The government launched a new total value of 1.1 billion yuan of living expenses yesterday to help local families responded to rising living expenses.This is the official response to society's universal anxiety and concerns about the society's universal anxiety and concerns after the price increase increased by 7%by 7%of the public vehicle charges and the starting price of the electricity bill in July.Huang Xuncai, the Vice Premier and Minister of Finance, emphasized at a press conference that the government will have the same difficulties as the people, spend difficulties together, and provide necessary help when they are in trouble.The world situation is still full of uncertainty, and the slowdown of global inflation is not as slow as expected, and prices will continue to promote rising prices.

Like public transportation costs, water costs and electricity bills are raised, which directly affects the cost of the public's daily life and the operating costs of SMEs; and because the price increase is not long, it can easily cause the diffusion effect. The impact on social psychology is relatively large.EssenceIt is expected that the hawker and coffee and tea that the average person patronize every day will inevitably rise the water and start the price.Although the official has repeatedly warned merchants to avoid taking the opportunity to take the price, the standards of improper or not are not easy to grasp.The 1.1 billion yuan supporting facilities include cash and neighborhood shopping vouchers. I believe how much can offset the impact of price increases.

The long -term pressure that may continue to rise in prices will inevitably form a shadow in the hearts of the people. Aid to support supporting may be urgent for a while. The way to draw salary at the bottom of the kettle must also be adhered to economic transformation and increase the income of Chinese people by increasing skills and productivity.In addition to being patient and confident, in this difficult process, it is necessary to restrain the impulse of illness, especially the temptation of anti -excessive intervention in the market's free operation.The natural response of the people and merchants is that they want more allowances.Officials' post -event aid instead of subsidizing the source, letting supply and demand truly reflect the price, is the long -term and sustainable correct approach.

All walks of life now facing the pressure of rising energy and labor costs, which is inevitable that the price that consumers must pay.If the official is for the short -term political interests in front of you, it will only create more medium -term consequences that are not easy to foresee.The most significant example is the increase of consumption tax.The increase in public expenditure brought by population aging can only be paid through tax increases or bonds.The lesson so far shows that it is precisely because the government has pursued financial discipline for a long time and refused to make a debt -raising finance that Yin Yin had eaten grain, and it was unchanged when a major crisis appeared and had the ability and confidence to deal with the century epidemic.

At the rational level, I believe most people understand these basic truths; facts have repeatedly proved the correctness of these principles.But after all, people are not the existence of innocence, and emotions are unreasonable instincts.In particular, the pain of the daily life is repeatedly stimulated by the rise in prices, and it will inevitably have a reaction to grievances.Therefore, the price increase has never been a simple economic issue, but a political issue involving how to comprehensively consider social response.The government has long been able to adhere to the correct approach and persuade the public to accept bitter medicine, relying on long -term mutual trust.Maintaining this precious political asset is particularly important in the painful environment brought by inflation at the moment.

Despite the estimation of dissatisfaction and grievances with society, it is necessary to hold a certain understanding and try to ease. If the mood is too high or is deliberately manipulated into populism, it must be resisted.This cannot depend on the government alone, and the Chinese people also have the obligation to avoid their emotions.Examples of living and living in various countries have repeatedly explained that once the basic mutual trust of society is destroyed, it is necessary to get half -effective, and even difficult to solve various public problems.1.1 billion yuan of living expenses supporting facilities in response to this round of price increases is a benign start. I hope that all parties will be the greatest goodwill to form a new benign circle.The impact of rising prices should not be completely eliminated in the short term, but as long as there is sufficient trust and confidence, we will be able to overcome challenges in the medium and long term.