The Asian Summit closed in Indonesia earlier. In addition to the countries in the region, leaders of China, the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries also participated.It is worth noting that starting from the Ninth Indonesian Summit in 2003, most summits have chosen to be held from October to November.At the summit, the host of the host Indonesia in order to accommodate the U.S. President Biden's schedule, it will advance it to the beginning of this month to cooperate with the Biden sequel to India to attend the Gouton Group of the 20th Group.But Biden eventually was absent, indicating that Ya'an's importance to the United States was declining.

Although the White House denied, through a historical point of view, the overall strategy of the United States attaches great importance to the overall strategy of Asia.The establishment of Asian'an initially reflected the power projection of the Eastern and Western camps during the Cold War in Southeast Asia, and has quite strong ideological colors.Therefore, after the end of the Cold War, the United States attaches importance to the region rapidly and has been further marginalized in the early days of Clinton.This is also related to the end of the Cold War, and the United States has gradually moved to the economic field.

Since then, the terrorist attack was encountered. During the ruling of Bush, the United States further regarded counter -terrorism as the core of foreign strategy.At this time, the United States and the Asianan countries established a counter -terrorism alliance and gradually strengthened their partnership with countries in the region.In this context, a series of bilateral economic and trade agreements such as the United States -Asia Gyeongan Trade and Investment Framework Agreement have been signed.

The bilateral relations reach the apex during the period of Obama (2009 to 2016), which is related to the implementation of the US "return to Asia" strategy.In July 2009, the then US Secretary of State Hillary announced at the 16th Asia -Pacific Forum that he would "return to Southeast Asia" to balance the impact of other powers on the region.Since then, the bilateral relations between the United States and Asian have been continuously strengthened, and the two sides finally signed a joint statement of "strategic partnership" at the end of 2015.

In terms of economic cooperation, the United States' promotion and participation of the "Cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement" (TPP) also has also related to its emphasis on the economic existence in the region.At this time, although the United States has referred to China, it is more inclined to be achieved with a roundabout strategy. Therefore, he hopes to establish a larger circle of friends with the Asianan country to curb China's influence in Southeast Asia.

However, Trump, who was born in a businessman, advocated "the United States first" after governing, which directly lowered the high level of bilateral relations between the United States and Asia.He was unwilling to continue to invest more public products in the Asianan area, so he directly withdrawn from the TPP and repeatedly absent from the Asian Security Summit, showing that Trump lightly looked at the importance of the region.Even after Biden's governance, Yajian's importance as a whole has not been recovered.This aspect is related to the strategic shift of the United States. Foreign policy has turned to "direct" to curb China. Therefore, the Asianan country like Vietnam bordering China is more strategic.related.

Asia in the establishment of Ya'an since its establishment, it is a quite heterogeneous existence.The level of economic development of member states is extremely unbalanced. It has both highly developed economies and almost the most poor countries in the world.The same is true in the political system. Parliament's democracy, constitutional monarchy, military government, and socialist countries should be said to have everything.It is also diverse in culture, race and religion.This makes it difficult for Ya'an to form a consistent interest orientation and foreign policy.Therefore, in important issues such as treating the violence of Myanmar, the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, and the South China Sea dispute, the internal countries in Asia are often their own opinions.This provides conditions for its overall role in the great country, including the United States, and is more willing to choose to establish bilateral relations with a specific country.

The game between the Great Power and the Regional Organization is still the product of interaction and exchange of national power and real interests.Starting from the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union had their own advantages to make strategic politics, economy, military, and diplomatic exports to the Asianan country.The fierce competition has made both parties invest a lot about the area.On the one hand, this multi -party game promotes regional security, economic development and political stability; at the same time, it also causes different interests of regional countries and even political division.

Today, the bright fight between China and the United States involved Asia's Danian again.This time, China attaches a higher level of importance to the Asianan country. In addition to military cooperation, China ’s huge economic investment in the Asia Simpan country is also a multi -level cooperation mechanism for both parties.The negligence and contempt on the Asian safe policies are gradually losing the depth of the strategic impact.

From the perspective of the Yajian region, the internal and coordinated development should be added within the internal Assembly of Asia, so that the Asianan can obtain greater international discourse rights.Get the greatest benefit in international political, economic and diplomatic games.

The author is a literary and historical worker, religious researcher