At the New Da City Convention and Exhibition Center not long ago, in order to meet the requirements of an international conference, "neutral toilet" was set up during the meeting.This is the first place in the local area, causing a lot of response in the field.According to a reporter's interview, a "user" was very satisfied because he used to use men's toilets to feel uncomfortable, and he was afraid of being driven out when he entered the women's toilet.

Gender and sex (take) the problem has begun to attract attention, especially after the amendment of the 377A Act.

From a simple analysis, this is actually a very complicated problem.First of all, according to the physiological organs after human beings, in addition to obvious men or women, there are other situations: partial men or women or parties because of hormonal disorders.But from the perspective of sexual cognition, every gender human beings may "think" it is suitable for other gender.Then there can be 4 multiplication 4 equal situations.In addition, there are four spouses in each case, so at least 4 multiplied 16 equal to 64 possible combinations!This has not included other people who are fake, have a special orientation of the sidewalk because of the fashion trend.Therefore, it is a very complicated issue to be classified as Rainbow (LGBTQ+) or non -Rainbow.

As the saying goes, there is a cloud: One kind of rice raising hundreds of people is not particularly strange in theory, and it should be more easily accepted by logic.However, it is a very complex and highly evolving world and society. Human society and values are influenced and classified by various national habits, customs, religious beliefs, moral ethics, education, politics, and even economic development.It's not easy to concept.Just like the Chinese society, which was married to the Chinese society decades ago, it was difficult to accept it, and the feminist movement that has been promoted for almost 200 years is still arguing about the issues of equality between men and women and different payments of men and women; let alone ""Same -sex marriage" "adopt children of same -sex families" is the concept of overtime.

How should the Rainbow clan fight for social understanding and support?Do you want to put pressure on the society, the country, and the system through radical ways to quickly achieve the ultimate goal?This should be a wisdom problem that tests endurance and how to implement demands and goals.At present, the more prominent problems are the distribution of social welfare and interests, as well as controversy caused by discrimination, fair treatment, and ideology.If the blind ways to follow Singapore's national conditions are completely different from the national conditions, they will resort to the demonstration of violent parade, which will definitely impact the society and cause turbulence.A radical movement will also cause a rapid and strong rebound, and violence has caused more violence. In the end, no matter which side wins, it will be a social situation that is polarized and torn.

The theory of thermodynamics has a theory about the entropy (chaos) of the system: In an isolated system, any reversible movement will continuously increase the entropy of the system and confuse the system.If it is not controlled in time, the entropy will continue to increase, causing the system to be paralyzed and eventually perish.This theory can be applied in a small country like us.Regardless of the resources, Singapore is an isolated system that is "limited by multiple factors".Our important survival advantage is the harmonious unity of the nationals based on "race, speech, religion".On the basis of this, the government uses traditional families to consider the unit to allocate limited social resources and formulate various policies.If you do not consider the national and civilian conditions, blindly obey foreign radical methods to promote such agenda, you will definitely encounter a lot of resistance and rebound.In addition to the distribution of social welfare and resource benefits, there are religious beliefs, laws and even military defense and education.Small countries will be difficult to withstand this sudden change and pressure.

Singapore is still a more conservative society. It seems that the most acceptable and appropriate way is to slowly proceed from physics borrowing mirrors and "infiltration (or reverse penetration) effects".After the appropriate time and timing, just like the new water, it may be understood by the public to reach the demands of the Rainbow clan.When applying this presidential election, the candidate's frankness answers the conclusion on this question: Now that the time has not yet arrived, the social norms must be gradual, not too urgent, and the development speed will be determined by our offspring.

The author is an electronic engineer