Chongqing University of Technology, said that the Mid -Autumn Festival was an important chronograph in the pre -Qin era. It was shaped in the Tang Dynasty as a festival.Moon cakes are similar to the moon. The family enjoy moon cakes together in the Mid -Autumn Festival, so the moon cakes are also given "reunion".

In the long years, the Mid -Autumn Festival, which is based on the moon and worship of the moon, has continued to be rich in customs. Its core theme is the omen of the moon.Relatives of relatives and friends.

Why is the Mid -Autumn Festival called "Moving Autumn"?

Mid -Autumn Festival is also known as "Zhongqiu".

According to the Chinese astronomical calendar, in the middle of the lunar calendar in the middle of the autumn, in the second month of autumn, the ancients often sorted "Meng (Bo), Zhong, Uncle, and Season".August 15th is in the "Midsmidom", so it is called "Mid -Autumn Festival".

As a time label, its text records dates back to the pre -Qin era.For example, Zhou Li · Chunguan · Zong Bo contains: "The Mid -Autumn Festival night is welcomed by the cold, and it is also like it", and its heavenly official · Tinzai said, "Mid -Autumn Festival, Xianliang Qiu, Wang Naixing feathers."

It can be said that the "Mid -Autumn Festival" in the pre -Qin era has not yet formed a "festival", but the Zhou Li contained that the upper society has formed a relatively stable gift to give mutual gifts for each other, which laid certainly for the development of the Mid -Autumn Festival customs later.Base.

What are the meanings of the moon's customs?

"Sacrifice Moon", as a belief activity, originated from the natural worship of the ancients, such as toads, jade rabbits, laurel trees, Chang'e and other faithful symbols such as the corresponding imagination products.

Related historical records show that the more primitive "sacrifice moon" activity was set on the day of the "autumn equinox" of the branches.As a different time method, the autumn equinox is determined earlier than the popularity of the Mid -Autumn Festival.

As the tributary calendar is replaced by the summer calendar, and because of the two adjacent neighbors, the sacrifice moon is gradually integrated into the Mid -Autumn Festival activities.The ancients of the ancients were complicated and different in grade and regional differences, but their goals were nothing more than praying for blessing and thinking about the moon, expressing their expectations for family reunion and life.

How does the ancients sacrifice the moon?

In ancient times, the lunar worship ceremony was relatively simple.

Generally speaking, people set up incense cases on the courtyard on the Mid -Autumn Festival, the "Moon God" tablets on the Shang'an, and uses seasonal fruits and pastries as products, such as watermelon, apple, pomegranate, grapes, rhombus, etc.necessary.

The layout of the moon sacrifice is completed, and the main sacrifice is in place.After the sacrifice, the whole family of the whole family, the talked of the family, drinking the moon.

With the development of the times, the entertainment of the moon sacrifice has been greatly enhanced, and it has performed in the Song Dynasty.For example, Meng's old Tokyo Menghua recorded: "Before the Mid -Autumn Festival ... the people compete for the restaurant to play the month, Sheng Ge smelled thousands of miles away, and sat in a lot of fun." It was very lively.

The moon appreciation symbolizes the reunion of the family?

The moon viewing is a relatively core collective activity of the Mid -Autumn Festival. It is generally formed in the Wei and Jin dynasties and flourished in the Tang and Song dynasties.Legend has it that the customs of the moon appreciation are related to the myth of "Chang'e" and have the meaning of symbolizing the reunion of the family.

In fact, the moon appreciation is an extension of the "sacrifice of the moon".The Book of Rites · Sacrifice stipulates: "The palace, the day of the day; the night Ming, the moon also the moon.""

In addition to the customs of the moon appreciation, game behavior of investing in pots, drumming flowers, and poetry singing and poetry singing and poems also enrich the collective activities of the Mid -Autumn Festival. Now the Mid -Autumn Festival travel is also an important choice for adults.

Why drink osmanthus wine?

osmanthus wine has a very long history in China. From Qu Yuan Jiu Ge · Donghuang Taiyi's "Steamed Cooks and Steamed Lan Borrow, Lai Guijiu Beilly Pepper" can be known that people during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring StatesOsmanthus wine.

The custom of drinking osmanthus wine in the Mid -Autumn Festival originated from where and where is it? At present, there is no conclusion, but from the existing ancient poetry, it can be pushed in the Tang or before, such as Yan Zhenqing wrote: "Gui Jiu is sprinkled with poetry, orchid photos of Lanzhuang photosThe myth of "Wu Gang cuts" is also often used to explain the origin of osmanthus wine.

osmanthus itself is also a Chinese medicine, which is called the long -osmanthus long medicine. The osmanthus wine has a appetizer and awakening.Drinking osmanthus wine in the Mid -Autumn Festival, which not only has the effectiveness of strengthening the body, but also the meaning of praying to the moon god.

Ancient books described the brewing method of osmanthus wine.One is "osmanthus sparkling wine", which is about to be soaked in white wine; the other is "osmanthus wine wine", that is, the osmanthus flowers are mixed with the steamed glutinous rice and mixing the wine and other raw materials, and the cylinder is fermented.

What are the types of moon cakes?

Eating moon cakes is the most typical collective custom of the Mid -Autumn Festival.From the perspective of myths and legends, people are regarded as the origin of moon cakes that are used by the Jiangsu and Zhejiang area to sacrifice Wen Zhong when they worship Wen Zhong, but they are not supported by historical materials.

Wu Zimu in the Southern Song Dynasty was recorded in the 16th Middle School of Mengliang Records. At the same time, Zhou Mi also contained "moon cakes" in the six "steamed work" of the old things of Wulin. Therefore, the moon cakes appeared in the Song Dynasty.

Later, moon cakes gradually became a festival food and developed a variety of styles, such as Cantonese, Jin, Beijing, and Soviet.effect.

As the saying goes, "August in August is round, Mid -Autumn Festival moon cakes are sweet and sweet."The shape of the moon cake is similar to that of the Mid -Autumn Festival, and the whole family gathered together and appreciated the moon cake, so it was given the meaning of "reunion".

What are the meaning of these customs?

Moon appreciation and moon cakes are typical customs of the Mid -Autumn Festival. In addition, there are relatively unique folk activities in different regions and different ethnic groups, but the formation is not a one -way, but in the relatively long development process, it can be achieved.Collective inheritance.

Such as the popular Mid -Autumn Festival in the Chaoshan area; Ji'an, Jiangxi has straw cans with straw cans in the Mid -Autumn Festival, and vinegar to make aroma customs. Beijing has the custom of Mid -Autumn Festival in Beijing. Later, "Rabbit" gradually evolved into a specific season seasonkids toys.

In short, the festivals of the Mid -Autumn Festival include "prayer", "gratitude", "parenting", "competitive", "entertainment", etc., which are an important reference for people to investigate regional or national cultural personality.

Do you want to enjoy lanterns in the Mid -Autumn Festival?

In people's impression, the Lantern Festival will be appreciated by the Lantern Festival. In fact, in the Chinese festival in China, people usually call the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival and the Mid -Autumn Festival.Compared with the Lantern Festival, the "lights" elements of the Spring Festival and Mid -Autumn Festival are much less.

The records of the customs of the Mid -Autumn Festival "watching lanterns" customs were earlier in the old martial arts of Song Zhoumi's martial arts.Floating the water, rotten like stars, with full viewers. "

In conjunction with the literature and field surveys, we can see that in the various "lights" of the Mid -Autumn Festival, in addition to grapefruit lamps, there are pumpkin lamps, orange lights, etc., and "tower lights", hanging "grass lamps", playing "fruit", play "fruit fruit""Lights" and so on are intended to dispel evil spirits.

The production, use mode and meaning of these "lights" are completely different from the Lantern Festival.Most of them are temporarily produced with real fruits and architectural materials. To a large extent, they are to avoid evil and have a good harvest.