Ke Wenzhe and the people's party basically have the thinking of a startup, hoping to independently spell a large -scale company.The Kuomintang is an old company with a decline, hoping to defeat the Democratic Progressive Party in one fell swoop via other small companies.Guo Taiming was a person from outside the industry who entered the field and was rich in wealth.

The Taiwan election enters the stage of heat -heating. The three candidates in the field have the only candidate for the ruling party. Although polls show that there are more than half of the party's rotors, the DPP's hardcore supporters are more than 35%. Lai Qingde has one.People are exclusive; and the three votes that are about 60%of the candidates in the wild are of course Lai Qingde's leading lead.

According to the public opinion survey of the more authoritative Beauty Island Electronics News in September, it supports 37.3%of Lai Qingde, 2.8 percentage points less than August; 19.7%of the Kuomintang Hou Youyi, an increase of 4.1 percentage points from the previous month;Ke Wenzhe 16.9%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points from the previous month; 7.4%supported by the party -free Guo Taiming, a decrease of 4.6 percentage points from the previous month.The three monks in the wild were competing for food, but they lost Lai Qingde.Lai Qingde is now only Vice President, but the DPP government fully supports him. All the favorable policies he wants will be paid in the order, so he seems to be an abbot to fully control national resources.

The Democratic Progressive Party has the advantage of governing. To win coins to win, the government actively proposes various favorable policies. Other candidates have proposed any favorable policies. The government follows up immediately under Lai Qingde.Implement to lift voters.

In the past few months, the Cai Yingwen government has raised or newly launched subsidy allowances. The main: childcare policy will increase the nursery subsidy from next year, and send the public truncation to increase the contract monthly contract to increase the contract monthly contracts monthly contracts will increase each month.$ 50 (about S $ 68), and the quasi -public trunks increased by about 300 US dollars per month, and increased the subsidies for low -income households, low -income households, disadvantaged families, and second -child children.Reduction and exemption of private colleges and tuition, each person is about 1,200 US dollars per year; long -term photos, the government continues to increase the funding of various ministries, expand service bases, build a complete service system and payment payment system, set up a "one township, one accommodation long photo agency"And the "One School District One Rizhao Center", it has increased the subsidy for staying in the accommodation long -term photo agency to a maximum of $ 400 per person per year; social welfare policy, since 2024, low -income households' living subsidies, physical and mental disabilities, low -income elderly elderly peopleLife allowances, disadvantaged children and juvenile life assistance, national annuity and elderly annuity payment, elderly farmers' welfare allowances ranging from dozens of dollars per month.Others are exempt from health insurance premiums over 65 years old, which are not enough.

Candidates in the wild party did not promise the power to favors the policies alone, but instead, they had to fight against the three people, so that the DPP to collect the advantages of fishermen.In the wild party and Hou, Ke, and Guo, they all knew that they had to be integrated. However, they had their own wishes and had their own longing. Therefore, the three parties were shouting across the air, and the integration has no progress.

According to a number of polls, nearly 60 % of the public opinion hopes to change the party. Many people believe that the core ideas of Lai Qingde's Taiwan independence have not changed. If they are elected, the two sides of the strait may erupt.Peaceful situation.The Kuomintang and Guo Taiming both hoped to remove the Democratic Party, but Ke Wenzhe even reserved this. The views of each other's basic issues are different, and the integration does not know where to talk.

The biggest difference between the two parties and Guo Taiming is who is the deputy?The political strength of the Kuomintang is far above the people's party and Guo Taiming. The grassroots strength is particularly good, and they have become the boss in the wild.However, public opinion surveys show that the Kuomintang's political party recognition and Hou Youyi's support are comparable to the people's party and Ke Wenzhe, so they cannot integrate Ke Wenzhe in the dominant position in the wild.Ke Wenzhe is not low in polls, has strong discourse ability, has a lot of iron powder, and has to be a hen elected by the people's party legislators.

On the other hand, Hou Ke's candidate is not a personal problem. Even if he is willing to be a deputy or abandon, it will lead to the collapse of the legislator election of their respective political parties.At this stage, the integration of the two is difficult to integrate, and it is also difficult to integrate the domineering Guo Taiming, which is even more difficult.The political calculation of the opposition party is also different. The Kuomintang hopes to re -administration. The political goal of the people's party is that the results of the legislators elections are "only half of the three parties", and the people's party will get one -tenth of the seats, becoming a key minority.

The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun first proposed the non -Green camp alliance, and later proposed the "governing alliance". The concept is different from Ke Wenzhe's "joint government" to eliminate the DPP in terms of object selection.The "United Government" of the People's Party claims to be recommended by the largest political party, and then formed the United Government with the people's party, that is, it does not exclude the cooperation with the DPP.The Kuomintang believes that this will weaken the definition and momentum of the Blue (Kuomintang) Bai (People's Party), and it is also inconsistent with Ke Wenzhe's consistent logic of Green (DPP).Divide the stolen?

Cross -strait policies are a major obstacle to cooperation between two parties.Hou Youyi advocated the 92 consensus based on the Constitution of the Republic of China. Ke Wenzhe was unwilling to acknowledge the 1992 consensus, and repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly cleared the passage of "a family on both sides of the strait", and there was no specific policy in cross -strait relations.Whether the two sides of the strait "belong to the same one" is also the "cross -strait country" that Lai Qingde said, Ke Wenzhe is unwilling to say that this difference has become another major difficulty in the integration of the two parties.Guo Taiming further advocated negotiations on both sides of the strait and signed a peace agreement.

Ke Wenzhe advocates "United Cabinet", and does not rule out the cooperation with the DPP that opposes the 1992 Consensus after the selection, but blue and green are different from the standpoint of cross -strait relations.The identification of the route is very different. If Lan Bai does not give consensus on cross -strait policies first, it may make it easier for the blue camp voters to support Ke Wenzhe cooperate with Hou Youyi and even reduce their willingness to vote.The same is true of Ke's problems. Many Ke's supporters are Lai Qingde. They cannot support the Kuomintang's cross -strait policy. If Hou Kehe, some supporters of Ke may turn to Lai Qingde.

The Kuomintang's mind is obvious. It is to unite the Democratic Progressive Party in the wild forces. Before the election, it was formed in the field of the field.Ke Wenzhe and the people's party basically have the thinking of a startup enterprise, hoping to spell a large -scale company independently.The Kuomintang is an old company with a decline. He hopes to defeat the current prosperous competitors of the DPP.Guo Taiming was a person outside the industry who entered the field and was rich in wealth. He was clear that he was the boss. For this domineering young, his third child was insufficient, and he had a problem.

The three in the wild are like three monks who cannot cooperate with the shoulder. They have their own minds and pushes each other. They cannot cooperate with their heartfelt cooperation.Like the abbot of the temple, the ruling party has the power to formulate policies and the distribution of resources. While watching the tiger fighting from the other side, it is fortunate that they will feed all beings in time to win the favor of the people.

The author is the former chairman of the Central News Agency

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