"He is human, not God." This sentence came from the mouth of his daughter Li Weiling, saying that his father repeatedly said that he did not want to be worshiped.I borrow to further define Li Guangyao I think.Indeed, he is a human, so there is a vulnerability and a soft side. In his later years, he should still have a sense of loneliness. After all, he can stand at the same high knowledge with him, and has left the stage of politics or life.

Every day, review the article on the Lianhe Morning Post Edition, because it is the nature of discussion, it rarely makes me emotional, but last week, I sent Lee Kuan Yew to the heart of a Nigerian guest, read it, read it, and read it.I can't help myself, my eyes are wet.

The author Zhao Min said that he had customized the private parade for a family of Nigerian family not long ago. After taking them a few days after taking them, he had a deep talk with the male owner. From this, the guests were the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, and his life with his life blood.The created Singapore is full of admiration, and even lamented his country and nation. Hundreds of millions of people could not have a Li Guangyao -style character, so that the poverty and weakness were accumulated. Today, it is still corrupted and dirty.Compared with the achievements of Singapore, and the happy days of the Singaporeans, it is a day and one place.

The writing of the article is very special. The author mostly expresses his chest from the first person's perspective.But before the beginning, there was a short narrative. It was a picture of the guests who asked to go to the Old Congress Building one day before leaving.The author described this: "The guests stared at the seats that Li Guangyao had been sitting on the seat for a long time, and slowly stretched out his hand and smiled and said," Hello, Mr. Li!With tears. Then he slowly sat in a position with Li Guangyao's name, contemplating for a long time ... "

The Nigerian who "witnessed" the miracle in Singapore reminds me of one of the Delste drivers who met in Kuala Lumpur at the beginning of the month.

Line for eight hours, just bow for one bow

After knowing that I came from Singapore, the driver talked to me about Lee Kuan Yew, and also said with interest in a past arguing with a young couple with Singapore.Before Li Guangyao's death, the husband and wife were on his car, and the topic was Lee Kuan Yew, but said some disrespectful and unpleasant words (I won't read it here).He said he listened, and he was angry immediately, rebuked the pair of passengers who could not know how to be grateful!He also said that he was a police officer before. If he was still a policeman, he must catch the two.I thought, the uncle was really cute, and the speech was free. Where can I catch people like this.

But when I talk, I generally understand the origin of his protection of Li Guangyao.After the new horses parted ways, the development of both sides and a clear contrast between living standards.The difference between the Nigerians and him may be a far away in Africa, and one is watching next to us; and one should be intellectual or rich merchants, one is worried about the old who can not carry the guests, and there is no way to bring the whole family to the whole family.Kuala Lumpur driver who came to Singapore for several days.

By the way, make up a small background: The driver is not a Chinese, but a Malays.When the merger of the year, Li Guangyao opposed the privilege of the Malay people. It seems that the driver did not care about this history.

Indeed, although it has been more than eight years since his death, "Lee Kuan Yew" is still the most prominent brand in Singapore in the world, or always reminds him of his name, and then give up his thumbs up.Essence

As for in their own country, of course, there are political oppositions and disagreements that have always been in the people. After all, how can there be no enemy in politics after all?But love him, at least the people who are pleasing to him still accounted for the vast majority.Don't doubt this.

An example is that when he left that year, the public could go to many places to mourn.I chose Fanglin Park. Since the newspaper was more than one o'clock in the morning, when I arrived at the scene, it was two o'clock and three o'clock. I thought it would be alone.When you come, you don't sleep, just to make the last farewell and expression with him.At that moment, I kept it clearly in my memory.

Actually, I go in the middle of the night, just to avoid crowds, because it is too exaggerated during the day.From the photos taken by colleagues, outside the parliamentary building he stopped, the public continued to push from all directions. The shore of Renlong from the river to the opposite bank, and then went back to this bank. He could not find his tail at all!On the cover the next day, the title was "eight hours in line, only for a bow."

I used the convention at the end of the year and joined the Writing team in the Morning Post "One Year". I chose "Yao" in 10 shortlisted words and recorded this national burial and Singaporeans in an article.Collective grief."Yao" was eventually selected as annual Chinese characters, but it was definitely not that I had a wonderful pen, but that people really really thought of the founder of the country. They wanted to mark this 2015 with his name.

Go to ask Wang Xingxing!

I am engaged in news work, but I have never been a political line reporter. ThereforeListen to his speech and read his news.But once, by chance, he interviewed him.

In 1996, there was a dispute over the discount on the Li family's apartment.In the evening, I didn't know any situation. Suddenly, a 100,000 -fire task came and was assigned to the old Congress Building to interview Lee Kuan Yew.The reason I told me to go, I guess I am a financial reporter, and I know some real estate.In the large conference room, the atmosphere was dignified.Li Guangyao, who was sitting in me, Straits and Business Times reporters, was serious and cold, and he felt like such a "situation". He could imagine it.At the time, what he asked, what he answered, and forgotten, just remember a few questions, he said directly: Ask Wang Xingxing!

Why ask Wang Xingxing?After visiting Lee Kuan Yew, there was a press conference on "back". The three had to rush to the hotel's home headquarters immediately to visit the house of the house to visit the house.Yes, this real estate tycoon is not for the first time.

That's the only "interview" Li Guangyao in my reporter's career.I have witnessed a person who has changed the fate of several generations of Chinese people and has such a lofty status. In addition to the national affairs and world affairs, it is not easy to worry about investing in the family.In fact, when buying a house for discounts was common business operations, but because it was the Li family, it became a sense of observation and political issues, and it was necessary to enter the crisis treatment model.

"He is human, not God." This sentence came from the mouth of his daughter Li Weiling, saying that his father repeatedly said that he did not want to be worshiped.I borrow to further define Li Guangyao I think.Indeed, he is a human, so there is a vulnerability and a soft side. In his later years, he should still have a sense of loneliness. After all, he can stand at the same high knowledge with him, and has left the stage of politics or life.

Come again is the implementation of the policy. If you are a person, you will make mistakes, not to mention a person who has made so many decisions in his life.But this part is not the purpose of this article, and I don't allow me to discuss in depth.What I am thinking about is what should I think of some of his current people's scales and the incompatible ideas of the current mainstream thoughts.Like him, he said: "If the treasure passenger plane crashes, all 300 people (senior civil servants and political elites) all killed, Singapore would collapse." This is a naked eliteism, whether it should be or admit that this is a way to give up.Unpleasant but cold reality?Today, the quality of our education has risen, and the numbers can be changed to 600 or even 1,000, but it is still elite.

"Political incorrect" lonely man?

Li Guangyao has also felt anxious about increasingly more and more female college students who do not marry or live. It is a pity that the good IQ cannot be passed down. Therefore, it is persuaded to change their concepts and do not blindly marry.Even a higher woman gets married, the purpose is also utilitarian: pursue better next -generation genes.He also enrolled in the prestigious priority to the mothers of college students who raised the third child for a while.These kinds of eugenicsLearning thinking, as early as the bell -shaped curve publishing and proved the calendar, he was boldly publicly advocated.However, the major debate set off afterwards did not increase the fertility rate. Instead, the DAP lost a lot of votes in the 1984 election.

In terms of the strict standards of WoKE (Woke), Lee Kuan Yew must be a "racist".He said that if his daughter was going to marry a African black man, his response must be "Are you crazy?" This statement made him be criticized from time to time.The sixth chapter of race, language, and religion in Singapore's life, which depends on Singapore. He has a question that he must answer and go straight. Some views may also be regarded as "political incorrect."

At the time, the situation is that many issues and sophisticated politicians know that they can think (even what can be done), but they cannot be said.I don't know if this is good for rational speculation and the solution of the problem. Will this be the past? Everyone becomes a pseudo -gentleman and is unwilling to be a real villain?Like Lee Kuan Yew's dare to face sensitive issues, the sincere politicians have become lonely people, and then go to extinct, fortunately or unfortunate?

For Lee Kuan Yew, we never use the title of Father, which may be his instructions.But frankly, he is well deserved in my mind.

In the struggle of the route, he decided and was full of hardships, so that he was resentful.But a person's Qianqiu Gong has finally depends on the "finished product", that is, what he builds the country and what kind of life he lives.In the past 58 years, we have indeed been worse than others, and no one dares to bully. The transcript is overall.If the person standing on the opposite side, if you can't let it go, you will still care about the personal advancement and gains and losses in the historical process, and the pattern will be small.

Integrity, group houses, greening, military strength, reserve, per capita GDP and life span, as well as various evaluations that are not the first or the top ten ... Is it easy to be a proper superior life?Over the years, there are many countries who want to imitate it. There are two tricks, maybe it is possible, but it is difficult to cloning, but it is difficult.Because here, there are some spiritual cores worth playing. People can know that they are even why they can do it, but they may not be able to do it, so there is almost no second "Singapore" on the earth.

Super pragmatic never wants to talk about peace talks

In his later years, Li Guangyao must be eager to penetrate and summarize how to ensure some concepts of the country's long -term security and tell future generations.That's why there is a reason for the publication of this book.After all, "there is no hundred days of flowers", and the achievement of material is sometimes effective. Only experience, teachings, values, etc. can avoid the iron law that must be declining, and it is precious.

But it must be pointed out that it is also wrong to serve as ancestral training and collect it in order.In the future, the successor and deputy prime minister Huang Xuncai pointed out at a commemorative activity not long ago: On the one hand, we must be sure of these values, but we must continue to review and dare to correct the policy when necessary.

This is awake and pragmatic.In many places, as long as there is a great man and leaving great achievements, there are always so -called so -called certainism, and the thoughts of a certain and so on, and even when people are still starting to make God.But in recent years, we have never mentioned Li Guangyao's thoughts and Li Guangyao's thoughts, and no one has ordered everyone to study in class.

Perhaps this is the real marrow in Li Guangyao's ruling strategy, that is, in his mind, there is no dogma, frames, theory, and imagination, which means that there is no so -called doctrine.It just depends on whether it helps us to survive and succeed.

This is a hundred -year -old birthday. I think, only by understanding and continuing to practice this kind of unrealistism is the most sincere paying tribute to him;When the question of whether there is still ", there is a confidence to give a positive answer.

The author is the deputy editor -in -chief of United Zaobao